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标题 基于模糊联盟合作博弈的流域水资源优化配置研究





    水资源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基本要素和战略性资源。伴随着社会经济的快速发展,人们对水资源的需求也不断增加,水资源已经成为新时期我国最为稀缺的自然资源之一。同时,水资源短缺、水污染、水生态恶化等问题已经成为国民经济发展的瓶颈,严重制约着经济社会的可持续发展。流域水资源配置是一个涉及多个行政区域、多个业务部门以及多个目标的复杂决策问题。如何将有限的水资源分配给用水主体、使得水资源的利用得到最大化效益,成为研究人员研究的热点问题。由于各个利益主体目标的不完全一致性,在流域水资源配置过程中常常发生国家之间、区域之间以及行业之间的用水冲突。在流域水资源配置过程中,如何处理公平与效率的关系使得各利益主体个体收益不减少的情况下增加整体收益不仅关系到每一个用水主体,同时也是水资源主管部门所关心的核心问题,更影响着社会和谐与稳定。本文尝试研究利用流域水资源二次配置模型,在初次配置中考虑公平,在二次配置中考虑效率。流域水资源配置研究在国内外都取得了一定进展。罗其友等[1]重点研究了黄河流域农业水资源在不同区域不同作物间的合理配置问题;陈晓宏等[2]采用大系统“分解协调”原理提出多层次优化的水资源优化配置模型,在模型中考虑了防洪、供水、航运等多种约束;王浩等[3]提出水资源“三次平衡”和水资源可持续利用思想并进行了详细阐述;陈西庆等[4]提出在长江流域实行流域综合管理使水资源利用和管理在流域层面上达到优化状态,并确定了流域各行政区管理机构与用水户共同协商决策的原则,开启了对流域各主体协商管理水资源的研究;王勇[5]从负外部性的角度探讨了流域水资源配置,并对比了流域管理中的科层协调机制、市场协调机制和府际治理协调机制,表明三者的结合成为淮河治污的最佳选择;史银军等[6]针对内陆河流域水资源多次转化多次利用的特点,建立以水资源转化过程为基础的流域水资源优化配置模型,并引入进化算法求解计算实现水资源的流域配置和行政区配置的统一,便于水资源统一管理;吴丹等[7]建立流域初始水权配置的双层优化模型使得流域水资源得到合理配置,减少了区域之间的用水矛盾,并基于交互式群决策方法对模型进行求解。Koos De Voogt等[8]使用一个半分布式水文模型对流域水资源配置对水资源可用性和作物产量的影响进行评估,发现在灌溉季节湿地需水的增加减少了作物产量;ClaudiaRingler等[9]使用一个集成经济-水文的流域模型分析水资源分配政策的产生发展和应用,并在这个模型框架下考虑政治因素对水资源配置的影响;Devaraj de Condappa等[10]开发一个决策支持系统用于沃尔特河流域跨界水资源管理,该系统综合了水文模型、水资源评估与规划模型和水资源配置模型并考虑潜在的气候变化的影响;Mojtaba Sadegh等[11]利用合作博弈模型研究跨流域水资源转移的最优化,但并未考虑因此而产生的跨流域调水所产生的费用问题;D. Haro等[12]将非线性引入传统的网络流模型用于流域水资源配置,三种不同网络流算法用于配置问题的求解,结果表明OutofKilter具有最好的鲁棒性(robustness)。









    合作博弈研究联盟之间的相互作用以及联盟收益如何在盟友之间进行分配的问题,水资源配置问题往往也是复杂的多主体决策问题,用合作博弈去解决水资源配置问题具体先天优势[13]。在常规联盟(Crisp Coalition)中,要求局中人携带自己的全部资源参与某个联盟,根据Shapley的定义,联盟中某个局中人的收益决定于其对该联盟的贡献。根据Aubin(1974)提出的模糊联盟(Fuzzy Coalition)的含义,在模糊联盟中,局中人只需要携带部分资源参与各个联盟,其收益等于该局中人参与各个联盟获得的收益之和。具体来说,模糊联盟不要求局中人携带自身拥有的全部资源参与某个联盟,而是允许其携带自身拥有的部分资源参与不同的联盟。常规联盟和模糊联盟的区别在于,在常规联盟中,局中人只能参与某一个联盟;而在模糊联盟中,局中人可以同时参与多个联盟。模糊联盟产生的实际背景在于,实际问题当中,局中人并不是将其所有的资源贡献给联某个盟,只是将一部分资源贡献给该联盟,也就是以不同的参与率参与不同的联盟。在水资源二次分配模型中,首先,各用水主体携带一定数量的水资源参加不同的模糊联盟,使得整个流域系统的收益达到最大,然后将最大化的收益按照一定的方法分配给各个参与联盟的用水主体,同时各个用水主体的水资源也将在不同的模糊联盟间进行再分配。对于一个模糊联盟所拥有的资源如何在模糊联盟中各个参与主体之间的分配,模糊联盟并没有定义,相反地,模糊联盟研究的是收益的增加部分在局中人之间的分配。在实际问题当中,各个局中人之间的合作往往是多个维度的,也即除了在水资源分配当中的合作,还有其他合作途径,而这些不同的合作途径又往往互相作用并最终达到一个动态平衡状态。









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    Study on Optimal Allocation of Water Resources in Basin

    Based on Cooperative Game Under Fuzzy Coalition

    SUN Dongying1,2WANG Huimin1,2Yu Jing3

    (1. State Key Laboratory of HydrologyWater Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China;

    2. Institute of Management Science, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;

    3. Business school, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

    AbstractWater shortage is an important resource problem faced by China, and nowadays the need for water resource is increasing with rising population. It has become the bottleneck of economic development and social harmony. How to allocate limited water resources among different regions and/or different industrials in a basin becomes one of the key topics in water resources planning and management. A basin is a naturally shaped area that usually involves multiadministrative. The allocation of water resources in a basin involves different stakeholders. As a result, equitable and effective allocation of water resources to obtain sustainable water usage is an important factor of the economic development and social stability. A model for water resources allocation with two steps is presented. The equality is considered in the initial water allocation in which an optimization model based on the water needs of water users and the results can be obtained by minimizing the sum of the squared deviations. The efficiency is taken into account in the second allocation, in which cooperative games with fuzzy coalitions is adopted to maximize the overall benefit of the basin. And the incremental benefits from cooperation is reallocated to related stakeholders by using the fuzzy Shapley value and water resources are reallocated among all coalitions at the same time. Finally, the proposed model is applied to a numerical example and the effectiveness and applicability of this model is examined. And there are some lessons can be obtained from cooperative games with fuzzy coalitions to improve water resource planning and management.

    Key wordscooperative game; fuzzy coalition; water resources allocation; optimization

    Based on Cooperative Game Under Fuzzy Coalition

    SUN Dongying1,2WANG Huimin1,2Yu Jing3

    (1. State Key Laboratory of HydrologyWater Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China;

    2. Institute of Management Science, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;

    3. Business school, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

    AbstractWater shortage is an important resource problem faced by China, and nowadays the need for water resource is increasing with rising population. It has become the bottleneck of economic development and social harmony. How to allocate limited water resources among different regions and/or different industrials in a basin becomes one of the key topics in water resources planning and management. A basin is a naturally shaped area that usually involves multiadministrative. The allocation of water resources in a basin involves different stakeholders. As a result, equitable and effective allocation of water resources to obtain sustainable water usage is an important factor of the economic development and social stability. A model for water resources allocation with two steps is presented. The equality is considered in the initial water allocation in which an optimization model based on the water needs of water users and the results can be obtained by minimizing the sum of the squared deviations. The efficiency is taken into account in the second allocation, in which cooperative games with fuzzy coalitions is adopted to maximize the overall benefit of the basin. And the incremental benefits from cooperation is reallocated to related stakeholders by using the fuzzy Shapley value and water resources are reallocated among all coalitions at the same time. Finally, the proposed model is applied to a numerical example and the effectiveness and applicability of this model is examined. And there are some lessons can be obtained from cooperative games with fuzzy coalitions to improve water resource planning and management.

    Key wordscooperative game; fuzzy coalition; water resources allocation; optimization

    Based on Cooperative Game Under Fuzzy Coalition

    SUN Dongying1,2WANG Huimin1,2Yu Jing3

    (1. State Key Laboratory of HydrologyWater Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China;

    2. Institute of Management Science, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;

    3. Business school, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

    AbstractWater shortage is an important resource problem faced by China, and nowadays the need for water resource is increasing with rising population. It has become the bottleneck of economic development and social harmony. How to allocate limited water resources among different regions and/or different industrials in a basin becomes one of the key topics in water resources planning and management. A basin is a naturally shaped area that usually involves multiadministrative. The allocation of water resources in a basin involves different stakeholders. As a result, equitable and effective allocation of water resources to obtain sustainable water usage is an important factor of the economic development and social stability. A model for water resources allocation with two steps is presented. The equality is considered in the initial water allocation in which an optimization model based on the water needs of water users and the results can be obtained by minimizing the sum of the squared deviations. The efficiency is taken into account in the second allocation, in which cooperative games with fuzzy coalitions is adopted to maximize the overall benefit of the basin. And the incremental benefits from cooperation is reallocated to related stakeholders by using the fuzzy Shapley value and water resources are reallocated among all coalitions at the same time. Finally, the proposed model is applied to a numerical example and the effectiveness and applicability of this model is examined. And there are some lessons can be obtained from cooperative games with fuzzy coalitions to improve water resource planning and management.

    Key wordscooperative game; fuzzy coalition; water resources allocation; optimization





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