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标题 Sm—Mn离子取代锶铁氧体的制备及其表征
范文 余兆伟 吴泽 单连伟 董丽敏 韩志东 张显友

中图分类号: O737
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1007-2683(2018)01-0046-05
Abstract:The Sr1-xSmxFe12-xMnxO19(x=0~0.4) materials were prepared by highheating solidstate reaction. The products were characterized by Xray diffraction (XRD), scanning electric microscope(SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer(VSM). The XRD results analysis showed that Sm3+ and Mn2+ have been completely doped into strontium ferrite phase for Sr1-xSmxFe12-xMnxO19(0≤x<0.2). With the increase of SmMn content,the grain size gradually increases. VSM results indicate that the Hc increases (x being in the range of 0-0.2), and then decrease with the dosages of SmMn from 0 to 0.4. The results showed that when x being equal to 0.2, the crystallization was best and the maximum Hc (33.417emu/g) was obtained.
Keywords:SmMn codoping; solidstate reaction; magnetic properties
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(编辑:温泽宇) 技术文




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