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标题 基于SketchUp模型的武夷山区优势树种建模

    冯婉玲 陈水飞 何立恒 吴迪

    摘 要:为了研究如何绘制虚拟环境中的真实植被模型,利用SketchUp进行树木的三维建模,以实验区10个优势树种为例,先精确绘制单株植物,再分块建立成片植被景观模型,以不同视图展出,最后进行建模结果分析,得到植被树种组成分布格局。从建立的模型图来看,实验区的中小型树种较多,大型树木较少,推断实验区新生树木多,植物生长势头较好;整体来看,米槠和甜槠占有绝对优势。本文采用SketchUp模拟出单个树木的形态,并考虑环境因素设置树木形态参数,较好地模拟树木,使树木形象化、信息化和简单化。分块进行树木的建模,不仅简化建模过程、易于完善模型和集成模型,还使电脑运行负担降低,加快软件运行速度。最后拼合成整体,较好地实现了林分可视化,为林业科学研究提供参考。


    中图分类号:S758 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8023(2019)01—0022-07

    Abstract: In order to study how to draw real vegetation model in virtual environment, this paper used SketchUp for three-dimensional modeling of trees, taking ten dominant tree species in experimental area for example. Individual plant was drawn accurately, and then a piece of vegetation landscape model in blocks was established, which was displayed in different views. Finally, the distribution pattern of vegetation tree species was obtained by analyzing the modeling results. According to the model diagram, there were more small and medium-sized tree species and fewer large trees in the experimental area. It was concluded that there were more new trees and better plant growth momentum in the experimental area. Overall, Castanopsis carlesii and Castanopsis eyrei occupied the habitat first. In this paper, SketchUp was used to simulate the shape of an individual tree, and environmental factors were taken into account to set the shape parameters of trees, which can better simulate trees and make them visualized, informative and simplified. Building trees in blocks not only simplified the modeling process, but also improved the model and integration model, reduced the running burden of the computer and sped up the software operation. Finally, the whole forest was integrated to achieve the standing forest visualization. The tree model constructed in this paper provided a reference for forestry scientific research.

    Keywords: Tree model; SketchUp; blocking modeling; view display

    0 引言


    目前,主流的三维树木建模方法主要有3种:基于规则、基于图像和基于三维测量数据 [3-4]。各建模方法的对比见表1。基于规则方法强调植物拓扑结构的表示,具有结构化程度高、易于实现等优点。但此方法产生的树种生硬单一,树木形态不容易控制。基于图像方法使用了源于现实的植物图像照片,成本低廉、真实感强,但难以获取完整的植物信息。本文的树木建模是基于测量数据方法[5],此方法忠实于植物的三維形态特征,能以较强的真实感重现自然界中存在的植物。本文实验区在武夷山,利用实验区植物数据,在SketchUp中建模[6-7],精确建立树木模型后以视图展出,为武夷山景区的开发以及珍稀植物的保护提供基础三维可视化平台。

    1 研究方法

    1.1 研究区概况


    1 000 m左右。整个武夷山脉成东北-西南走向。调查区基准点地理坐标为117°50′40.525″E,27°53′1.876″N,总体上北高南低,坡度10° ~ 50°。调查区内森林生态系统完整,地带性物种成分占绝对优势,种群天然更新状况良好。调查区优势树种为:赤楠、福建含笑、港柯、罗浮栲、毛锥、米槠、格药柃、矩叶鼠刺、少叶黄杞和甜槠[20]。在调查区内随机选取36个连续的5 m×5 m的正方形小地块为实验区。

    3 结论与展望

    3.1 结论







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