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标题 土地利用政策与盐碱地农田水利设施管理农户参与意愿研究

    徐慧 黄贤金



    中图分类号F205 F321.1文献标识码A文章编号1002-2104(2014)03-0154-07doi:103969/jissn1002-2104201403022





























    需要说明的是,本研究发现家庭劳动力越多,农业收入占家庭收入比重越大,农户参与愿意越弱,这一结果与预期相反。在农户层面上,需要进一步加强农户对农田水利设施重要性的认知教育,转变农户思想,提高农户农田水利设施管理参与意愿。其次,尽管回归分析结果表明村集体规模对农户参与意愿的影响并不明显,但调研中发现小规模的村集体便于农户协商,采取一致的集体行动。山东省垦利县永安镇二十八村仅有农户53户,总人口153人,本村确权耕地总面积为6 420亩,其中家庭承包责任田为3 500亩,其余2 920亩由村集体采取土地入股方式进行土地开发、经营,收益用于农用地道路、沟渠、水库等农田水利设施建设,这种“以地养水,以水养地”的模式充分发挥了盐碱地资产价值,降低了农户生产成本,这种做法对于地多人少的盐碱地区域具有借鉴意义。



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    [19]林年丰,汤洁. 松嫩平原环境演变与土地盐碱化、荒漠化的成因分析[J]. 第四纪研究, 2005,(4):474-483. [Study on the Environment Evolution and the Analysis of Causes to Land Salinization and Desertification in Songnen Plain[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2005, (4):474-483.]

    [20]刘金荣,谢晓蓉,金自学,等. 河西走廊干旱荒漠区盐碱化土地修复与调控研究:以黑河灌区为例[J].中国地质灾害与防治学报,2005,(3):89-92. [Liu Jinrong, Xie Xiaorong, Jin Zixue, et al. Study on the Recovery and Control of the SalineAlkali Lands in Hexi Corridor Drought Area: an Example in Heihe River Irrigated Area[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control, 2005,(3): 89-92.]

    [21]Green G, Sunding D, Zilberman D, et al. Explaining Irrigation Technology Choices: a Microparameter Approach[J]. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1996, 78(4): 1064-1072.

    [22]贺雪峰,郭亮. 农田水利的利益主体及其成本收益分析:以湖北省沙洋县农田水利调查为基础[J]. 管理世界,2010,(7):86-97. [He Xuefeng, Guo Liang. An Analysis of the Main Body of the Benefited in Farmland Irrigation and Water Conservancy and an Analysis of the Cost Effectiveness Thereof[J]. Management World, 2010, (7):86-97.]

    AbstractThe reasonable rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities are important to the sustainable saline farmland use. The purpose of the paper is to study farmers willingness of participating in the rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities of saline farmland and its relationship with land use policy. The binary Logistic model is formulated based on the questionnaire survey of 468 framers from 14 villages, 8 towns in Kenli (Jilin), Zhenlai (Shandong) and Chabuchaer (Xinjiang) counties. The results show that increasing the scale of land management and the size of a plot, decreasing the fragmentation degree of farmland, and stabilizing the right to contract and manage rural land can improve the farmers willingness in rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities. It is the relative scarcity of water resources and agricultural water charges proportion of total agriculture production cost that the farm households make decision depend on. Especially, in farmland occupation scenario, the perfect degree of rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities is the key factor that influences the willingness of farm households. Farmers are more willing to participate in management of rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities with the government investment by the projects of land integrated consolidation and improvement of low and middleyield farmland. Therefore, in order to realize the sustainable utilization of saline farmland, this research suggests that its necessary for contracted saline farmland to adopt the appropriate scale of agricultural operations by land transfer, and for uncontracted saline farmland to increase the size of a plot during the land allocation. The policy of longterm land contractual right is helpful to stabilize the expected agricultural production and increase the longterm investment for farm households. Building the sound management mechanism of agriculture irrigation water, improving the perfect degree of rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities, and increasing agriculture irrigation water cost standard will have a positive impact on farmers willingness significantly, which is also important for the water resource utilization and the sustainable development of saline soil agriculture.

    Key wordsland use policy; rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities; saline farmland; farmer

    [18]黎红梅. 农户灌溉行为对水稻生产技术效率的影响研究[D].长沙:湖南农业大学,2009. [Li Hongmei. Effects of Farmers Irrigation Behavior on Technical Efficiency in Rice Production: a Case of Zhanghe Irrigation System in Hubei[D]. Changsha: Hunan Agricultural University, 2009.]

    [19]林年丰,汤洁. 松嫩平原环境演变与土地盐碱化、荒漠化的成因分析[J]. 第四纪研究, 2005,(4):474-483. [Study on the Environment Evolution and the Analysis of Causes to Land Salinization and Desertification in Songnen Plain[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2005, (4):474-483.]

    [20]刘金荣,谢晓蓉,金自学,等. 河西走廊干旱荒漠区盐碱化土地修复与调控研究:以黑河灌区为例[J].中国地质灾害与防治学报,2005,(3):89-92. [Liu Jinrong, Xie Xiaorong, Jin Zixue, et al. Study on the Recovery and Control of the SalineAlkali Lands in Hexi Corridor Drought Area: an Example in Heihe River Irrigated Area[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control, 2005,(3): 89-92.]

    [21]Green G, Sunding D, Zilberman D, et al. Explaining Irrigation Technology Choices: a Microparameter Approach[J]. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1996, 78(4): 1064-1072.

    [22]贺雪峰,郭亮. 农田水利的利益主体及其成本收益分析:以湖北省沙洋县农田水利调查为基础[J]. 管理世界,2010,(7):86-97. [He Xuefeng, Guo Liang. An Analysis of the Main Body of the Benefited in Farmland Irrigation and Water Conservancy and an Analysis of the Cost Effectiveness Thereof[J]. Management World, 2010, (7):86-97.]

    AbstractThe reasonable rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities are important to the sustainable saline farmland use. The purpose of the paper is to study farmers willingness of participating in the rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities of saline farmland and its relationship with land use policy. The binary Logistic model is formulated based on the questionnaire survey of 468 framers from 14 villages, 8 towns in Kenli (Jilin), Zhenlai (Shandong) and Chabuchaer (Xinjiang) counties. The results show that increasing the scale of land management and the size of a plot, decreasing the fragmentation degree of farmland, and stabilizing the right to contract and manage rural land can improve the farmers willingness in rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities. It is the relative scarcity of water resources and agricultural water charges proportion of total agriculture production cost that the farm households make decision depend on. Especially, in farmland occupation scenario, the perfect degree of rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities is the key factor that influences the willingness of farm households. Farmers are more willing to participate in management of rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities with the government investment by the projects of land integrated consolidation and improvement of low and middleyield farmland. Therefore, in order to realize the sustainable utilization of saline farmland, this research suggests that its necessary for contracted saline farmland to adopt the appropriate scale of agricultural operations by land transfer, and for uncontracted saline farmland to increase the size of a plot during the land allocation. The policy of longterm land contractual right is helpful to stabilize the expected agricultural production and increase the longterm investment for farm households. Building the sound management mechanism of agriculture irrigation water, improving the perfect degree of rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities, and increasing agriculture irrigation water cost standard will have a positive impact on farmers willingness significantly, which is also important for the water resource utilization and the sustainable development of saline soil agriculture.

    Key wordsland use policy; rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities; saline farmland; farmer

    [18]黎红梅. 农户灌溉行为对水稻生产技术效率的影响研究[D].长沙:湖南农业大学,2009. [Li Hongmei. Effects of Farmers Irrigation Behavior on Technical Efficiency in Rice Production: a Case of Zhanghe Irrigation System in Hubei[D]. Changsha: Hunan Agricultural University, 2009.]

    [19]林年丰,汤洁. 松嫩平原环境演变与土地盐碱化、荒漠化的成因分析[J]. 第四纪研究, 2005,(4):474-483. [Study on the Environment Evolution and the Analysis of Causes to Land Salinization and Desertification in Songnen Plain[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2005, (4):474-483.]

    [20]刘金荣,谢晓蓉,金自学,等. 河西走廊干旱荒漠区盐碱化土地修复与调控研究:以黑河灌区为例[J].中国地质灾害与防治学报,2005,(3):89-92. [Liu Jinrong, Xie Xiaorong, Jin Zixue, et al. Study on the Recovery and Control of the SalineAlkali Lands in Hexi Corridor Drought Area: an Example in Heihe River Irrigated Area[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control, 2005,(3): 89-92.]

    [21]Green G, Sunding D, Zilberman D, et al. Explaining Irrigation Technology Choices: a Microparameter Approach[J]. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1996, 78(4): 1064-1072.

    [22]贺雪峰,郭亮. 农田水利的利益主体及其成本收益分析:以湖北省沙洋县农田水利调查为基础[J]. 管理世界,2010,(7):86-97. [He Xuefeng, Guo Liang. An Analysis of the Main Body of the Benefited in Farmland Irrigation and Water Conservancy and an Analysis of the Cost Effectiveness Thereof[J]. Management World, 2010, (7):86-97.]

    AbstractThe reasonable rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities are important to the sustainable saline farmland use. The purpose of the paper is to study farmers willingness of participating in the rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities of saline farmland and its relationship with land use policy. The binary Logistic model is formulated based on the questionnaire survey of 468 framers from 14 villages, 8 towns in Kenli (Jilin), Zhenlai (Shandong) and Chabuchaer (Xinjiang) counties. The results show that increasing the scale of land management and the size of a plot, decreasing the fragmentation degree of farmland, and stabilizing the right to contract and manage rural land can improve the farmers willingness in rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities. It is the relative scarcity of water resources and agricultural water charges proportion of total agriculture production cost that the farm households make decision depend on. Especially, in farmland occupation scenario, the perfect degree of rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities is the key factor that influences the willingness of farm households. Farmers are more willing to participate in management of rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities with the government investment by the projects of land integrated consolidation and improvement of low and middleyield farmland. Therefore, in order to realize the sustainable utilization of saline farmland, this research suggests that its necessary for contracted saline farmland to adopt the appropriate scale of agricultural operations by land transfer, and for uncontracted saline farmland to increase the size of a plot during the land allocation. The policy of longterm land contractual right is helpful to stabilize the expected agricultural production and increase the longterm investment for farm households. Building the sound management mechanism of agriculture irrigation water, improving the perfect degree of rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities, and increasing agriculture irrigation water cost standard will have a positive impact on farmers willingness significantly, which is also important for the water resource utilization and the sustainable development of saline soil agriculture.

    Key wordsland use policy; rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities; saline farmland; farmer





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