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标题 民族地区的人口城镇化与土地城镇化:非均衡性与空间异质性





















































    Tab.1Division standard of grades of coupling degree, development degree and balanced development degree



    Coupling degree均衡类型

    Equilibrium type发展度(T)

    Development degree发展类型

    Development type均衡发展度(D)


    development degree均衡发展类型

    Balanced development



    Tab.2Evaluation system of urbanization development level
































    族自治州、西双版纳傣族自治州、德宏傣族景颇族自治州、怒江傈僳族自治州、迪庆藏族自治州八个民族自治州,为民族区域。全省土地面积为39.41万km2,民族自治地方土地面积为27.67万km2,民族自治区域土地面积占云南省土地面积的70%。全省人口4 631万人,民族地区人口为2 273万人,民族地区人口占云南省人口的49%。从土地及人口数据中可以明显的看出,云南辖区内16个地级市中,民族自治州与非民族自治州各占一半,民族区域人口与非民族区域人口各占一半。从民族区域的布局上看,其呈现出“小聚居、大杂居”的空间格局(图1),所以以云南省为研究区,可以科学的对比民族区域与非民族区域的城镇化特征。







    Fig.1Spatial distribution pattern of ethnic minority

    areas and nonminority areas in Yunnan


    Tab.3Urbanization development level and balanced

    development evaluation value of Yunnan province地区



    Level of




    Level of























    Fig.2Spatial distribution of population urbanization

    in Yunnan Province图3云南省土地城镇化水平空间布局

    Fig.3Spatial distribution of land urbanization

    in Yunnan Province数量的分布上可以看出,云南省城镇化水平处于第I-III级的区域仅有2个,而剩余的14个区域均处于第IV、V级,所以云南城镇化水平普遍不高。再从城镇化发展类型分布上看,云南省城镇化水平类型从第I级的高级发展型直接跳至第III级的初级发展型,缺少第II级中级发展型区域,这说明云南省内部城镇化差异较大,需要进一步加大对城镇化落后区域的扶持,一方面加强落后区域城市建设和公共服务、创造良好的就业环境和实施优惠的就业政策、另一方面注意有序拓展落后区域城市发展空间,消除城镇化空间制约。








    Fig.4Comprehensive urbanization level

    in Yunnan Province图5云南省人口城镇化与土地城镇化对比类型

    Fig.5Contrast types of population urbanization and land

    urbanization in Yunnan Province













    Fig.6Coupling degrees of population urbanization and

    land urbanization in Yunnan Province图7云南省人口城镇化与土地城镇化均衡发展等级图

    Fig.7Balanced development level degrees of population

    urbanization and land urbanization in Yunnan Province区域有丽江等六个区域。在这六个区域中,丽江、大理、楚雄、红河四个区域由于较高的耦合度(均在0.95以上),拉高了其均衡发展度。丽江、大理、楚雄、红河这四个区域要在保持人口城镇化与土地城镇化均衡发展的同时,从人口城镇化和土地城镇化两个维度,着重提高城镇化水平。而曲靖发展度仅次于昆明、玉溪、红河,但是耦合度却相对较低。所以曲靖需要注意人口城镇化与土地城镇化的均衡发展。












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    Population Urbanization and Land Urbanization in Ethnic Minority Areas:

    Disequilibrium and Spatial Heterogeneity

    CUI Xufeng

    (School of Business Management, Zhongnan University of Finance & Law, Wuhan Hubei 430073, China)

    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to reveal disequilibrium and spatial heterogeneity of population urbanization and land urbanization in the process of urbanization in ethnic minority areas. Taking Yunnan Province as the study area, the article analyzed the degree of coupling, development, balanced development and unbalanced spatial characteristics, in the course of its development, by adopting the means of analytic hierarchy process, development level evaluation model and equilibrium development model. The study found that the overall level of urbanization in Yunnan Province is not high, and the level of the development presents the cascaded decreases from the central to the edge, with Kunming as the center. The development of urbanization in minority nationality areas are generally lower than nonminority nationality areas. In the aspect of comparison between the level of population urbanization and land urbanization, excessive land urbanization distributed in eastern and western Yunnan, and the hysteretic type mainly distributed in the middle part. Minority nationality regions land urbanization presents the quality of hysteresis and low level. The central region of Yunnan superior to eastern Yunnan is better than western Yunnan in equilibrium. In a balanced development, Yunnan shows the cascaded decreases from the central to the edge, with Kunming as the center, in spatial pattern. So population urbanization and land urbanization in Yunnan possess the significant features of disequilibrium and spatial heterogeneity. Therefore, in the face of status of relatively low levels of population and land urbanization, minority areas should be in terms of the common development of them, strengthen the training of national employment education and establish reasonable urban import mechanism of minority population on one hand, and on the other hand, expand the city space both reasonably and orderly, to provide space support for the population urbanization. At the same time, we should recognize the status of the hysteresis of land urbanization in minority areas, highlight the priority development of land urbanization, and eliminate space limitations of the development of urbanization. The development of land urbanization should be based on space requirements of population urbanization in eastern and western Yunnan, and avoid excessive land urbanization which caused by the profits that comes from farmland conversion. The central region of Yunnan needs to update urban planning promptly, reasonably promote land urbanization, and provide space support for population urbanization. The research inspired us that urbanization contains two organic parts: urbanization of population and urbanization of land. Only when both of these two parts keep equilibrium and positive interaction, can the urbanization achieve the sustainable and healthy development. Minority areas should adhere to the balanced development of population urbanization and land urbanization, avoid the old path of disequilibrium to hinder sustainable development of urbanization. Facing the disequilibrium problems of urbanization between regions, they should amend and update urban planning timely, taking the planning as a guide, to solve the regional problems of disequilibrium and spatial heterogeneity, and realize the coordinated development of urbanization, and exert an effect of agglomeration.

    Key wordsurbanization; disequilibrium; spatial heterogeneity; ethnic minority areas

    Population Urbanization and Land Urbanization in Ethnic Minority Areas:

    Disequilibrium and Spatial Heterogeneity

    CUI Xufeng

    (School of Business Management, Zhongnan University of Finance & Law, Wuhan Hubei 430073, China)

    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to reveal disequilibrium and spatial heterogeneity of population urbanization and land urbanization in the process of urbanization in ethnic minority areas. Taking Yunnan Province as the study area, the article analyzed the degree of coupling, development, balanced development and unbalanced spatial characteristics, in the course of its development, by adopting the means of analytic hierarchy process, development level evaluation model and equilibrium development model. The study found that the overall level of urbanization in Yunnan Province is not high, and the level of the development presents the cascaded decreases from the central to the edge, with Kunming as the center. The development of urbanization in minority nationality areas are generally lower than nonminority nationality areas. In the aspect of comparison between the level of population urbanization and land urbanization, excessive land urbanization distributed in eastern and western Yunnan, and the hysteretic type mainly distributed in the middle part. Minority nationality regions land urbanization presents the quality of hysteresis and low level. The central region of Yunnan superior to eastern Yunnan is better than western Yunnan in equilibrium. In a balanced development, Yunnan shows the cascaded decreases from the central to the edge, with Kunming as the center, in spatial pattern. So population urbanization and land urbanization in Yunnan possess the significant features of disequilibrium and spatial heterogeneity. Therefore, in the face of status of relatively low levels of population and land urbanization, minority areas should be in terms of the common development of them, strengthen the training of national employment education and establish reasonable urban import mechanism of minority population on one hand, and on the other hand, expand the city space both reasonably and orderly, to provide space support for the population urbanization. At the same time, we should recognize the status of the hysteresis of land urbanization in minority areas, highlight the priority development of land urbanization, and eliminate space limitations of the development of urbanization. The development of land urbanization should be based on space requirements of population urbanization in eastern and western Yunnan, and avoid excessive land urbanization which caused by the profits that comes from farmland conversion. The central region of Yunnan needs to update urban planning promptly, reasonably promote land urbanization, and provide space support for population urbanization. The research inspired us that urbanization contains two organic parts: urbanization of population and urbanization of land. Only when both of these two parts keep equilibrium and positive interaction, can the urbanization achieve the sustainable and healthy development. Minority areas should adhere to the balanced development of population urbanization and land urbanization, avoid the old path of disequilibrium to hinder sustainable development of urbanization. Facing the disequilibrium problems of urbanization between regions, they should amend and update urban planning timely, taking the planning as a guide, to solve the regional problems of disequilibrium and spatial heterogeneity, and realize the coordinated development of urbanization, and exert an effect of agglomeration.

    Key wordsurbanization; disequilibrium; spatial heterogeneity; ethnic minority areas

    Population Urbanization and Land Urbanization in Ethnic Minority Areas:

    Disequilibrium and Spatial Heterogeneity

    CUI Xufeng

    (School of Business Management, Zhongnan University of Finance & Law, Wuhan Hubei 430073, China)

    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to reveal disequilibrium and spatial heterogeneity of population urbanization and land urbanization in the process of urbanization in ethnic minority areas. Taking Yunnan Province as the study area, the article analyzed the degree of coupling, development, balanced development and unbalanced spatial characteristics, in the course of its development, by adopting the means of analytic hierarchy process, development level evaluation model and equilibrium development model. The study found that the overall level of urbanization in Yunnan Province is not high, and the level of the development presents the cascaded decreases from the central to the edge, with Kunming as the center. The development of urbanization in minority nationality areas are generally lower than nonminority nationality areas. In the aspect of comparison between the level of population urbanization and land urbanization, excessive land urbanization distributed in eastern and western Yunnan, and the hysteretic type mainly distributed in the middle part. Minority nationality regions land urbanization presents the quality of hysteresis and low level. The central region of Yunnan superior to eastern Yunnan is better than western Yunnan in equilibrium. In a balanced development, Yunnan shows the cascaded decreases from the central to the edge, with Kunming as the center, in spatial pattern. So population urbanization and land urbanization in Yunnan possess the significant features of disequilibrium and spatial heterogeneity. Therefore, in the face of status of relatively low levels of population and land urbanization, minority areas should be in terms of the common development of them, strengthen the training of national employment education and establish reasonable urban import mechanism of minority population on one hand, and on the other hand, expand the city space both reasonably and orderly, to provide space support for the population urbanization. At the same time, we should recognize the status of the hysteresis of land urbanization in minority areas, highlight the priority development of land urbanization, and eliminate space limitations of the development of urbanization. The development of land urbanization should be based on space requirements of population urbanization in eastern and western Yunnan, and avoid excessive land urbanization which caused by the profits that comes from farmland conversion. The central region of Yunnan needs to update urban planning promptly, reasonably promote land urbanization, and provide space support for population urbanization. The research inspired us that urbanization contains two organic parts: urbanization of population and urbanization of land. Only when both of these two parts keep equilibrium and positive interaction, can the urbanization achieve the sustainable and healthy development. Minority areas should adhere to the balanced development of population urbanization and land urbanization, avoid the old path of disequilibrium to hinder sustainable development of urbanization. Facing the disequilibrium problems of urbanization between regions, they should amend and update urban planning timely, taking the planning as a guide, to solve the regional problems of disequilibrium and spatial heterogeneity, and realize the coordinated development of urbanization, and exert an effect of agglomeration.

    Key wordsurbanization; disequilibrium; spatial heterogeneity; ethnic minority areas





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