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标题 多状态马尔科夫链的主干道出行时间估计
范文 邵中华 李竹 崔艳
摘 要: 针对目前主干道车辆出行时间估计考虑道路状况随机性,但在时效性和精确性方面有所欠缺,提出一种新的估计方法。以视频检测器为工具,采集车辆在某一区间的行驶时间,计算其平均速度并将该区间的道路划分为三种状态,考虑到估计的时效性和计算的数据量,利用滑动窗口选取一定量的状态数据加入遗传因子构建转移概率矩阵,获知下一时刻所有出现的状态及其对应的概率,而这些状态对应的出行时间的数学期望就是主干道出行时间的估计值。在山西省临汾市的主干道上,应用浮动车法对模型的准确性和时效性进行验证。实验结果表明模型具有较高的估计精度。
关键词: 城市交通; 出行时间; 马尔科夫链; 主干道; 多状态; 滑动窗口
中图分类号: TN911.1?34; TP393.07 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)13?0092?03
Abstract: The randomness of road conditions is considered in current travel time estimation of main road, which has the defects of timeliness and accuracy. Therefore, a new travel time estimation method of main load is proposed. The video detector is taken as the tool to acquire the travel time of vehicle in a certain interval. The average speed of vehicle in the traveling interval is calculated, and the road in this interval are divided into three states. Considering the timeliness of estimation and data size of calculation, a certain amount of state data is selected by the sliding window, and added with genetic factor to construct the transfer?probability matrix, so as to obtain all the states appearing in the next moment and their corresponding probabilities. The mathematical expectation of the travel time corresponding to the states is defined as the travel time estimation value of main road. The floating car method is used to verify the accuracy and timeliness of the model in the main road of Linfen City of Shanxi Province. The experimental results show that the model has high estimation precision.
Keywords: urban traffic; travel time; Markov chain; main road; multi?state estimation; sliding window
3.3 主干道出行时间估计及分析
表1中,数据147.4表示路段1在A状态时所需经历的时间为147.4 s,其他数据含义类似。
图1中实测值275.8 s为浮动车法测得的车辆实际出行时间,由于数据的原因,[k=20]和[k=25]两条曲线重合。由图1可知,遗传因子大小和数据量的多少都对估计的准确度产生影响。考虑算法运算量,实际估计中采用数据量为20个时,估计值已经与实测值有交点,满足误差较小的需求;根据交点横坐标选取遗传因子为0.88。4 結 语
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