标题 | 自创绘本,开启学生“悦读”之门 |
范文 | 苏怡超 【教材解讀】 本次授课内容为人教版四年级上册Unit 3 Part B Read and write,所在单元的主题是My Friends。本节课是一节读写课,分为读、写两部分。读,即要求学生能阅读书本上的句子,与图中人物进行匹配,并能用正确的语音语调朗读句子,理解其意义。写,即对句子中有意义的单词进行抄写,以培养学生正确书写的习惯。四年级学生已有一年的英语学习基础,学习英语的主动性较高,课堂表现也较活跃。但由于他们是初步接触语篇学习,阅读能力还十分匮乏,教师因此仍需对他们进行恰当的引导,初步培养他们的阅读能力。 为培养四年级学生良好的阅读习惯和语言运用能力,结合学生年龄特点,本节课教师在巩固环节采用自编的绘本Jakes Friend & Janes Friend来巩固本单元的语言学习。同时借助绘本帮助四年级学生丰富friends的内涵,拓宽friends的外延,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。【教材分析】 Read and write分为读、写两部分:第一部分要求学生阅读四组句子,与图中人物进行匹配;第二部分则是对有意义的单词进行抄写。四线格中的句子均为对话及阅读中强化学习过的核心句型。教材要求学生能按意群和正确的语音语调朗读句子,并能在有意义的语境中抄写本单元的话题词汇,最后将句子补充完成。本次采用的绘本Jakes Friend & Janes Friend是根据孩子的年龄特点以及本单元的重点句型创编而成的。绘本内容主要为描述自己的朋友,与本单元主题贴切。绘本中反复出现“He / She is ... ”“He / She has ... ”句型,与本单元的重点句型相吻合。同时,该句型的频繁使用能够加深学生对这一句型的理解。【教学设计说明】 本次教学将PEP教材与绘本相结合,教学主要分为以下两个部分。 PEP教材: 1.导入环节利用人物的自我介绍和介绍朋友,由旧知转向新知,激发学生的学习兴趣。 2.通过读、写教学,让学生能按意群和正确的语音语调朗读句子,并能在有意义的语境中抄写本单元的话题词汇,而后将句子补充完整。 绘本教学: 1.通过绘本引入,让学生自己去读一读,了解人物个性特点;通过操练,帮助学生进一步掌握句型。 2.通过绘本阅读帮助四年级学生丰富friends的内涵,拓宽friends的外延,激发学生的学习兴趣。【教学目标】 1. 知识目标: (1)能够通过阅读获取所需信息,将句子和图中的人物进行正确匹配。 (2)能在有意义的语境中选取相应的词汇将句子补充完整,并进行正确规范的书写。 (3)能够读懂绘本,获得基本信息,并根据重点句型进行人物描述。 2. 能力目标:能综合运用本单元的目标语言来描述人物。 3. 情感目标:培养学生乐于与人交往的性格,帮助四年级学生丰富friends的内涵,拓宽friends的外延。 4. 学习策略:积极运用所学语言进行表达与交流,加强合作,共同完成学习任务。【教学重点难点】 1.能够读懂核心词句,掌握关键信息,完成相关阅读任务。 2.能正确、规范地书写核心词汇,感知He is...and...和He has...等句式中词序排列的特点。【教学步骤】 Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Introduce yourself or your friend. 3. Listen and review. (1)Listen and find. T: There are 3 girls / boys. I want you to be a detective, just like Kenan. Listen to the tape and find out who is Lucy/Jack? Ss: ... T: How do you know? S1: She is short and thin. She has red shoes. S2: He is tall and thin. He has a blue hat. (2)Read the dialogues. Choose one picture and make similar dialogues with your partner. (设计意图:首先,通过自我介绍对旧知进行运用,同时教师可根据学生介绍,通过追问的方式与学生进行交流,达到语言运用的目的。其次,通过听说练习复习Lets talk部分的旧知,两个语段由易到难呈现。教师在教学听力过程中要求学生获取关键信息,得出结论,锻炼学生的逻辑思维能力,也为今天的读写课做铺垫。最后,选择一幅图片进行同桌对话,对语言点进行巩固复习。) Presentation 1. Read the names correctly. T: Now look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Ss: I can see... T: Oh, this is a classroom. Its big and clean. In the classroom, how many students can you see? S1: 4. 2 boys and 2 girls. T: What are their names? Please open your English books, turn to page 29, read the picture and find their names. You can read it by yourselves. Ss: James / Kate / Ben / Ann. (设计意图:教师要善用教材中的图片信息,让学生学会观察图片,简单回忆第一单元的旧知。学生不仅能根据单词发音规律读名字,还能在反馈过程中发现发音规律。在此基础上教师让学生进行多次练习,读准名字。) 2. Read and match. (1)Read and match. T: Look at this sentence, who can read it? S1:He has short hair. He has a big green bag. T: What is his name? S2: His name is James. T: Why is James?Why not Ben? Ben has short hair, too. S3: He has a big green bag. T: Yes, James has a big green bag. Another 3 sentences for you. Read and match. When you do it, you should underline the key words. Ss:... Check the answers. Students should read the sentences, match their names and find the key words. (2)Listen to the tape and imitate. (设计意图:学生能够通过阅读获取所需信息,将句子和图中人物进行正确匹配。该环节旨在培养学生寻找关键信息的能力,结束后学生仍须多听录音,进行语音语调的模仿跟读练习。) 3. Look, choose and write. (1)Look and say. T: Look at these two men. Could you say something about this man? Is he short and fat? (Does he have white shoes / short hair / ...?) S1: He is tall and thin. S2: He has short hair. S3: He has black shoes. ... (2)Look, choose and write. T:Look at the words bank. What can I choose?(tall \ thin \ short hair) Look at this sentence, who can fill in the sentence? S1: He is tall and thin. T: Can I write “ He has short hair” ? Ss: No. T: We say “ He is short hair” . Teacher writes the words on the blackboard. T: Now its your turn. Look at the picture, finish the sentences. Check the answer. (設计意图:学生能在有意义的语境中选取相应词汇将句子补充完整,并进行正确规范的书写。教学过程分两步走,先确定与人物相关联的单词,继而呈现句子,判断是否所有相关联的单词都能使用。这时要突出难点,区分“is”和“has”。) Consolidation 1. Who is Jakes / Janes friend? T: Look at the cover. Look at the girl / boy, whats her / his name? S1: Her name is Jane./ His name is Jake. T: Can you read the title? S2: Janes Friend./ Jakes Friend. T: Who got this book?Show me, please. OK,Girls, read the book and find who is Janes friend? Boys, you got this book. Look at me, read this book like this, from left to right, and find who is Jakes friend. Now lets enjoy your books and find out who is Jakes friend and who is Janes friend. Ss :... T: Have you got the answer? Now you can exchange your book and read it again. Ss: ... T: Have you finished it? Who can tell me who is Jane s friend? Who is Jake s friend? S1: Jakes friend is his DAD. S2: Janes friend is her MUM. (设计意图:该绘本的特色之一在于一书两读,从前往后读是Janes Friend的信息。从后往前读是Jakes Friend的信息。男生和女生拿到的是不一样的书,因此教师从刚开始就让学生看封面的不同,让学生了解自己拿到的书以及了解如何阅读这本书。) 2. Talk about Dad and Mum. T: Look, there are some words and phrases. Could you choose and say something about Dad and Mum. You can discuss with your partner. S1: He is tall and strong. S2: He is smart and cool. S3: She is short and thin. S4: She is beautiful and friendly. ... (设计意图:运用本节课的重点句型He / She is... 和He / She has...进行人物描述,滚动句型,加深记忆。该部分不作新词要求,对于lipstick和high-heeled shoes由教师帮助完成。) 3. Are they friends? T: Janes friend is her Mum. Jakes friend is his Dad. How about Jake and Jane, are they friends? Ss: Yes / No. T: Now lets find the answer. You can put the books together, turn back. Look, are they friends? Ss: Yes. T: Oh, They are not only friends, but also a family. Now you can put them together, and have a look. 4. Enjoy the picture book. T: Do you like the picture book? Now lets listen and enjoy the picture book. (设计意图:发现绘本的妙趣,让学生动动手,拼一拼、读一读,借助绘本帮助四年级学生丰富friends的内涵,拓宽friends的外延,体会家庭成员间的亲情、友情,培养学生乐于与人交往的性格。) Homework 1. Finish the “Friend Card” on page 29, then introduce your friend to your parents. 2. Read the picture book with your friends.【板书设计】 Unit 3 My Friends Read and write He is tall and thin. He has short hair. He has a red bag. She has long hair. smart and cool][short curly hair big glasses][short and thin beautiful and friendly ][lipstick high-heeled shoes]【教学反思】 1.教材与原创绘本的融合。四年级学生已初步具有阅读能力,PEP教材四年级上册Unit 3 My Friends读写课教材中的内容对于学生来说难度较低,且容量较少。因此笔者将教材教学与绘本教学相融合,借助绘本来达到读写效果,使读写课更具深度和广度,同时激发学生的学习兴趣和学习积极性。为了使绘本既和教材主题相符,又有本单元的核心词句,笔者自创绘本Jakes Friend & Janes Friend。而在教学中,笔者围绕单元主题My Friends, 用原创绘本进行教学,传递了一种课程观,也体现了“用教材教而不是教教材”的理念,使得小学低段的读写课变得生动有趣。 2. 借助绘本进行情感渗透。《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》指出,学生情感态度的培养应渗透到学科教育和教学之中。该原创绘本帮助学生丰富了friends的内涵,拓宽了friends的外延,对激发学生兴趣及学习动机具有重要意义。而将两本绘本合在一起拼组成一个大家庭的设计温馨并富有教育意义,有助于进一步升华教学主题,引导学生发现友情和亲情的真谛。 3. 有效激发学生的学习兴趣。教师在课堂中拿出绘本时,学生迫不及待地想要翻阅。当发现手中的绘本与同桌的不一样时,他们便想一探究竟。学生被绘本精美的画面所吸引,同时也好奇这本“书”是如何做成的,课后纷纷表示自己也想要尝试创编绘本故事。由此可见,在教学中适时地融入绘本教学能更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,调动其学习英语的主动性,并在阅读中培养其阅读理解能力。 (浙江省杭州市文渊小学 310015) |
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