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单词 hub
释义 hub /hʌb/ noun [countable, usually singular] 1.the central and most important part of a particular place or activity (某地或活动的)中心,核心◆the commercial hub of the city 城市的商业中心◆mumbai, india's financial hub 孟买,印度的金融中心◆he's a man who likes to feel he's at the hub of things (= where things happen and where important decisions are made). 他是那种乐于把自己当成事物中心的人。2. (it 信息技术; transport 运输) in a system of transport or communication, a central place to which passengers, messages, etc. go before going on to another place (通信)枢纽;(运输)中转◆all international flights are via our hub at schipol airport. 所有的国际航班经由我们的阿姆斯特丹史基浦大型中转机场转机。◆a distribution/transportation/network hub 分销/运输/网络枢纽◆a hub airport 大型中转机场☞ hubhub [countable, usually singular] the central and most important part of a particular place or activity(某地或活动的)中心,核心◆the bank is situated in the commercial hub of the city.该银行位于城市的商业中心。◆the kitchen was the hub of family life.厨房是家庭生活的中心。◆a hub airport (= a large important one where people often change from one plane to another) 大型中转机场note 辨析 heart or hub?in some cases you can use either word.在有些情况下这两个词可以通用◆the commercial heart / hub of the city城市的商业中心however, the heart of the village/the town/the city/england usually suggests an attractive, historic place; the hub of the city/operations/business activity suggests a busy place where a lot of business is done.不过,the heart of the village/the town/the city/england (村庄/集镇/城市/英格兰的中心)通常暗指这些地方富有吸引力,且有历史意义; the hub of the city/operations/business activity (城市/业务/商业活动的中心)则暗指这些地方很繁华,商业活动繁忙。hub/hʌb ||; hʌb/noun[usu.sing] 1. the hub (of sth) the central and most important part of a place or an activity (地方或活动的)中心: ◇the commercial hub of the city 该市的商业中心 2. the central part of a wheel 毂(车轮的中心部份) hub /hʌb; hʌb/n [c] 1. the central part of an area, system etc that all the other parts are connected to [地区、系统等的]中心:◇the hub of the country's rail network 该国铁路网的枢纽 2. the central part of a wheel 轮毂




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