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标题 不同包装材料对鲜切芹菜保鲜效果的影响

    钱井 满杰 郑丽静 晋彭辉 张松阳




    摘要? ? 本文以PE、PP、OPP、PA+PE、PA+2PE作为包装材料,将鲜切芹菜杀菌包装后,置于5 ℃下贮藏,探究不同包装材料对鲜切芹菜保鲜效果的影响。结果表明,在5 ℃贮藏条件下,PA+2PE包装材料能有效调节袋内空气成分,延缓芹菜呼吸消耗,菌落总数增长较慢,推迟芹菜黄化、腐烂现象的发生;与PP、OPP相比,PA+PE、PA+2PE、PE包装材料可以明显降低鲜切芹菜的失水率,各包装材料能有效延缓VC含量的下降;PP、OPP、PA+PE、PA+2PE 4种包装材料均优于PE包装材料。

    关键词? ? 鲜切芹菜;包装材料;保鲜效果

    中图分类号? ? S636.3;TS255.3? ? ? ? 文献标识码? ? A

    文章编号? ?1007-5739(2020)21-0224-04? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID)

    Effects? of? Different? Packaging? Materials? on? Preservation? of? Fresh-cut? Celery

    QIAN Jing? ? MAN Jie? ? ZHENG Lijing? ? JIN Penghui? ? ZHANG Songyang

    (Beijing Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Beijing 100029)

    Abstract? ? In this paper, took PE, PP, OPP, PA+PE and PA+2PE as packaging materials, fresh-cut celery was sterilized and packaged and stored at 5 ℃ to explore the effect of different packaging materials on the preservation of fresh-cut celery. The results showed that under 5 ℃ storage conditions, PA+2PE packaging material could effectively adjust the air composition in the bag, delay the respiration consumption of celery, the total number of colonies grew slowly, and postponed the yellowing and rot of celery; compared with PP and OPP, PA+PE, PA+2PE, PE packaging materials could significantly reduce the water loss rate of fresh-cut celery, each packaging material could effectively delay the decline of VC content; the packaging materials? of PP, OPP, PA+PE, PA+2PE were superior to PE packaging material.

    Keywords? ? fresh-cut celery; packaging material; preservation effect


    1? ? 材料与方法

    1.1? ? 材料与仪器

    1.1.1? ? 试验材料。选取新鲜、颜色鲜绿、无机械伤、大小均匀的芹菜为试验材料,采自北京绿富农果蔬产销合作社,采后当天送至市农业技术推广站实验室。

    1.1.2? ? 器材。顶空气体分析仪、分光光度计、纯水仪、分析天平、容量瓶、研钵或打碎机、漏斗、棕色容量瓶、定量滤纸、吸水纸、擦镜纸、 滴管、恒温水浴锅。





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