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标题 地方政府间环境规制策略的演化博弈分析

    潘峰 西宝 王琳

    摘要 我国的环境规制政策由地方政府负责执行,地方政府的环境规制策略直接影响着整个国家的环境质量状况。由于区域环境污染具有跨界性,在环境规制的执行过程中,地方政府之间存在博弈关系。根据地方政府间环境规制博弈呈现出的长期性和动态性,基于演化博弈理论探讨了地方政府环境规制决策的演化过程。建立了地方政府与地方政府的演化博弈模型,分别研究了未引入约束机制和约束机制下的地方政府环境规制策略及其影响因素,根据复制动态方程得到了地方政府的行为演化规律和演化稳定策略。研究结果表明,地方政府的环境规制策略不会受到政府间外部效应的影响,地方政府的环境规制成本、中央政府对地方政府不执行环境规制行为的处罚力度、政绩考核体系中环境质量指标的权重系数、地方政府执行环境规制的污染排放削减量以及不执行环境规制的污染排放增加量,是影响地方政府环境规制决策的重要因素。在未引入约束机制的情况下,地方政府会通过权衡环境规制收益和环境规制成本进行策略选择,当环境规制净收益为正时,选择执行环境规制的地方政府数量会逐渐增加;当环境规制净收益为负时,选择执行环境规制的地方政府数量会逐渐降低。缺乏约束的地方政府很可能陷入环境规制决策的“囚徒困境”。而约束机制的引入可以引导地方政府的环境规制决策向“帕累托改进”的方向演化,通过降低环境规制成本、加大中央政府对地方政府的处罚力度以及提高政绩考核体系中环境质量指标的权重系数,可以促进地方政府环境规制的高效执行。

    关键词 有限理性;演化博弈;环境规制;地方政府;演化稳定策略

    中图分类号 F203.9

    文献标识码 A

    文章编号 1002-2104(2014)06-0097-06 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2014.06.015

    改革开放以来,我国实现了经济的高速增长,但是自然生态环境却受到了严重破坏,愈演愈烈的环境污染问题已经危及到公众的正常生产生活和经济的可持续发展。2012年中国环境状况公报显示,我国环境总体形势依然严峻:在十大流域的国控断面中,Ⅳ~Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类水质的断面比例为31.1%,在监测的60个湖泊(水库)中,25%处于富营养化状态,在4 929个地下水监测点位中,较差-极差水质的监测点达到57.3%;59.1%的地级及以上城市空气质量不达标,76.1%的环保重点城市空气质量不达标;全国水土流失面积高达294.91万平方千米,全国突发环境事件达到542起。实际上,我国很早就开始重视环境保护问题,自1979年《环境保护法》颁布以来,国务院先后制定和实施了一系列重大环境保护政策,而环境污染问题能否得到有效解决,在很大程度上取决于地方政府对环境规制政策的执行状况。我国的环境规制政策由中央政府统一制定并由地方政府负责执行,作为连接中央制度供给和微观制度需求的重要中介,地方政府的环境规制行为直接影响着整个国家的环境治理效果。由于生态环境的一体化和污染物的扩散性质,环境污染往往具有区域性和跨界性的特点。环境污染的负外部性和地方政府环境规制行为的正外部性使相邻地方政府之间形成规制策略的博弈,针对环境规制执行过程中地方政府间策略行为的研究,能够从一个侧面揭示我国环境污染问题的本质,并有助于提高区域环境治理效率。

    1 文献综述



    2 地方政府间环境规制演化博弈模型





    3 约束机制下的地方政府间环境规制演化博弈模型



    4 结论及政策建议








    (编辑:于 杰)


    [1]Moledina A A, Coggins J S, Polasky S, et al. Dynamic Environmental Policy with Strategic Firms: Prices Versus Quantities [J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2003, 45(2): 356-376.

    [2]蒙肖莲,杜宽旗,蔡淑琴.环境政策问题分析模型研究[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2005,22(5):79-88.

    [3]张倩,曲世友.环境规制下政府与企业环境行为的动态博弈与最优策略研究[J].预测, 2013,(4):35-40.

    [4]张学刚,钟茂初.政府环境监管与企业污染的博弈分析及对策研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2011,21(2):31-35.

    [5]王齐.政府管制与企业排污的博弈分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2004,14(3):119-122.

    [6]卢方元.环境污染问题的演化博弈分析[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2007,27(9):148-152.

    [7]Barrett S. Strategic Environmental Policy and International Trade [J]. Journal of Public Economics, 1994, 54(3): 325-338.

    [8]Kennedy P W. Equilibrium Pollution Taxes in Open Economies with Imperfect Competition [J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1994, 27(1): 49-63.

    [9]崔亚飞,刘小川.中国地方政府间环境污染治理策略的博弈分析:基于政府社会福利目标的视角[J].理论与改革, 2009,(6):62-65.

    [10]朱平芳,张征宇,姜国麟.FDI与环境规制:基于地方分权视角的实证研究[J].经济研究, 2011,(6):133-145.

    [11]刘洋,万玉秋.跨区域环境治理中地方政府间的博弈分析[J].环境保护科学, 2010,36(1):34-36.

    [12]易志斌.地方政府竞争的博弈行为与流域水环境保护[J].经济问题, 2011,(1):60-64.

    [13]曾文慧.流域越界污染规制:对中国跨省水污染的实证研究[J].经济学:季刊, 2008,(2):447-464.

    [14]张文彬,张理芃,张可云.中国环境规制强度省际竞争形态及其演变:基于两区制空间Durbin固定效应模型的分析[J].管理世界, 2010,(12):34-44.

    [15]Friedman D. Evolutionary Games in Economics [J]. Econometrica, 1991, 59(3): 637-666.

    Abstract The environmental regulation policy is implemented by local governments in China, and the environmental quality of whole nation is directly affected by the environmental regulation strategy of local governments. There is a game relationship between local governments in the process of implementation of environmental regulation for the transboundary of regional pollution. The game of environmental regulation between local governments is longterm and dynamic, the evolutionary process of environmental regulation strategy of local governments is discussed based on the evolutionary game theory. The evolutionary game model between local governments is established, the environmental regulation strategy of local governments and related factors without restriction mechanism and under restriction mechanism are studied respectively. Behavioral evolutionary law and evolutionary stable strategy of local governments is given according to replicator dynamics equation. It is showed that, the environmental regulation strategy of local governments will not be affected by the externality between local governments. The environmental regulation strategy of local governments will be significantly affected by the cost of local government environmental regulation, the punishment of central government to local government, the weight coefficient of environmental quality index in achievement assessment system, the emission reduction of implementing environmental regulation and the emission increase of not implementing environmental regulation. In the condition without restriction mechanism, the local government will choose its strategy by comparing the income and cost of environmental regulation. When the net income of environmental regulation is positive, the number of local governments choosing “implement” will be increasing. When the net income of environmental regulation is negative, the number of local government choosing “implement” will be reducing. The local government is likely to fall into the Prisoners Dilemma of regulation strategy when restriction mechanism is not introduced, and the introduction of the restriction mechanism can lead the environmental regulation strategy of local government to the Pareto improvement. The implementation of local government environmental regulation will be promoted by reducing the cost of local government environmental regulation, strengthening the punishment of central government to local government, increasing the weight coefficient of environmental quality index in achievement assessment system.

    Key words bounded rationality; evolutionary game; environmental regulation; local government; evolutionary stable strategy

    (编辑:于 杰)


    [1]Moledina A A, Coggins J S, Polasky S, et al. Dynamic Environmental Policy with Strategic Firms: Prices Versus Quantities [J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2003, 45(2): 356-376.

    [2]蒙肖莲,杜宽旗,蔡淑琴.环境政策问题分析模型研究[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2005,22(5):79-88.

    [3]张倩,曲世友.环境规制下政府与企业环境行为的动态博弈与最优策略研究[J].预测, 2013,(4):35-40.

    [4]张学刚,钟茂初.政府环境监管与企业污染的博弈分析及对策研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2011,21(2):31-35.

    [5]王齐.政府管制与企业排污的博弈分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2004,14(3):119-122.

    [6]卢方元.环境污染问题的演化博弈分析[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2007,27(9):148-152.

    [7]Barrett S. Strategic Environmental Policy and International Trade [J]. Journal of Public Economics, 1994, 54(3): 325-338.

    [8]Kennedy P W. Equilibrium Pollution Taxes in Open Economies with Imperfect Competition [J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1994, 27(1): 49-63.

    [9]崔亚飞,刘小川.中国地方政府间环境污染治理策略的博弈分析:基于政府社会福利目标的视角[J].理论与改革, 2009,(6):62-65.

    [10]朱平芳,张征宇,姜国麟.FDI与环境规制:基于地方分权视角的实证研究[J].经济研究, 2011,(6):133-145.

    [11]刘洋,万玉秋.跨区域环境治理中地方政府间的博弈分析[J].环境保护科学, 2010,36(1):34-36.

    [12]易志斌.地方政府竞争的博弈行为与流域水环境保护[J].经济问题, 2011,(1):60-64.

    [13]曾文慧.流域越界污染规制:对中国跨省水污染的实证研究[J].经济学:季刊, 2008,(2):447-464.

    [14]张文彬,张理芃,张可云.中国环境规制强度省际竞争形态及其演变:基于两区制空间Durbin固定效应模型的分析[J].管理世界, 2010,(12):34-44.

    [15]Friedman D. Evolutionary Games in Economics [J]. Econometrica, 1991, 59(3): 637-666.

    Abstract The environmental regulation policy is implemented by local governments in China, and the environmental quality of whole nation is directly affected by the environmental regulation strategy of local governments. There is a game relationship between local governments in the process of implementation of environmental regulation for the transboundary of regional pollution. The game of environmental regulation between local governments is longterm and dynamic, the evolutionary process of environmental regulation strategy of local governments is discussed based on the evolutionary game theory. The evolutionary game model between local governments is established, the environmental regulation strategy of local governments and related factors without restriction mechanism and under restriction mechanism are studied respectively. Behavioral evolutionary law and evolutionary stable strategy of local governments is given according to replicator dynamics equation. It is showed that, the environmental regulation strategy of local governments will not be affected by the externality between local governments. The environmental regulation strategy of local governments will be significantly affected by the cost of local government environmental regulation, the punishment of central government to local government, the weight coefficient of environmental quality index in achievement assessment system, the emission reduction of implementing environmental regulation and the emission increase of not implementing environmental regulation. In the condition without restriction mechanism, the local government will choose its strategy by comparing the income and cost of environmental regulation. When the net income of environmental regulation is positive, the number of local governments choosing “implement” will be increasing. When the net income of environmental regulation is negative, the number of local government choosing “implement” will be reducing. The local government is likely to fall into the Prisoners Dilemma of regulation strategy when restriction mechanism is not introduced, and the introduction of the restriction mechanism can lead the environmental regulation strategy of local government to the Pareto improvement. The implementation of local government environmental regulation will be promoted by reducing the cost of local government environmental regulation, strengthening the punishment of central government to local government, increasing the weight coefficient of environmental quality index in achievement assessment system.

    Key words bounded rationality; evolutionary game; environmental regulation; local government; evolutionary stable strategy

    (编辑:于 杰)


    [1]Moledina A A, Coggins J S, Polasky S, et al. Dynamic Environmental Policy with Strategic Firms: Prices Versus Quantities [J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2003, 45(2): 356-376.

    [2]蒙肖莲,杜宽旗,蔡淑琴.环境政策问题分析模型研究[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2005,22(5):79-88.

    [3]张倩,曲世友.环境规制下政府与企业环境行为的动态博弈与最优策略研究[J].预测, 2013,(4):35-40.

    [4]张学刚,钟茂初.政府环境监管与企业污染的博弈分析及对策研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2011,21(2):31-35.

    [5]王齐.政府管制与企业排污的博弈分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2004,14(3):119-122.

    [6]卢方元.环境污染问题的演化博弈分析[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2007,27(9):148-152.

    [7]Barrett S. Strategic Environmental Policy and International Trade [J]. Journal of Public Economics, 1994, 54(3): 325-338.

    [8]Kennedy P W. Equilibrium Pollution Taxes in Open Economies with Imperfect Competition [J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1994, 27(1): 49-63.

    [9]崔亚飞,刘小川.中国地方政府间环境污染治理策略的博弈分析:基于政府社会福利目标的视角[J].理论与改革, 2009,(6):62-65.

    [10]朱平芳,张征宇,姜国麟.FDI与环境规制:基于地方分权视角的实证研究[J].经济研究, 2011,(6):133-145.

    [11]刘洋,万玉秋.跨区域环境治理中地方政府间的博弈分析[J].环境保护科学, 2010,36(1):34-36.

    [12]易志斌.地方政府竞争的博弈行为与流域水环境保护[J].经济问题, 2011,(1):60-64.

    [13]曾文慧.流域越界污染规制:对中国跨省水污染的实证研究[J].经济学:季刊, 2008,(2):447-464.

    [14]张文彬,张理芃,张可云.中国环境规制强度省际竞争形态及其演变:基于两区制空间Durbin固定效应模型的分析[J].管理世界, 2010,(12):34-44.

    [15]Friedman D. Evolutionary Games in Economics [J]. Econometrica, 1991, 59(3): 637-666.

    Abstract The environmental regulation policy is implemented by local governments in China, and the environmental quality of whole nation is directly affected by the environmental regulation strategy of local governments. There is a game relationship between local governments in the process of implementation of environmental regulation for the transboundary of regional pollution. The game of environmental regulation between local governments is longterm and dynamic, the evolutionary process of environmental regulation strategy of local governments is discussed based on the evolutionary game theory. The evolutionary game model between local governments is established, the environmental regulation strategy of local governments and related factors without restriction mechanism and under restriction mechanism are studied respectively. Behavioral evolutionary law and evolutionary stable strategy of local governments is given according to replicator dynamics equation. It is showed that, the environmental regulation strategy of local governments will not be affected by the externality between local governments. The environmental regulation strategy of local governments will be significantly affected by the cost of local government environmental regulation, the punishment of central government to local government, the weight coefficient of environmental quality index in achievement assessment system, the emission reduction of implementing environmental regulation and the emission increase of not implementing environmental regulation. In the condition without restriction mechanism, the local government will choose its strategy by comparing the income and cost of environmental regulation. When the net income of environmental regulation is positive, the number of local governments choosing “implement” will be increasing. When the net income of environmental regulation is negative, the number of local government choosing “implement” will be reducing. The local government is likely to fall into the Prisoners Dilemma of regulation strategy when restriction mechanism is not introduced, and the introduction of the restriction mechanism can lead the environmental regulation strategy of local government to the Pareto improvement. The implementation of local government environmental regulation will be promoted by reducing the cost of local government environmental regulation, strengthening the punishment of central government to local government, increasing the weight coefficient of environmental quality index in achievement assessment system.

    Key words bounded rationality; evolutionary game; environmental regulation; local government; evolutionary stable strategy





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