标题 | 独立序列均值与方差变点的估计 |
范文 | 陈璐 魏岳嵩 尉梦珂 摘要:建立简单的独立序列模型,构造均值方差变点位置的CUSUM型估计量,研究独立序列均值方差变点估计问题。考虑均值变点对方差变点的影响,通过均值变点估计量的收敛速度,在均值及均值已知情况下讨论方差变点问题,推导出方差变点估计量的收敛速度。 关键词:独立序列模型;方差变点;CUSUM估计 中图分类号:O213.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2019)04-0218-03 Abstract:A simple independent sequence model is established to construct the CUSUM type estimator of the mean variance change point position, and the problem of the mean variance change point estimation of the independent sequence is studied. Considering the influence of the variation point of the mean variation point, the convergence rate of the mean change point estimator is discussed under the condition that the mean value and the mean value are known, and the convergence rate of the variance change point estimator is deduced. Key words: Independent Sequence Model; Variance Change Point; CUSUM Estimation 1 引言 自从1954年Page[[1]]发表了第一篇关于产品质量检验变点问题的文章后,人们对变点方面的研究越来越关注,有关变点理论和应用的研究也越来越成熟。近些年来,变点更广泛运用于更多领域,不仅仅是金融和工业。Yao[[2]]研究了在样本容量为N时,变点位置[τ0]的极大似然估计及独立随机变量在正态分布下变点的近似分布,非正态分布情形没有讨论。同年Bhattacharya利用ML-Estimate[[3]]方法研究了独立序列[ξk,-∞ 4 结束语 对独立序列变点理论进行分析,考虑均值方差变点估计,研究在不同时刻具体的变点估计问题,构造均值方差变点位置的CUSUM型估计量,研究个估计量的相合性,得到位置变点[τ0]的估计量[τ0]的收敛速度。研究了均值变点[k0]在已知和未知两种情况下对方差变点的相合性和收敛速度的影响。 参考文献: [1] Page E S.Continuous inspection schemes[J].Biometrika,1954,42:100-114. [2] Yao Y C.Approximating the distribution of the ML estimate of the change-point in a sequence of independent random variables:[J].Annals of Statistics,1987,3(6):1321-1328. [3] Bhattacharya P K.Maximum likelihood estimation of a change-point in the dis-tribution of independent random variable:General multiparameter case [J].Multi-variate Analysis,1987,23(2):183-208. [4] Wang L,Wang J,Change-of-variance Problem Linear Processes with Long Memory[J].Statistical Papers,2006,47(2):279-298. [5] Cheng T L.An Efficient Algorithm for Estimating a Change-point[J].Statistics & Probability Letters,2009,79(5):559-565. [6] Potarakis J Y.Least squares estimation and tests of breaks in mean and variance under mis-specification[J].Econometrics,2004,7(1):32-54. [7] 王慧敏,贺兴时,赵文芝.相依序列均值和方差变点的估计[J].纺织高校基础科学学报,2017,30(2):220-225. [8] 袁芳,田铮,苏晓丽等.独立序列均值与方差变点的累积和估计及应用[J].控制理论与应用,2010,27(3):394-399. 【通联编辑:梁书】 |
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