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单词 fishing
释义 fishing nounadjective | verb + fishing | fishing + noun | preposition adjective➤good捕鱼量大◆this stretch of the river is renowned for its good fishing.这个河段以能捕到很多鱼而出名。➤coarse, deep-sea, drift-net, saltwater, sea(不包括鳟鱼和鲑鱼的)淡水/深海/漂网/碱水/海上捕鱼◆one of his hobbies was coarse fishing.他的爱好之一是捕淡水鱼。➤game, salmon, shark, trout, etc.钓鱼、捕鲑鱼、捕鲨鱼、捕鳟鱼等◆she has been big game fishing off the coast of kenya.她曾在肯尼亚沿岸钓过大鱼。➤commercial, industrial商业/工业捕鱼➤recreational休闲钓鱼➤illegal非法捕鱼verb + fishing➤go去钓鱼◆he goes fishing every weekend.他每个周末都去钓鱼。fishing + noun➤equipment, gear, line, rod, tackle钓鱼装备;钓鱼用具;钓线;钓竿;钓具▸➤boat, craft, fleet, trawler, vessel捕鱼船;渔船队;拖网渔船;渔轮▸➤harbour/harbor, port, town, village渔港;渔镇;渔村▸➤area, grounds, spot, zone渔区;渔场;捕鱼地带◆the rich fishing grounds off the coast of namibia纳米比亚海岸富饶的渔场◆just below that bridge is a good fishing spot.那座桥的正下方是个钓鱼的好地方。➤dock, pier (both name) 钓鱼码头▸➤activity捕鱼活动◆controls on fishing activity对捕鱼活动的控制➤quotas捕鱼配额▸➤agreement捕鱼协议◆the two countries have signed a new fishing agreement.两国签署了新的捕鱼协议。➤ban捕鱼禁令➤rights钓鱼权◆fishing rights are held by the local angling club.当地钓鱼俱乐部掌握钓鱼权。➤licence/license钓鱼/捕鱼许可证◆you need a fishing licence / license to fish in the lake.在此湖钓鱼需要有钓鱼许可证。➤expedition, holiday, trip钓鱼之旅▸➤club钓鱼俱乐部▸➤lodge钓鱼者暂住的小屋➤business, industry渔业▸➤methods, techniques捕鱼方法;钓鱼技巧preposition➤fishing for捕⋯◆ecuador announced a ban on fishing for shrimp.厄瓜多尔颁布了禁止捕虾的法令。fishing/ˈfɪʃɪŋ ||; ˈfɪʃɪŋ/noun [u] catching fish as a job, sport or hobby 捕鱼;钓鱼: ◇fishing is a major industry in iceland. 捕鱼业是冰岛重要的产业。 ☞ look at angling. 参看angling。 fish·ing /`fɪʃɪŋ; ˈfɪʃɪŋ/n [u]the sport or job of catching fish 钓鱼; 捕鱼:◇go fishing do you want to go fishing? 你想去钓鱼吗?




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