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单词 hiss
释义 hiss nounadjective | verb + hiss | preposition | phrases adjective➤loud, sharp响亮的/刺耳的咝咝声▸➤faint, low, slight, soft轻微的咝咝声◆there was a low hiss on the tape.录音带里有低微的咝咝声。➤audible, noticeable能听见的/引人注意的咝咝声verb + hiss➤give, let out咝咝作响◆the snake gave a hiss.蛇发出咝咝声。➤hear听到咝咝声preposition➤with a hiss带着咝咝声◆she drew in her breath with a hiss.她咝地吸了一口气。➤hiss of⋯的咝咝声◆we could hear the faint hiss of escaping gas.我们能听到气体泄漏时发出的轻微咝咝声。phrases➤boos and hisses嘘声;起哄声▸➤a hiss of air空气的咝咝声▸➤a hiss of pain疼痛的呻吟◆she let out a hiss of pain.她痛得哼了一声。  ➡ note at sound hiss verbsay sth in an angry, hissing voice生气地低声说adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤angrily, furiously愤怒地低声说◆'don't be stupid!' she hissed furiously.“别傻了!” 她怒气冲冲地低声说。➤quietly, softly压低声音愤怒地说▸➤loudly愤怒地大声说▸➤menacingly, venomously威胁性地/恶毒地低声说▸➤urgently急切地低声怒喝preposition➤at愤怒地低声向⋯说◆she hissed at me to be quiet.她不满地发嘘声叫我安静。phrases➤hiss (sth) through your teeth咬牙切齿地低声说 ( ⋯ )◆'go away!' he hissed through clenched teeth.他咬牙切齿地低声说道:“滚开!”hiss [intransitive] to make a sound like a long 's'嘶嘶地响◆the steam escaped with a loud hissing noise.蒸汽冒了出来,发出很响的嘶嘶声。◆the snake lifted its head and hissed.蛇昂起头发出嘶嘶声。▸ hiss noun [countable, usually singular] ◆the hiss of air brakes announced the arrival of the tour bus.一听到气动刹车的嘶嘶声就知道旅游巴士到了。hiss [countable] a sound like a long 's' that is used to show disapproval of sb/sth, such as a speaker, politician or opinion that is expressed(对演讲人、从政者或见解表示不满的)嘶嘶声◆this comment was met with boos and hisses.这一评论引来了嘘声一片。ⓘ a hiss can seem more unpleasant than a boo, because it usually expresses moral disapproval, not just that you do not like a performance. * hiss 可能较 boo 更令人不悦,因 hiss 通常表达道义上的不满,而不仅仅表示不喜欢一场演出。▸ hiss verb [transitive, intransitive] ◆he was booed and hissed off the stage.他在一片倒彩和嘘声中被轰下台。hissnoun [countable, usually singular] ◆the hiss of air brakes announced the arrival of the tour bus.一听到气动刹车的嘶嘶声就知道旅游巴士到了。hissverb [transitive, intransitive] ◆he was booed and hissed off the stage.他在一片倒彩和嘘声中被轰下台。hissnoun [countable, usually singular] ◆the hiss of air brakes announced the arrival of the tour bus.一听到气动刹车的嘶嘶声就知道旅游巴士到了。hissverb [transitive, intransitive] ◆he was booed and hissed off the stage.他在一片倒彩和嘘声中被轰下台。hiss/hɪs ||; hɪs/verb1. [i,t] to make a sound like a very long ‘s’ to show that you are angry or do not like sth 发出嘶嘶声(以示愤怒或不满): ◇the cat hissed at me. 那只猫朝我嘶嘶叫。◇the speech was hissed and booed. 那个讲话被人喝倒彩。 2. [t] to say sth in an angry hissing voice 以愤怒的嘘声说出: ◇‘stay away from me!’ she hissed. 她咬牙切齿地说:“别过来!” hiss noun [c]hisssee ⇨ clap 3 ⇨ sound 11 hiss /hɪs; hɪs/v [i] 1. to make a noise that sounds like 'ssss' 发出嘶嘶声:◇i could hear steam hissing from the pipe. 我听到水蒸气嘶嘶地从管子中漏出来。 2. to say something in a hissing voice 用嘘声说出:◇"just keep quiet!" he hissed. “安静!”他嘘着说道。 hissn [c]




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