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标题 居民膳食结构变化对中国食物生产用地需求的影响研究

    赵姚阳 蒋琳琳 王洁

    摘要伴随着居民收入增加而引起的膳食结构升级对食物生产用地需求的影响越来越大。根据居民食物摄入数据分析了1961-2009年间我国食物生产用地需求的变化情况及膳食结构因素对其变化的贡献率,并预测了不同膳食模式下我国人口高峰年食物生产用地的需求状况,结果如下:我国人均食物生产用地需求以1984年为节点呈现先下降后上升的“v”字型变化趋势,在居民日常摄入的5大类食物中,人均谷类和豆类消费所需农地面积出现下降,而人均动物性食物、蔬菜和纯能量类食物消费所需农地则呈上升态势;我国食物生产用地总需求总体上以1984年为界分为先稳定发展后急速增长两个阶段,前一阶段我国食物生产用地总需求量保持在12.5亿亩/年左右,而后一阶段则从1984年的需求12.75亿亩迅速上升至2009年的22.82亿亩; 1984年之后居民膳食摄入变化已成为影响我国食物生产用地需求增长的首要因素,其贡献率达57.7%,而同时期人口增长因素的贡献率仅为42.3%;预测居民在保持当前膳食结构不变与转向平衡膳食模式两种情景下,我国在人口高峰年分别共需食物生产用地25.19亿亩和20.33亿亩,后者比前者节省土地需求4.86亿亩。



    自上世纪90年代初美国学者布朗提出谁来养活中国人的质疑以来,中国的粮食安全问题受到国内外的广泛关注。但国内囿于粮食安全概念的狭义化,导致对粮食安全的关注主要集中在谷物、豆类、薯类等传统粮食作物上,而较少关注其它食物的安全供给[1],这反映在实际工作中就是过度关注耕地数量和质量的变化,而对牧草地、经济林地、水产养殖用地等缺少应有的重视[2]。事实上,随着居民收入的增加,近年来我国粮食的直接消费呈下降态势,与此同时,蔬菜、瓜果、肉、蛋、奶、水产品等的消费则出现快速增长[3]。因此,在现阶段关注我国粮食安全的土地保障,仅把注意力集中于耕地有失偏颇,更应关注包括耕地在内所有的食物生产用地(Land requirements for food)。而一国到底需要多少面积的食物生产用地来满足其国民的食物需求则取决于该国的人口总量、单位面积土地的产量、居民的膳食结构、国际市场食物的可供量以及该国所能负担的购买财力等因素[4]。1996年,作为对布朗质疑的回应,中国政府发布粮食问题白皮书明确阐明了我国立足国内资源,实现粮食基本自给的方针。但即便如此,就连FAO等国际组织也曾发文对中印等发展中国家的食物消费变化对全球食物供给平衡可能造成的影响表示担忧。因此,在当前我国人口总量增速趋缓,粮食单产初步展露出产量天花板迹象的宏观大背景下,厘清居民膳食结构升级对我国食物生产用地需求变化的影响对于土地政策的调整与完善具有重要的现实意义。

    国外学者已对全球不同尺度范围内的居民膳食结构与食物生产用地需求关系进行了研究,如:Penning指出地球上的全部农地可以产出满足全球人口基本生存所需的农产品,但不足以支持全球人口以肉食为主的膳食模式[5]。Bouma的研究指出如果居民的饮食从素食为主转变为肉食为主将导致食物生产用地需求增加三倍以上[6]。GerbensLeenes的研究证实普通家庭对禽肉、植物油、酒类的消费变化强烈的影响着荷兰全国对食物生产用地的需求,而在某些低收入国家,居民膳食结构变化对食物生产用地需求的影响超过作物产量因素与人口因素的影响[7]。JiunJiun Ferng的研究也指出自上世纪70年代以来,台湾地区由于稻米消费的减少与面粉、肉类消费的增加,对当地的水田利用产生了显著的影响[8]。而在国内,与粮食安全概念的狭义化相对应,有关粮食安全的研究主要探讨不同生活标准下我国居民的人均粮食需求,并基此提出人均耕地面积阈值及我国耕地的总需求[9-10],鲜见有研究从膳食结构角度分析居民食物消费与食物生产用地需求之间的关系。本文从我国居民人均食物消费入手,探索居民膳食结构变化对我国食物生产用地需求产生的影响,并预测我国人口高峰年不同膳食模式下的食物生产用地需求,这有助于深入了解我国食物生产用地需求的变化趋势并为引导制定相应的土地保护政策提供新的决策依据。













    依据图4,与人均食物生产用地的“v”字型变化不同,我国食物生产用地总需求量在1961-2009年间总体上以1984年为界分为先平稳发展后急剧上升两个阶段,第一阶段食物生产用地总需求面积从1961年的12.59亿亩/年发展到1984年的12.75亿亩/年,24年间微增了0.16亿亩,年均仅增加0.007亿亩。但是这期间我国人口总量从65 859万人一举增加到104 357万人,年均增加1 604.08万人,分析我国食物生产用地总需求面积未随人口的增加同步上升的原因,在于同期我国人均食物生产用地需求的持续降低,抵消了人口增长因素对食物生产用地总需求的影响,导致我国的食物生产用地总需求面积在这一阶段基本围绕在12.5亿亩/年上下波动。第二阶段为1984年之后,由于人均食物生产用地需求和人口总量增长的双重效应导致我国食物生产用地总需求的急剧增长,具体从1984年的低点迅速上升到2009年的22.82亿亩,25年间增加了10.07亿亩,增加幅度高达79.0%,远远高于同时期我国人口总量27.9%和人均食物生产用地需求面积39.9%的增长幅度。2.4膳食因素对我国食物生产用地需求增长的贡献率




    平衡膳食宝塔,提出我国健康成年人每人每日膳食摄入下限能量水平为1 800 kcal,上限能量水平为2 600 kcal,并在充分考虑营养素搭配的前提下按照7个能量水平分别建议了9类食物的摄入量。本研究选取最低、适中和最高三种能量水平下的膳食组成,并以2009年我国各类食物单位重量的土地需求面积作为计算依据,得出我国居民平衡膳食模式下人均食物生产用地需求面积分别为673.07 m2/年(1.01亩/年)、920.07 m2/年(1.38亩/年)和994.33 m2/年(1.49亩/年)(见表3)。因此,人均1.38亩为我国居民最佳膳食摄入水平下的年平均食物生产用地需求面积,该数值比2009年居民实际食物消费所需农地1.71亩少了0.33亩。而据国家人口战略发展研究课题组预测,我国人口高峰将在2033年到来,人口总数将达14.73亿,则届时满足我国居民平衡膳食摄入共需食物生产用地20.33亿亩。而我国居民如果保持目前的饮食摄入结构不变的话,则届时共需食物生产用地25.19亿亩,比平衡膳食模式下多出4.86亿亩。3.2讨论与建议




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    [12]范锦龙,吴炳方.基于GIS的复种指数潜力研究[J].遥感学报,2004,8(6):637-644.[Fan Jinlong, Wu Bingfang. A Study on Cropping Index Potential Based on GIS[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing,2004,8(6):637-644.]

    [13]王宏广.中国农业的问题、潜力与对策[J].科学学研究,1992, 10(3): 38-41.[Wang Hongguang. The Problem, Potential and Countermeasure of Chinese Agriculture[J]. Studies in Science of Science,1992,10(3): 38-41.]

    [14]汪涌,王滨,马仓,等.基于耕地面积订正的中国复种指数研究[J].中国土地科学,2008,22(12):46-52.[Wang Yong, Wang Bin, Ma Cang, et al. Study on the Multiple Cropping Index Based on Revised Cultivated Land Area in China[J].China Land Science,2008, 22(12):46-52.]AbstractThe change of dietary pattern caused by the increase of residents income is increasingly impacts on land requirements for food in our country. On the basis of the residents food consumption data from 1961 to 2009, this paper analyzed the change law of land requirments for food in the past year and the contribution rate of residents diety pattern to this change, it also forecasted the area of land requirements for food under different dietary patterns in the peak year of population. The main results are as follows: Per capita land requirement for food had showed a vshape tendency, which had dropped before 1984 and risen after 1984. Among the five category food of cereals, beans, animal products, vegetables and energy food, land requirements for per capita consumption of cereals and beans reflects an descending tendency, while land requirements for per capita consumption of animal products, vegetables and energy food shows an upward trend. The year 1984 divided the study period into two phases, during which the total land requirements for food tends to hold steady before 1984 and then increase rapidly after 1984. In the previous phase, land requirements for food is around 1.25 billion mu, and in the second phases it is sharply increased from 1.275 billion mu in 1984 to 2.282 billion mu in 2009. After the year 1984,the contribution of the change of dietary pattern to land requirements for food was 57.7%, and at the same time the contribution rate of population growth was 42.3%. It is predicted that at the balance diet mode land requirements for food will be 2.033 billion mu in the peak year of population, which is 486 million mu less than the land demand at todays dietary pattern.

    Key wordsdietary pattern; land required for food; contribution rate; food security

    [13]王宏广.中国农业的问题、潜力与对策[J].科学学研究,1992, 10(3): 38-41.[Wang Hongguang. The Problem, Potential and Countermeasure of Chinese Agriculture[J]. Studies in Science of Science,1992,10(3): 38-41.]

    [14]汪涌,王滨,马仓,等.基于耕地面积订正的中国复种指数研究[J].中国土地科学,2008,22(12):46-52.[Wang Yong, Wang Bin, Ma Cang, et al. Study on the Multiple Cropping Index Based on Revised Cultivated Land Area in China[J].China Land Science,2008, 22(12):46-52.]AbstractThe change of dietary pattern caused by the increase of residents income is increasingly impacts on land requirements for food in our country. On the basis of the residents food consumption data from 1961 to 2009, this paper analyzed the change law of land requirments for food in the past year and the contribution rate of residents diety pattern to this change, it also forecasted the area of land requirements for food under different dietary patterns in the peak year of population. The main results are as follows: Per capita land requirement for food had showed a vshape tendency, which had dropped before 1984 and risen after 1984. Among the five category food of cereals, beans, animal products, vegetables and energy food, land requirements for per capita consumption of cereals and beans reflects an descending tendency, while land requirements for per capita consumption of animal products, vegetables and energy food shows an upward trend. The year 1984 divided the study period into two phases, during which the total land requirements for food tends to hold steady before 1984 and then increase rapidly after 1984. In the previous phase, land requirements for food is around 1.25 billion mu, and in the second phases it is sharply increased from 1.275 billion mu in 1984 to 2.282 billion mu in 2009. After the year 1984,the contribution of the change of dietary pattern to land requirements for food was 57.7%, and at the same time the contribution rate of population growth was 42.3%. It is predicted that at the balance diet mode land requirements for food will be 2.033 billion mu in the peak year of population, which is 486 million mu less than the land demand at todays dietary pattern.

    Key wordsdietary pattern; land required for food; contribution rate; food security

    [13]王宏广.中国农业的问题、潜力与对策[J].科学学研究,1992, 10(3): 38-41.[Wang Hongguang. The Problem, Potential and Countermeasure of Chinese Agriculture[J]. Studies in Science of Science,1992,10(3): 38-41.]

    [14]汪涌,王滨,马仓,等.基于耕地面积订正的中国复种指数研究[J].中国土地科学,2008,22(12):46-52.[Wang Yong, Wang Bin, Ma Cang, et al. Study on the Multiple Cropping Index Based on Revised Cultivated Land Area in China[J].China Land Science,2008, 22(12):46-52.]AbstractThe change of dietary pattern caused by the increase of residents income is increasingly impacts on land requirements for food in our country. On the basis of the residents food consumption data from 1961 to 2009, this paper analyzed the change law of land requirments for food in the past year and the contribution rate of residents diety pattern to this change, it also forecasted the area of land requirements for food under different dietary patterns in the peak year of population. The main results are as follows: Per capita land requirement for food had showed a vshape tendency, which had dropped before 1984 and risen after 1984. Among the five category food of cereals, beans, animal products, vegetables and energy food, land requirements for per capita consumption of cereals and beans reflects an descending tendency, while land requirements for per capita consumption of animal products, vegetables and energy food shows an upward trend. The year 1984 divided the study period into two phases, during which the total land requirements for food tends to hold steady before 1984 and then increase rapidly after 1984. In the previous phase, land requirements for food is around 1.25 billion mu, and in the second phases it is sharply increased from 1.275 billion mu in 1984 to 2.282 billion mu in 2009. After the year 1984,the contribution of the change of dietary pattern to land requirements for food was 57.7%, and at the same time the contribution rate of population growth was 42.3%. It is predicted that at the balance diet mode land requirements for food will be 2.033 billion mu in the peak year of population, which is 486 million mu less than the land demand at todays dietary pattern.

    Key wordsdietary pattern; land required for food; contribution rate; food security





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