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标题 精简预设内容 助力学生生成
范文 邹艳
其一,课堂预设过繁过碎。教学环节步步为营,每一步看似环环相扣,其实是拉着学生往教师的思路上钻, 学生思维主动发展的空间极其有限。
基于对以上三大问题的思考,笔者以“运用简洁方式,回归本真课堂;立足教材研读,夯实读写基础;精简预设内容,助力学生生成” 为理念,对人教版小学英语四年级上册第三单元Part B的读写板块进行了设计。
本课时的教学内容为PEP English Book 3, Unit3, Part B, Read and write,话题为 My classmates。笔者设定本课时教学目标如下:
1. To help the students to improve their skills of reading and writing.
a. picture & passage reading skill which focuses on information gathering(e.g., the text on P29)
b. passage reading skill which focuses on the expression of the key points
c. vocabulary writing skill(e.g., short, tall, thin, bag, white shoes, glasses, long hair, short hair)
d. passage writing skill, students are able to write about their classmates(gap-fill, top students
free write)
2. To encourage the students to care about people around them and have the willingness to be attentive to others.
3. To guide the students to enjoy the classroom life and activities (e.g., English communication, “Guess Who”)
本课时的教学环节分三个部分,即三个分话题:Helen and her new students,Kates classmates和My Classmates。主要步骤如下:
Part 1: Helen and her new students
Write some words about Helen and the students then elicit responses.(e.g., short, tall, black, glasses, Daisy is tall and thin. Tim has a blue bag.)
Part 2: Kates classmates (text learning)
1. Observe the picture
Have the students observe the picture of Kates classroom: Kate has her dear classmates, too. Look! How many students are there? Look at this girl. Does she have long hair or short hair? Is she friendly? Look at that boy. What colour is his bag? Is he tall or short? What does he say? Look at that girl. What does she say? What colour are the girls shoes? Do you know their names?
2. Read the text and pictures
a. Let the students open the book and find the names of the students in the picture.
b. Present the first line of the text. Ask the students to read it. Circle the key words with them. Get the answer.
c. Let the students finish the rest by themselves. Ask them to circle the key words while reading. Check the answers.
3. Read aloud
Teach the students the correct way to read the text. Remind them to pay extra attention to the key words and phrases.
Part 3: My Classmates
1. Model description:
Have the students write about one of the models on a note. The teacher will show an example on the blackboard first.
2. Guess who
a. Have the students write about one of their classmates on a note.
b. The students read the note. The others guess who it is.
c. Put the students notes on the notice board. Encourage them to guess after class.
在确定本课时教学话题时,并未以单元总话题“My friend(我的朋友)”为本课的中心话题,主要是为了避免“朋友”的概念被滥用和误读。根据教材文本内容,确定以“My classmates(我的同学)”为主要话题,从而丰富主题含量、充实话题内容,使学生有准确而真实的意义可以表达。
在整个课堂教学过程中,教师没有预设过于烦琐的环节,而是通过三个分话题对教学目标进行递进式推进,即:Helen and her new students,Kates classmates和My Classmates。
如在Helen and her new students这个开场环节中,以课堂现场中的师生为话题内容,在教学磁卡上现场书写short,long hair, black, glasses等词条,让学生思考这些词条与教师的关系,既训练了学生思维的逻辑性,又直观地体现了读取信息的意义,还巧妙地向学生示范了书写的过程。有了这样的现场过程性示范与铺垫,接下来学生书写关键词介绍同学的环节进行得十分顺利有效。
在Kates Classmates环节中,只出示了课本主题图与主要文本内容的PPT,也未有过多资源与课件的堆砌。先出示教材上的主题图,让学生通过观察画面来了解图画内容,共同谈论情境,逐步获得更全面的信息,这对于激活学生思维、训练其语言表达具有重要意义。
在My Classmates环节中,邀请了四名学生担任模特儿,让其他学生写出描述性的关键词句并互相交流,使读写训练自然地融合在“文字素描”的活动中,同时使学生思维的逻辑性与创新性得到发挥与练习。担任模特儿的学生了解了同学心目中的自己,个体形象现场生成,真实有爱。
通过对教材的研读发现,教材编写者对教材主文本以及读后活动的设计合理并且符合学生的认知规律。从主文本Read and match部分到读后练习Look, choose and write以及第三部分Write about one of your classmates,分别体现了从阅读到指定式填词成句再到开放式文本构成三个能力层次的递进,而课本又是学生开展课内学习以及课外复习的重要学材,因此在教学环节设计中教师充分体现了教材的设计意图,在环节与内容上并未做过多的增删与改动,而是按照课本设定,逐一推进。
在讨论Kates classmates环节中,教师先引领学生读图,图中略去了学生的姓名。在看图讨论后,用问题引发学生对图中主人公姓名的思考,启发他们打开课本通过阅读提取课本主题图中的信息,把人物与姓名一一对应,实现课件与书本的自然衔接,有效地发挥了课本的作用,培养了学生良好的读书习惯。
(浙江省宁波市海曙区教育局教研室 315000)




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