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标题 油菜Oleosin基因启动子的克隆、分析及瞬时表达

    王伟权 李树俊 朱欣琪 丘志慧 施力汛 张哲




    摘要 以甘藍型油菜幼苗为材料,根据油脂蛋白Oleosin(O20)基因的启动子序列设计引物,PCR扩增了长度为935 bp的片段,把该片段连接到pBI101载体,GUS瞬时染色结果表明,该片段可以驱动GUS基因在油菜幼苗根部特异性表达。油菜油脂蛋白是一个蛋白质家族,为进一步鉴别扩增到的935 bp油脂蛋白启动子,该研究利用油菜基因组信息进行序列对比,结果表明935 bp的启动子和Oleosin(O20)的启动子序列之间有较多的变异,但和油菜1号染色体上的序列完全一致;1号染色体上紧跟的编码框序列和油脂蛋白Oleosin(O20)的编码框序列也完全一致,但油脂蛋白Oleosin(O20)的基因组序列要比油菜1号染色体的基因组序列短。通过PLACE和PlantCARE软件对935 bp启动子进行了扫描预测,结果表明该启动子中含有许多顺式作用元件,尤其是脱落酸、茉莉酸甲酯和水杨酸这3个与激素有关的元件;将该研究扩增到的另一个928 bp长度的启动子与935 bp的启动子相比,前者启动子区域水杨酸顺式作用元件缺少了1个碱基,同时也缺失了1个碱基的片段,这些序列的变化可能是该启动子丧失活力的原因。

    关键词 启动子;油菜;瞬时表达;Oleosin

    中图分类号 S188文献标识码 A

    文章编号 0517-6611(2020)22-0115-05


    Cloning,Analysing and Transient Expressing Oleosin Gene Promoter in Brassica napus

    WANG Wei-quan,LI Shu-jun,ZHU Xin-qi et al (College of Agriculture and Biology,Zhongkai University of Agricultural and Engineering,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510225)

    Abstract According to the young seedlings of Brassica napus as materials,Oleosin promoters designed by the oil protein Oleosin (O20) sequence with length of 935 bp and 928 bp were amplified by PCR.GUS staining showed that 935 bp lipid protein Oleosin promoter can drive the specific expression of GUS gene in B.napus seedlings root.Comparing 935 bp with Oleosin (O20) promoter sequences,we found that there is a lot of variation between them.Because B.napus oil protein is a protein family,when utilizing B.napus genome sequencing information to be compared to confirm the oil protein promoter,we found that the promoter sequence amplified with length of 935 bp and the sequence of B.napus chromosome 1 were completely consistent.Then comparing coding sequences predicted behind chromosome 1,we found that the coding sequences behind the 1 chromosome is exactly the same with that of the Oleosin(O20) oil protein.While there are differences in their genome sequence,the 935 bp promoter sequence on chromosome 1 is much larger than that of the Oleosin (O20).There is no comparison of their genome sequence in this paper.Studying thoroughly the promoter amplified of 935 bp through the PLACE and the PlantCARE website,we have found many cis-acting elements.Three components related to abscisic acid,methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid are notable.Because we also amplified a promoter with length of 928 bp,the promoter can not drive the expression of the GUS gene.Analysing and comparing the sequence of 935 bp and 928 bp,we found that a base lacked in the promoter TCA motif of 928 bp.The loss of these sequential changes may cause the loss of the vitality of the promoter.

    In summary,we have successfully obtained a tissue specific promoter of B.napus that can be used for scientific research and production.

    Key words? Promoter;Brassica napus;Transient expression;Oleosin

    作者简介 王伟权(1968—),男,江苏宜兴人,副教授,博士,从事分子生物学研究。


    收稿日期 2019-09-26;修回日期 2020-04-13



    瞬时表达(transient expression)是一种快速地研究不同启动子在特定基因表达、蛋白质亚细胞定位及基因互作的一种重要手段,对比传统转基因技术中的转化周期长、效率低及不稳定性,其外源DNA不需要整合到宿主细胞染色体上,因此转化更容易、更快速,转化效率更高。植物细胞几天内可进行多个基因的表达及高效传递[11],尤其是合成生物学的发展使瞬时表达有了更大的应用前景。


    1 材料与方法

    1.1 菌株和载体

    大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)菌株为 DH5α;根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)菌株为 LBA4404,抗性标记为利福平 (Rif r)和卡那霉素 (kan);植物表达载体为 pBI101,抗性标记为卡那霉素 (kan)。

    1.2 试剂

    限制性内切酶、T4 DNA 连接酶、PMD-T Easy Vector及DNA 凝胶回收试剂盒等购自TaKaRa公司。抗生素为 Sigma 产品,其他生化试剂为国产分析纯。

    1.3 油菜总DNA的提取 以甘蓝型油菜幼苗为材料,用CTAB法提取油菜总DNA。

    1.4 Oleosin启动子的扩增与相关载体的构建

    1.4.1 Oleosin启动子的扩增。引物设计根据O20(GenBank: M63985.2)Oleosin启动子核苷酸序列,其中上游引物:5′-GATAAAGCAATCACCTGG-3′,下游引物:5′-TTTGCTTCTTGTGAATTGAG-3′。以油菜总DNA 为模板,通过PCR扩增得到Oleosin启动子,送上海英骏生物技术有限公司测序。

    1.4.2 重组表达载体的构建。将测序正确的菌体扩大培养,按《分子克隆实验指南》用碱裂解法提取质粒。用Hind Ⅲ与BamH Ⅰ 酶切Oleosin启动子和PBI101质粒,于1.0%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,凝胶回收试剂盒分别回收Oleosin启动子片段和PBI101载体片段。用T4连接酶连接两片段,构建重组表达载体。

    1.5 重组质粒的筛选和转化

    将构建好的载体用热激法转化农杆菌,并将转化产物涂布于含50 mg/L卡那霉素(kan)和25 mg/L利福平(Rifr)的LB培养基平板,28 ℃培养48 h。挑取阳性克隆并扩大培养36 h备用。

    1.6 农杆菌介导油菜愈伤组织的转化

    用菌悬浮培养基(MS+6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L+100 μmol/L乙酰丁香酮)28 ℃振荡培养农杆菌,至最终浓度为OD600=0.6 ,备用。将已培养好的带有愈伤的80棵油菜幼苗随机分为2组,一组幼苗设为对照,另一组幼苗浸泡在农杆菌菌液中10 min。将幼苗转移至共培养基(MS+6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L+100 μmol/L乙酰丁香酮)中,暗培养3 d。

    1.7 GUS染色与瞬时表达

    将油菜幼苗转移至固定液(50 mmol/L PBS+1%甲醛+0.5% Triton-100)中固定45 min,用蒸馏水洗涤3次。然后油菜幼苗被转移至染色液[100 mmol/L PBS+0.5% Triton-100+X-Gluc+1 mmol/L K3Fe(CN)6+1 mmol/L K4Fe(CN)6]中,37 ℃过夜。用70%乙醇进行脱色,观察油菜幼苗染色情况,同时拍照记录。


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