标题 | 碳关税和碳税经济效应局部均衡比较分析 |
范文 | 姜鸿 陈曦 摘要:碳关税和碳税的提高通过影响价格与成本,进而影响“南方”和“北方”国家产量与需求。一方面,北方国家提高碳关税将使北方国家产量提高,南方国家产量下降,这也证明了碳关税的贸易保护主义本质;另一方面,碳关税对南北方国家社会福利的影响是不确定的,社会福利的变化还受其他变量的影响。因此,南方国家对内应降低乃至取消碳税,推动技术进步,降低碳排放强度,对外应积极与北方国家举行外交磋商,坚决要求北方国家取消或降低碳关税。 关键词:碳关税;碳税;局部均衡;社会福利 中图分类号:F7527 文献标识码:A 收稿日期:2013-10-24 作者简介:姜鸿(1970-),男,湖北黄梅人,常州大学经济管理学院教授,经济学博士,研究方向:对外贸易与低碳经济;陈曦(1989-),女,江西九江人,常州大学经济管理学院研究生,研究方向:企业跨国经营管理。 基金项目:江苏省高校“青蓝工程”资助项目;江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目“江苏发展低碳经济的外贸倒逼机制研究”,项目编号:2011SJB790003;常州大学校基金项目“中国低碳经济发展战略研究”,项目编号:ZMF10020081。 一、引言及文献综述 碳关税是发达国家对来自于未限制温室气体排放国家的高耗能产品,依据其碳含量所征收的二氧化碳排放特别关税,主要目的是保护发达国家高耗能产业的国际竞争力,并防止发生碳泄漏。发达国家认为,其单边碳减排行动将导致碳泄漏和产业竞争力下降,因此应该征收碳关税以保持市场公平竞争。2009年6月,美国众议院通过《美国清洁能源安全法案》,从2020年起开始征收碳关税。2012年,法国在欧盟再次提出征收碳关税计划。碳税是针对向大气排放二氧化碳的企业征收的一种环境税。2008年11月19日,欧盟通过法案决定将国际航空纳入欧盟碳排放交易体系,并于2012年1月1日起征收碳税。同时,欧盟在2012年6月份进一步征收航海碳税。 现有碳关税方面的文献主要研究碳关税对产业竞争力、碳泄漏和社会福利的影响,结论并不一致。部分文献支持征收碳关税,认为碳关税对征收国有利。Gros(2009)构建了一个简单的局部均衡两国模型,计算进口国征收碳关税和碳税对全球福利的影响,结果表明如果国外没有征收足够的碳税,碳关税就能增加全球福利。Veenendaal & Manders(2008)采用一般均衡分析方法,定量分析多种政策情景对被欧盟碳排放交易体系覆盖的能源密集型部门的影响,发现当欧盟没有征收碳关税时,欧盟碳税对这些部门的生产和就业产生负面影响,而征收碳关税则能够减少这些部门国际竞争力的丧失。Majocchi & Missaglia(2002)的一般均衡模型表明,碳关税能为欧盟成员国创造一个较好的竞争环境,减少内部失业。Demailly & Quirion(2005)的研究结果认为,碳关税能够有效阻止水泥产业碳泄露,Mathiesen & Maestad(2002)对钢铁产业得出相似的结论。 但也有部分文献反对征收碳关税,认为碳关税对征收国乃至全球不利。Lockwood & Whalley(2008)认为碳关税扭曲了商品间的相对价格,相对于无国内碳税、无碳关税情景,同时征收国内碳税和碳关税将导致国内福利损失。Burniaux等(2010)采用全球递归动态CGE模型,评估碳关税对碳泄漏、竞争力和福利的影响,结论是碳关税能够减少像欧盟这样的小型碳减排国家联盟的碳泄漏,但是碳关税的福利影响较小,仅对全球福利产生微小的负面影响;此外,碳关税不一定能够阻止国内能源密集型产业的产出下降。朱永彬、王铮(2010)模拟结果表明,碳关税将对中国能源、钢铁冶炼以及水泥石灰石膏、耐火材料等非金属矿物制造业部门的出口产生很大的负面影响,使得中国GDP、国内供给、进出口总量、社会投资、劳动就业以及企业与居民收入都不同程度地下降。鲍勤等(2010)采用CGE模型测算了美国征收碳关税对中国对外贸易、经济、环境等方面的影响,结果表明,碳关税将对中国对外贸易、整个经济造成极大的负面影响,但其环境改善的效果相对有限。 综合来看,现有文献主要采用CGE模型,定量模拟碳关税的经济效应,较少从理论上探讨进口国与出口国同时征收国内碳税的情况下,碳关税与碳税对进出口国家经济的影响。本文在Gros(2009)方法的基础上,经过进一步改进与发展,从理论上比较分析碳关税和碳税分别对南北方国家价格、产出、需求、社会福利的影响。 四、主要结论与政策建议 本文从理论上分析了碳关税和碳税分别对南北方国家市场价格、产出、需求、社会福利的影响(见表1和表2)。从表1可以清楚地看出碳关税的贸易保护主义本质。北方国家提高国内碳税,将导致部分北方国家企业把剩余产能转移至南方国家,从而产生碳泄露。碳关税对南北方国家社会福利的影响是不确定的,社会福利的变化还受其他变量的影响。 根据以上主要结论,我们建议: 1.南方国家的主要任务是发展,保持适度的经济增长速度是必要的。从表1第5列可以看出,为了促进南方国家经济增长,南方国家对内应降低乃至取消碳税,对外应坚决要求北方国家取消或降低碳关税,支持北方国家对内征收碳税。 2.改进产品生产工艺、推动技术进步、降低碳排放强度,是南方国家提高产业竞争力,应对北方国家碳关税的必由之路。北方国家应该加强对南方国家低碳生产技术的转让力度,这样,南方国家可以缩小与北方国家碳排放强度的差距,北方国家从中可以获得技术转让收入,双方社会福利均可得到改善。 3.南方国家应积极与北方国家举行外交磋商,说服北方国家对南方国家产品取消或降低征收碳关税。因为,碳关税对南北方国家社会福利的正负影响并不确定,即使征收碳关税对北方国家社会福利的影响为正,但当碳关税达到一定水平以后,再提高碳关税也会降低北方国家社会福利。 参考文献: [1] 朱永彬,王铮.碳关税对我国经济影响评价[J].中国软科学,2010(12). [2] 鲍勤,汤铃,杨列勋.美国征收碳关税对中国的影响:基于可计算一般均衡模型的分析[J].管理评论,2010(6). [3] Gros, D. Global Welfare Implications of Carbon Border Taxes [Z]. CESifo Working Paper No. 2790, 2009. [4] Veenendaal, P. and T. Manders. Border Tax Adjustment and the EU-ETS, a Quantitative Assessment[Z].CPB Document No. 171, 2008. [5] Majocchi, A. and M. Missaglia. Environmental Taxes and Border Tax Adjustment[Z].SIEP Working Paper No. 127, 2002. [6] Demailly, D. and P. Quirion. Leakage from Climate Policies and Border-tax Adjustment: Lessons from a Geographic Model of the Cement Industry[R].CESifo Venice Summer Institute, 2005. [7] Lockwood, B. and J. Whalley. Carbon Motivated Border Tax Adjustments: Old Wine in Green Bottles? [Z].NBER Working Paper No. 14025, 2008. [8] Burniaux, J., J. Chateau and R. Duval. Is there a Case for Carbon-Based Border Tax Adjustment: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis[Z].OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 794, 2010. Abstract:A raise of carbon tariff and carbon tax affects the output and demand of northern and southern countries through influencing price and cost. On the one hand, an improvement of carbon tariff in northern country will make the northern country increase its output,and make the southern country drop its output, which also proves the protectionism nature of carbon tariff. On the other hand, the effect of carbon tariff on the social welfare of northern and southern countries is uncertain, due to the influence of other variables. Therefore,the southern country should reduce or even cancel internal carbon tax, promote technological progress, reduce the carbon emission intensity, hold diplomatic consultation actively with northern country and insist on northern country to cancel or reduce carbon tariff. Key words: carbon tariff; carbon tax; partial equilibrium; social welfare (责任编辑:张曦) 参考文献: [1] 朱永彬,王铮.碳关税对我国经济影响评价[J].中国软科学,2010(12). [2] 鲍勤,汤铃,杨列勋.美国征收碳关税对中国的影响:基于可计算一般均衡模型的分析[J].管理评论,2010(6). [3] Gros, D. Global Welfare Implications of Carbon Border Taxes [Z]. CESifo Working Paper No. 2790, 2009. [4] Veenendaal, P. and T. Manders. Border Tax Adjustment and the EU-ETS, a Quantitative Assessment[Z].CPB Document No. 171, 2008. [5] Majocchi, A. and M. Missaglia. Environmental Taxes and Border Tax Adjustment[Z].SIEP Working Paper No. 127, 2002. [6] Demailly, D. and P. Quirion. Leakage from Climate Policies and Border-tax Adjustment: Lessons from a Geographic Model of the Cement Industry[R].CESifo Venice Summer Institute, 2005. [7] Lockwood, B. and J. Whalley. Carbon Motivated Border Tax Adjustments: Old Wine in Green Bottles? [Z].NBER Working Paper No. 14025, 2008. [8] Burniaux, J., J. Chateau and R. Duval. Is there a Case for Carbon-Based Border Tax Adjustment: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis[Z].OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 794, 2010. Abstract:A raise of carbon tariff and carbon tax affects the output and demand of northern and southern countries through influencing price and cost. On the one hand, an improvement of carbon tariff in northern country will make the northern country increase its output,and make the southern country drop its output, which also proves the protectionism nature of carbon tariff. On the other hand, the effect of carbon tariff on the social welfare of northern and southern countries is uncertain, due to the influence of other variables. Therefore,the southern country should reduce or even cancel internal carbon tax, promote technological progress, reduce the carbon emission intensity, hold diplomatic consultation actively with northern country and insist on northern country to cancel or reduce carbon tariff. Key words: carbon tariff; carbon tax; partial equilibrium; social welfare (责任编辑:张曦) 参考文献: [1] 朱永彬,王铮.碳关税对我国经济影响评价[J].中国软科学,2010(12). [2] 鲍勤,汤铃,杨列勋.美国征收碳关税对中国的影响:基于可计算一般均衡模型的分析[J].管理评论,2010(6). [3] Gros, D. Global Welfare Implications of Carbon Border Taxes [Z]. CESifo Working Paper No. 2790, 2009. [4] Veenendaal, P. and T. Manders. Border Tax Adjustment and the EU-ETS, a Quantitative Assessment[Z].CPB Document No. 171, 2008. [5] Majocchi, A. and M. Missaglia. Environmental Taxes and Border Tax Adjustment[Z].SIEP Working Paper No. 127, 2002. [6] Demailly, D. and P. Quirion. Leakage from Climate Policies and Border-tax Adjustment: Lessons from a Geographic Model of the Cement Industry[R].CESifo Venice Summer Institute, 2005. [7] Lockwood, B. and J. Whalley. Carbon Motivated Border Tax Adjustments: Old Wine in Green Bottles? [Z].NBER Working Paper No. 14025, 2008. [8] Burniaux, J., J. Chateau and R. Duval. Is there a Case for Carbon-Based Border Tax Adjustment: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis[Z].OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 794, 2010. Abstract:A raise of carbon tariff and carbon tax affects the output and demand of northern and southern countries through influencing price and cost. On the one hand, an improvement of carbon tariff in northern country will make the northern country increase its output,and make the southern country drop its output, which also proves the protectionism nature of carbon tariff. On the other hand, the effect of carbon tariff on the social welfare of northern and southern countries is uncertain, due to the influence of other variables. Therefore,the southern country should reduce or even cancel internal carbon tax, promote technological progress, reduce the carbon emission intensity, hold diplomatic consultation actively with northern country and insist on northern country to cancel or reduce carbon tariff. Key words: carbon tariff; carbon tax; partial equilibrium; social welfare (责任编辑:张曦) |
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