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标题 追肥量对戈壁日光温室基质槽培番茄产量及品质的影响

    蒯佳琳 王晓巍 张玉鑫 马彦霞 康恩祥 张俊峰




    摘要:为明确戈壁日光温室基质槽培番茄施肥方案,研究了不同追肥量对基质槽培番茄生长、产量、品质的影响。结果表明, 综合考虑番茄产量和品质构成等因素,在玉米秸秆、牛粪、菇渣、炉渣按体积比2.5∶2∶2.5∶3配制的基质中,施N 490.5 kg/hm2、K2O 832.5 kg/hm2,即基质氮钾质量比为1∶1.7时,促进番茄生长、提高产量及改善果实品质的效果最好。


    中图分类号:S573? ? ? ? ? ?文献标志码:A? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号:1001-1463(2020)08-0036-04


    Abstract:East Gansu province is located in the northwest loess plateau hinterland, for typical rainfed agricultural region, winter wheat production occupies an important position in grain production in this area. Precipitation in East Gansu province is concentrated in Jul-Sept, and seasonal drought occurs frequently. The precipitation satisfaction rate of winter wheat during the maximum water demand period was only 29.31%. The overall temperature was warm of winter wheat growth, but the temperature changed dramatically from Dec. to Feb. and Apr. of the following year, under the condition that the growth period of winter wheat is advanced, frost damage is formed. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of cold and drought and the causes of winter wheat disaster in East Gansu province, according to the local climate and precipitation characteristics, puts forward the technical model of biological active drought-resistant and cold-resistant technology, that is, breeding new drought-resistant and cold-resistant winter wheat varieties and supporting drought-resistant and cold-resistant cultivation technology, so as to ensure the safety of regional winter wheat production.

    Key words:Characteristics of cold and dry agriculture;East Gansu;Winter wheat;Cultivation cold and dry resistance

    近年来,随着甘肃戈壁农业的发展,基质栽培番茄面积不断扩大,栽培面积和产量均居设施农业首位[1 - 2 ]。基质栽培番茄在整个生长周期仅靠基质本身的养分并不能满足需求,需要额外追肥,尤其是在结果期需补充适量的氮肥和钾肥。生产中普遍存在施肥过量和比例失调的问题,极易造成肥料浪费和环境污染,影响番茄的高产优质,因此合理营养供应对基质栽培番茄的优质高效生产尤为重要[3 - 5 ]。据黄绍文等[6 ]报道,酒泉肃州区戈壁日光温室基质栽培番茄单位产量 (1 000 kg) N、P2O5和K2O推荐用量平均分别为3.18、1.16、4.54 kg;柴喜荣等[7 ]提出最适宜番茄生长的氮、磷、钾施肥比例为1∶0.24∶1.45;赵常旭等[8 ]以控释肥替代尿素,在施N量减少40%的情况下,获得最高产量的同时,显著地改善了番茄品质;张小兰等[9 ]发现,在番茄栽培基质中添加氮钾比例为1∶1.5的控释尿素和控释氯化钾,可提高养分利用效率,增加产量。但不同地区基质配方不同,导致目前基质槽培番茄追肥量也不尽相同,因此因地制宜筛选适合作物生长的配方及养分管理水平至关重要。我们以戈壁日光温室基质槽培番茄为对象,研究了基质采用玉米秸秆、牛粪、菇渣、炉渣按体积比2.5∶2∶2.5∶3配制的条件下,大量元素氮、磷、钾配施对番茄产量及品质的影响,为戈壁日光温室基质栽培番茄优质高产高效施肥提供参考依据。

    1? ?材料与方法

    1.1? ?试验地概况

    试验于2018年8月至2019年6月在甘肃省高台县合黎镇新绿达戈壁農业示范园日光温室(西区2号温室)内进行,采用基质槽式栽培。供试温室为沙袋墙体钢架结构,跨度10 m、长度75 m。栽培槽为下挖式,槽内径55 cm,槽深30 cm,槽长8.5 m,走道宽0.75 m。槽内填充25 cm深的栽培基质。采用自配基质,配方为玉米秸秆、牛粪、菇渣、炉渣体积比为2.5∶2∶2.5∶3,基质材料均来源于当地。





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