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标题 基于动态物质流的钢沉淀运动规律分析





    钢铁是社会发展中不可或缺的重要基础性原材料,是国家物质财富积累的重要支撑。钢铁的生产过程高度依赖铁矿石的使用,而且还具有高能耗、高排放、高污染的特点。2012年中国铁矿石的对外依存度约为72%,钢铁工业能耗总量约占全国能源消费总量的16%,约占全国工业能源消费总量的23%,是氮氧化物、二氧化碳排放的主要来源之一。近年来,由于钢铁的大规模生产而产生的资源、环境问题愈演愈烈。实际上,存量能够协调经济发展与资源、环境的关系,在实现循环经济过程中具有重要作用。早在1969年城市学家Jane Jacobs就指出城市是“未来的矿山”。在人为活动的作用下,钢铁以建筑、机械设备等实物形式服务于人类的生产和生活,在其生命周期内蓄积于社会经济系统之中,形成钢铁存量,而钢铁存量是未来钢铁生产二次资源的潜在来源。利用二次资源进行钢铁生产能够减少能源消耗及污染物的排放。因此,对钢铁沉淀运动的内在规律进行研究,能够为二次资源的使用提供科学依据,从而为实现循环经济和可持续发展提供战略指导,具有重要的理论和现实意义。




    在动态物质流分析方面,耶鲁大学工业生态学中心的STAF项目组通过建立通用的人为物质循环分析框架[3],得出了最为丰富的成果。在分析1900-2004年美国铁循环时,Müller et al.指出产品存量通过为人类提供服务而支持了人类的生活,是未来二次资源的来源,存量需求的增加拉动了人们对物质的需求,是驱动人为金属循环的关键引擎[8]。发达国家的生活方式高度依赖实物金属存量,在铁路网络、发电和配电系统、个人住房和交通工具等基础设施方面均需要实物金属存量的支持[9]。目前发达国家的人均金属存量约为10-15 t,其中大部分是铁[9]。1954年,在美国工业化的繁盛时期,地球化学家Harrison Brown推断在用铁存量最终会达到饱和。后来一些学者对此推断进行了实证研究,结果表明,美国在1980年左右人均铁存量确实达到了饱和,但不同学者估算的饱和水平数值略有不同,有的学者通过估算认为美国人均铁存量的饱和水平为11-12 t[8],有的学者认为饱和水平为8-12 t[10]。学者们还对法国[10]、英国[11]、日本[12,13]、韩国[14]、中国[15]等国家的钢铁存量水平进行了研究,研究发现部分国家的人均钢铁存量已经达到了饱和,而另外一些国家的人均钢铁存量仍在持续增加。






    动态物质流分析方法在考虑被研究对象生命周期的基础上追踪物质资源在系统内的演进过程。在动态分析中,特定年份的物质存量和流量源自本期的物质流入量、流出量以及上期的存量。本文借鉴Hatayama et al.所使用的动态物质流模型[18],构建中国钢沉淀运动分析模型。第t年的物质平衡关系如公式(1)所示:



    本文从世界钢铁工业协会的历年“Steel Statistical Yearbook”中获取了1981年以后的钢表观消费量统计数据。假设钢表观消费量与粗钢产量的比率与1981年的该比率一致,估算1981年以前的钢表观消费量,回溯直至1949年的中国钢表观消费量。成品钢材的贸易已经计算进入了钢表观消费量,因此,钢表观消费量即为国内的钢流入量It。


    为了研究建筑、机械设备、交通运输设备及其他最终使用用途的钢存量,需要将钢总消费量进行分解,得到每一种最终使用用途的钢消费量。一些文献[3,19-20]及中国钢铁工业协会[21]对中国建筑、机械设备、交通运输设备及其他最终使用用途的耗钢比例进行了零散的估算。实际上,特定的钢铁产品用于特定的用途。比如,板材和棒材主要用于建筑,而镀锡铁皮广泛用于食物的包装,因此Tao Wang et al.建立了一种基本钢铁产品使用矩阵(PTUM)[3],该矩阵的行代表钢铁产品的品种,矩阵的列代表钢铁产品的最终使用用途,矩阵内的数据代表某一种特定的钢铁产品用于特定最终使用用途的比例。以棒材为例,基本钢铁产品使用矩阵提供了棒材产品在建筑、机械设备和交通运输设备领域的使用情况,大约有67.4%的棒材用于建筑,而其余32.6%的棒材用于机械设备和交通运输设备。基本钢铁产品使用矩阵能够分解钢铁产品的消费量,确定建筑、机械设备、交通运输设备及其他最终使用用途的历年耗钢数量及耗钢比例。

    表1所示矩阵为2000年的基本钢铁产品使用数据。Tao Wang et al.通过研究发现,美国、日本、加拿大、中国、印度乃至全球的钢铁产品使用矩阵均具有很强的一致性,不同国家具有相似的产品使用模式[3]。本文对此结论进行延伸,假设该特定的产品使用模式适用于中国的各个历史时期,建筑、机械设备、交通运输设备等最终使用用途的历年耗钢量随不同钢产品的历年消费量而变化,做出该假设的原因是下游行业的需求拉动了钢铁产品的生产,特定钢铁产品消费量的变化能够代表下游行业耗钢比例的变化。本文结合上述两种方法取得的数据,对四种最终使用用途的钢消费量进行动态估算。钢铁产品的数据取自历年“Steel Statistical Yearbook”,缺失的数据采用线性插入的方式进行增补。



    Fig.21949-2012 total stock of steel in China从上文数据及图2中所示的总存量趋势图中可以看出,虽然1949年到“九五”前期中国的钢总存量有了较大的增长,但年均增长幅度均在1亿t以下,钢总存量较少,从整个工业化进程的演进过程来看,尚处于前工业化阶段,社会占有并且可利用的钢并不充足。与此阶段不同,“九五”中期到2005年“十五”时期结束期间,中国进入了一个更为高速的发展阶段,钢存量年均增长量约为1.5亿t,钢总存量继续增加,1998年中国钢总存量约为14亿t,2003年钢总存量突破了20亿t。2005年“十五”时期结束时,钢总存量约为28亿t,较1998年的钢总存量翻了一番。1998-2005年中国钢总存量与1949-1997年钢总存量相比有了更大幅度的增长,基础设施进一步完善,以钢为代表的物质资源财富进一步积累,国民经济水平显著提高,中国工业化程度继续深化。




    为了满足基本生产、生活的需要,中国不断兴建土木工程建筑和住房工程建筑。建筑物的建设需要大量消费钢产品,且建筑物的寿命一般超过30年,寿命周期较长,因而,建筑物中蓄积了大量的钢存量,占钢总存量的50%-60%。1949-2010年建筑钢存量的蓄积具有明显的三阶段特征。1949年中国建筑钢存量低于15万t,1957年建筑钢存量超过了1 000万t,两年后翻了一番,1973年建筑钢存量突破了1亿t,1982年超过了2亿t,1987年达到了3亿t,1997年超过了6亿t,建筑钢存量年平均增长量在1亿t以下。1998-2005年中国建筑钢存量快速增长,2003年建筑钢存量达到了11亿t,2005年达到了14亿t,建筑钢存量年平均增长量约为1亿t。2006-2010年建筑钢存量迅速增加,2006年建筑钢存量超过了15亿t,2010年建筑钢存量达到了25亿t,建筑钢存量年平均增长量超过2.3亿t。2011年中国建筑钢存量接近29亿t,较2010年增加了3亿t。2012年中国建筑钢存量进一步增长,总量接近32亿t。钢的最大使用用途是建筑。

    钢的第二大的最终使用用途是机械设备。1952年机械设备钢存量首次超过100万t,1958年达到了1 000万t,两年后机械设备钢存量翻了一番,1974年机械设备钢存量达到了1亿t,1984年超过了2亿t,此后机械设备用钢的蓄积速度不断增大,2001年机械设备钢存量约为5.6亿t,“十一五”时期结束时机械设备钢存量约为8.6亿t,2008年超过了10亿t,并于2011年达到14亿t,2012年机械设备钢存量约为15.6亿t。

    交通运输设备是钢的另一主要用途,1952年交通运输设备钢存量首次达到100万t,1958年“二五”时期开始时,交通运输设备钢存量接近1 000万t,1983年交通运输设备钢存量超过了1亿t,1998年达到了2亿t。2006年,“十一五”时期开始时,交通运输设备钢存量达到3亿t,2011年超过了5亿t,2012年接近了6亿t。

    除了建筑、机械设备和交通运输设备三种使用用途外,还有一部分钢蓄积在包装物等其他使用用途中。1958年其他钢存量约为100万t,1981年“六五”时期开始时,其他钢存量达到了1 000万t,2009年超过了1亿t,2011年约为1.3亿t。



    1949年至今,中国人均钢存量不断增长,1996年中国人均钢存量首次超过了1 t,2006年中国人均钢存量比1996年中国人均钢存量增长了1倍,2010年中国人均钢存量超过了3 t。人均钢存量增长速度不断加快。

    从工业化完成国家的实践来看,一旦人均钢存量超过2 t/人的临界值,国家经济就进入了持续的强增长阶段,这是工业化进程的核心阶段[10]。在此阶段,住房、大坝、机械设备等基础设施和消费耐用品得以建设和制造,存量不断蓄积于人类社会之中,钢的消费具有主导地位。2006年中国人均钢存量达到2 t/人,标志着中国的社会建设进入了强劲的发展阶段,而此时正值“十一五”时期的开端。相比之下,部分国家要比中国的工业化进程早得多,日本在1965年人均钢存量超过了2 t,法国在1920年超过了该临界值,而美国和英国则在1900年以前就超过了此数值。2011年中国人均钢存量约为3.7 t/人,2012年约为4.05 t/人,尚未达到工业化国家8-12 t/人的人均饱和存量水平,中国人均钢存量仍会进一步增加(见表2)。


    第二,1949-2010年中国钢沉淀运动展现出了明显的三阶段特征,2011和2012年中国钢存量进一步增加。研究发现,中国钢总存量、四个最终使用用途的钢存量及人均钢存量在1949年至“九五”中期缓慢增长,在“九五”中期到“十五”时期结束期间快速增长,并于“十一五”时期迅猛增长,呈现出了缓慢上升-快速增长-迅速增长的三阶段特征。2012年,中国人均钢存量约为4.05 t/人,与工业化完成国家8-12 t/人的人均饱和存量水平仍存在一定的差距,按照工业化国家的已有经验,中国人均钢存量会进一步增长,社会物质资源财富会进一步积累。





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    [20]阎建明, 蒲刚清, 刘贞, 等. 基于分行业级别的钢铁需求预测研究[J]. 科技管理研究, 2012,(18):254-258. [Yan Jianming, Pu Gangqing, Liu Zhen, et al. Study on Needs Prediction Model in Steel Industry Based on Different Levels[J]. Science and Technology Management Research, 2012,(18):254-258.]

    [21]中国钢铁工业协会. 中国“十一五”期间钢材需求预测[J]. 冶金管理, 2006,(7):14-20. [China Iron and Steel Association. Steel Demand Forecasting during the Period of ‘11th Fiveyear Plan in China[J]. China Steel Focus, 2006,(7):14-20.]

    Pattern Analysis of Steel Anthropogenic Precipitation

    Movement based on Dynamics Material Flow Analysis

    WANG LinQI ZhongyingPAN Feng

    (School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Heilongjiang 150001, China)

    AbstractSteel stock is the potential source of secondary resources. The use of secondary resources in the production process of iron and steel can reduce the dependence on iron ore, and can also effectively solve the problems of high energy consumption, high emission and high pollution. The precipitation pattern of steel in the evolution of Chinese industrialization process can provide scientific basis for the resource strategy, industrial policy and environmental policy, and can also provide the strategic guidance for circular economy and sustainable development in iron and steel industry. In this paper, anthropogenic precipitation movement of steel resource is studied using dynamic material flow analysis from the perspective of stock and flow dynamics between 1949 and 2012 at Chinese national level. The results show that there is close connection between the precipitation changes of steel resources and the stages of Chinese national industrialization process. Total stock and per capita stock of steel resource grew slowly with the evolution of industrialization process after the founding of China, and then grew quickly from the middle of the Ninth Five Year Plan,and finally entered into the rapid growth phase in the period of the 11th Five Year plan of national economy and social development. The total stock and per capita stock of steel grew further after entering the Twelfth Five Year period, steel is stored continuously in the social and economic system of China. Among them, most of the stock is contained in construction, followed by mechanical and transportation equipments. Per capita stock of steel resource in 2006 reached the critical value of 2t, which means the strong development phase is showed up, and it is the beginning of the 11th Five Year plan in China. Per capita stock of steel is about 3.69 t/cap and 4.05 t/cap in 2011 and 2012 respectively, the saturation trend of per capita stock has not yet appeared, the stock in Chinese society will increase further. Based on the results of the empirical research, the guidance to consumption structure of steel should be taken, the R&D efforts of circulation technology should be intensified, the investment on secondary production capacity of steel should be increased, and the future anthropogenic precipitation movement should be predicted, in order to fully grasp the future patterns of consumption, accumulation and retirement.

    Key wordssteel; stock; flow; dynamic material flow; anthropogenic material cycle

    [19]高芯蕊, 王安建. 基于“S”规律的中国钢需求预测[J]. 地球学报, 2010,31(5):645-652. [Gao Xinrui, Wang Anjian. The Prediction of Chinas Steel Demand Based on Sshaped Regularity[J]. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 2010,31(5):645-652.]

    [20]阎建明, 蒲刚清, 刘贞, 等. 基于分行业级别的钢铁需求预测研究[J]. 科技管理研究, 2012,(18):254-258. [Yan Jianming, Pu Gangqing, Liu Zhen, et al. Study on Needs Prediction Model in Steel Industry Based on Different Levels[J]. Science and Technology Management Research, 2012,(18):254-258.]

    [21]中国钢铁工业协会. 中国“十一五”期间钢材需求预测[J]. 冶金管理, 2006,(7):14-20. [China Iron and Steel Association. Steel Demand Forecasting during the Period of ‘11th Fiveyear Plan in China[J]. China Steel Focus, 2006,(7):14-20.]

    Pattern Analysis of Steel Anthropogenic Precipitation

    Movement based on Dynamics Material Flow Analysis

    WANG LinQI ZhongyingPAN Feng

    (School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Heilongjiang 150001, China)

    AbstractSteel stock is the potential source of secondary resources. The use of secondary resources in the production process of iron and steel can reduce the dependence on iron ore, and can also effectively solve the problems of high energy consumption, high emission and high pollution. The precipitation pattern of steel in the evolution of Chinese industrialization process can provide scientific basis for the resource strategy, industrial policy and environmental policy, and can also provide the strategic guidance for circular economy and sustainable development in iron and steel industry. In this paper, anthropogenic precipitation movement of steel resource is studied using dynamic material flow analysis from the perspective of stock and flow dynamics between 1949 and 2012 at Chinese national level. The results show that there is close connection between the precipitation changes of steel resources and the stages of Chinese national industrialization process. Total stock and per capita stock of steel resource grew slowly with the evolution of industrialization process after the founding of China, and then grew quickly from the middle of the Ninth Five Year Plan,and finally entered into the rapid growth phase in the period of the 11th Five Year plan of national economy and social development. The total stock and per capita stock of steel grew further after entering the Twelfth Five Year period, steel is stored continuously in the social and economic system of China. Among them, most of the stock is contained in construction, followed by mechanical and transportation equipments. Per capita stock of steel resource in 2006 reached the critical value of 2t, which means the strong development phase is showed up, and it is the beginning of the 11th Five Year plan in China. Per capita stock of steel is about 3.69 t/cap and 4.05 t/cap in 2011 and 2012 respectively, the saturation trend of per capita stock has not yet appeared, the stock in Chinese society will increase further. Based on the results of the empirical research, the guidance to consumption structure of steel should be taken, the R&D efforts of circulation technology should be intensified, the investment on secondary production capacity of steel should be increased, and the future anthropogenic precipitation movement should be predicted, in order to fully grasp the future patterns of consumption, accumulation and retirement.

    Key wordssteel; stock; flow; dynamic material flow; anthropogenic material cycle

    [19]高芯蕊, 王安建. 基于“S”规律的中国钢需求预测[J]. 地球学报, 2010,31(5):645-652. [Gao Xinrui, Wang Anjian. The Prediction of Chinas Steel Demand Based on Sshaped Regularity[J]. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 2010,31(5):645-652.]

    [20]阎建明, 蒲刚清, 刘贞, 等. 基于分行业级别的钢铁需求预测研究[J]. 科技管理研究, 2012,(18):254-258. [Yan Jianming, Pu Gangqing, Liu Zhen, et al. Study on Needs Prediction Model in Steel Industry Based on Different Levels[J]. Science and Technology Management Research, 2012,(18):254-258.]

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    Pattern Analysis of Steel Anthropogenic Precipitation

    Movement based on Dynamics Material Flow Analysis

    WANG LinQI ZhongyingPAN Feng

    (School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Heilongjiang 150001, China)

    AbstractSteel stock is the potential source of secondary resources. The use of secondary resources in the production process of iron and steel can reduce the dependence on iron ore, and can also effectively solve the problems of high energy consumption, high emission and high pollution. The precipitation pattern of steel in the evolution of Chinese industrialization process can provide scientific basis for the resource strategy, industrial policy and environmental policy, and can also provide the strategic guidance for circular economy and sustainable development in iron and steel industry. In this paper, anthropogenic precipitation movement of steel resource is studied using dynamic material flow analysis from the perspective of stock and flow dynamics between 1949 and 2012 at Chinese national level. The results show that there is close connection between the precipitation changes of steel resources and the stages of Chinese national industrialization process. Total stock and per capita stock of steel resource grew slowly with the evolution of industrialization process after the founding of China, and then grew quickly from the middle of the Ninth Five Year Plan,and finally entered into the rapid growth phase in the period of the 11th Five Year plan of national economy and social development. The total stock and per capita stock of steel grew further after entering the Twelfth Five Year period, steel is stored continuously in the social and economic system of China. Among them, most of the stock is contained in construction, followed by mechanical and transportation equipments. Per capita stock of steel resource in 2006 reached the critical value of 2t, which means the strong development phase is showed up, and it is the beginning of the 11th Five Year plan in China. Per capita stock of steel is about 3.69 t/cap and 4.05 t/cap in 2011 and 2012 respectively, the saturation trend of per capita stock has not yet appeared, the stock in Chinese society will increase further. Based on the results of the empirical research, the guidance to consumption structure of steel should be taken, the R&D efforts of circulation technology should be intensified, the investment on secondary production capacity of steel should be increased, and the future anthropogenic precipitation movement should be predicted, in order to fully grasp the future patterns of consumption, accumulation and retirement.

    Key wordssteel; stock; flow; dynamic material flow; anthropogenic material cycle





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