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标题 植酸和茶多酚复合抗氧化剂对辐照卤制鸡翅品质的影响

    龙明秀 刘敏 田竹希 何扬波 石彬 梁倩 李咏富




    摘 要:为减缓辐照卤制鸡翅氧化变质,延长其贮藏期,探讨天然抗氧化剂对提高辐照卤制鸡翅4 ℃条件下贮藏过程中氧化稳定性的作用效果与机制。对比7 种抗氧化剂对·OH和1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl,DPPH)自由基的清除率,分析不同植酸和茶多酚复配比例的协同处理效果。结果表明:植酸对·OH表现出较强的清除作用,当达最高质量浓度0.06 g/100 mL时,清除率达63%;茶多酚对DPPH自由基清除作用较强,在最高质量浓度0.06 g/100 mL时,清除率达94%;植酸和茶多酚按1∶1比例(0.01 g/100 mL植酸+0.01 g/100 mL茶多酚)复配时,样品pH值、过氧化值、酸价和硫代巴比妥酸值变化最小,协同抗氧化效果最佳,且样品的感官品质和色泽保持较好;采用电子鼻对卤制鸡翅的总体气味进行检测可知,不添加天然抗氧化剂且无辐照处理组与植酸和茶多酚配比1∶1处理组的差异较大,其结果与理化指标测定结果相一致,说明最佳抗氧化组合为0.01 g/100 mL植酸和0.01 g/100 mL茶多酚配比1∶1,其能较好地保持辐照卤制鸡翅的品质和风味。


    中图分类号:TS251.6? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-8123(2019)02-0064-08

    Abstract: In order to alleviate the oxidative deterioration and prolong the storage period of irradiated marinated chicken wings, we investigated the effect and underlying mechanism of natural antioxidants in improving the oxidative stability of irradiated marinated chicken wings stored at 4 ℃. Seven antioxidants were evaluated for their effect on scavenging of hydroxyl and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals. The synergism between phytic acid and tea polyphenols at different ratios was evaluated. The results showed that phytic acid exhibited potent hydroxyl radical scavenging activity with a percentage scavenging of 63% at 0.06 g/100 mL while tea polyphenols had powerful DPPH radical scavenging activity with a percentage scavenging of 94% at 0.06 g/100 mL. The best synergistic antioxidant effect was observed with a 1:1 mixture of phytic acid and tea polyphenols (0.01 g/100 mL each), and minimal changes in pH value, peroxide value (POV), acid value (AV) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value of chicken wings were observed with this mixture; the sample maintained good sensory quality and color. There was a significant difference in odor profile as assessed by electronic nose as well as physicochemical properties between the unirradiated control without natural antioxidant and irradiation plus addition of the antioxidant mixture, suggesting this antioxidant mixture was optimal for quality and flavor maintenance of irradiated marinated chicken wings.

    卤制鸡翅的肉质鲜嫩、富有弹性、咀嚼感强,含有丰富的蛋白质,具有独特的风味品质和口感,深受消费者喜爱和追捧,是最受消费者喜爱的卤肉制品之一[1]。卤制鸡翅是经预煮、浸泡、卤制等工艺使鸡翅中心温度达75~85 ℃,并在贮藏、运输及销售过程中保持0~4 ℃低温条件的一种低温肉制品[2]。由于卤肉制品熟化与杀菌温度较低,易残留微生物,加之蛋白质等营养成分充足、水分含量高,腐败微生物易大量繁殖,导致产品腐败变质[3],要提高产品的保藏性能,则还需要在包装后进行二次杀菌。高温杀菌是常用的杀菌手段,但高温杀菌对卤肉制品的营养价值、感官品质等影响较大,故人们在不断探寻肉制品的冷杀菌技术。





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