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标题 基于分散化神经鲁棒控制的轨迹跟踪算法研究
范文 胡海兵 杨建德 张结文 金施群
关键词: 神经鲁棒控制器; 轨迹跟踪; 递归神经网络; 滤错训练算法; 鲁棒项; 机械臂
中图分类号: TN911.1?34; TP241.2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)03?0111?05
Abstract: In order to eliminate the influence of external disturbance and modeling error on manipulator′s trajectory tracking accuracy, the recurrent neural network is used to design the decentralized neural robust controller, and the subsystem of each joint state equation of the manipulator is used to represent the whole system. The error?filtered training algorithm is adopted to estimate the unknown weight coefficients of the neural network. The robust item is introduced to suppress the mutual influence and modeling error between the joint neural controllers. The stability of the neural network is proved by Lyapunov function. In comparison with the simulation results without robust item, the decentralized neural robust controller has more precise trajectory tracking accuracy, better error convergence, and higher stability.
Keywords: neural robust controller; trajectory tracking; recurrent neural network; error?filtered training algorithm; robust item; mechanical arm0 ?引 ?言

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