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单词 no
释义 no. (also spelled no.) abbreviation (plural nos, nos) number 号码;编号◆invoice no. 5370 发票编号:5370  ➡  number noun (1) no(plural noes) [countable] (rather informal) an answer that shows that you do not agree with sth or do not accept sth否定的回答◆i think that's a no to the first question.我认为那是对第一个问题的否定回答。◆can you give me a straight yes or no?“是”还是“否”,你能不能给我个直截了当的回答?◆when we took a vote there were nine yesses and 3 noes.我们投票表决,有九人赞同,三人反对。opp yes no¹/nəʊ ||; no/det adv1. not any; not a 没有;不;不是: ◇i have no time to talk now. 我现在没有时间谈话。◇no visitors may enter without a ticket. 无票人士不得进入。◇he's no friend of mine. 他不是我的朋友。◇alice is feeling no better this morning. 艾丽斯今天早上不觉得好一点。 2. used for saying that sth is not allowed 不准;禁止: ◇no smoking. 不准吸烟。◇no flash photography. 不准用闪光灯拍照。◇no parking. 不准停放车辆。 no²/nəʊ ||; no/exclamation 1. used for giving a negative reply (用于否定的答复): ◇‘are you ready?’ ‘no, i'm not.’ “你准备好了没有?”“没有,我还没准备好。” · ‘would you like something to eat?’ ‘ no, thank you.’ [opp] yes, please “我可以借这辆车吗?”“不可以。” “你要吃点东西吗?”“不要了,谢谢。”(no, thank you.)反义说法为“好的,来一点吧。”(yes, please.)◇‘can i borrow the car?’ ‘no, you can't.’ “我可以借这辆车吗?”“不可以。” you can also use no when you want to agree with a negative statement ‘this programme's not very good.’ ‘no, you're right. it isn't.’ 同意一个否定陈述时,也可用no:‘this programme's not very good.’‘ no, you're right. it isn't.’“这个节目不太好。”“你说得对。不太好。” [opp] yes 反义词为yes 2. used for expressing surprise or shock (表示惊奇或震惊): ◇‘mike's had an accident.’ ‘oh, no!’ “迈克出了意外。”“哎呀,我的天!” no1 ways of saying no to a question, request, or suggestion2 to say no to a question, request or suggestion3 ways of politely saying no when someone offers you something4 to shake your head as a way of saying norelated wordssay no to an offer, suggestion, or request 拒绝提议、建议或请求 reject,say that you will not do something 拒绝做某事 refuse,see alsonot,none/nothing,refuse,1. ways of saying no to a question, request, or suggestion 否定一个问题、拒绝一个请求或建议时的说法 no /nəʊ/ use this when someone asks you a question or makes a request or suggestion 不;不是 ‘are you italian?’ ‘no, i'm spanish.’ “你是意大利人吗?”“不,我是西班牙人。” ‘shall i help you?’ ‘no, no -- i can do it on my own, thanks.’ “要我帮忙吗?”“不,不用了—我自己行了,谢谢。”the answer's no if she asks to borrow any more money, the answer's no! 如果她再要借钱,休想! not at all /ˌnɒt ət ˈɔːl/ use this when what someone has suggested is not at all true, or when saying you do not mind at all if someone does something 一点也不 ‘your boys are keen on sport, aren't they?’ ‘not at all - just the opposite in fact.’ “你们家的男孩子喜欢运动,是吗?”“才不是呢—其实正好相反。” ‘is my radio bothering you?’ ‘not at all -- i'm quite enjoying it.’ “我的收音机吵你吗?”“一点也没有—我听得正开心呢。” ‘i'd like to be on my own for a while. do you mind?’ ‘not at all,’ she said kindly. “我想独自呆一会,你介意吗?”“一点也不,”她客气地说。 i'm afraid not /aɪm əˌfreɪd ˈnɒt/ use this when saying that you are sorry that you cannot do something that someone has asked you to do, do not have something someone has asked you for etc 恐怕不行;恐怕没有 ‘are you coming to the barbecue tomorrow?’ ‘no, i'm afraid not. i've promised to go and see my mum.’ “明天的烧烤你去吗?”“恐怕不行,我答应过要去看我妈妈。” ‘have you got change for £20?’ ‘no, i'm afraid not.’ “你有20英镑的零钱吗?”“不好意思,我没有。 of course not /əv ˈkɔːʳs nɒt/ use this to say no very strongly, when you think what someone has suggested or asked is clearly unlikely or stupid 当然不[用于表示某人所提的建议或所问的事明显不可能或很愚蠢] ‘are you serious about sam?’ ‘of course not, we're just good friends.’ “你对萨姆是认真的吗?”“当然不是,我们只是好朋友。” ‘don't tell anyone else, will you?’ ‘of course not.’ “不要告诉任何人好吗?”“当然不会。” not really /nɒt ˈrɪəli/ use this when someone asks if you want to do something, if you like something etc, and although you say no you do not have very strong feelings about it 不太[想做某事或喜欢某物等] ‘do you want to come to the movie with us?’ ‘not really. i think i'll just stay in and read.’ “你想跟我们一起去看电影吗?”“不太想去,我就留在家里看看书吧。” ‘but you quite enjoy your job, don't you?’ ‘not really, no. i feel i could do with a change.’ “可是你很喜欢你的工作,不是吗?”“也不是很喜欢,我觉得应该换换了。” certainly not /ˌsɜːʳtnli ˈnɒt/ use this especially when forbidding someone to do something or when you are annoyed or shocked that they have suggested something 绝对不行;当然不[尤用于禁止某人做某事,或对其建议感到生气或震惊] ‘can i have some wine?’ ‘certainly not -- you're far too young!’ “我可以喝点酒吗?”“绝对不行——你太小了!” ‘are you thinking of resigning?’ ‘certainly not.’ “你考虑辞职吗?”“当然不会!” no way /ˌnəʊ ˈweɪ/ informal use this when you are saying very strongly that you refuse to do something or when you are sure that something cannot possibly be true 【非正式】决不;不可能 i'm not going to work late on friday night! no way! 星期五晚上我决不加班!绝对不! ‘do you think we can make the trip in two hours?’ ‘no way! it'll take more like four.’ “你觉得我们两小时能到吗?”“不可能!四小时还差不多。” i don't believe he stole the money -- no way! 我不相信钱是他偷的—绝对不可能! you must be joking/kidding /juː ˌmʌst biː ˈdʒəʊkɪŋ, ˈkɪdɪŋ/ informal use this when you think that what someone has asked or suggested seems stupid or dangerous and you would definitely not consider doing it 【非正式】你肯定在开玩笑吧 ‘want a ride on the back of my motorcycle?’ ‘you must be kidding.’ “想坐在我的摩托车后面吗?”“你在开玩笑吧。” ‘are you going out with jake?’ ‘you must be joking! i wouldn't go out with him if he was the last person on earth.’ “你在跟杰克交往吗?”“你在开玩笑吧!这世界就算只剩他一个男人,我也不会和他交往。”2. to say no to a question, request or suggestion 否定一个问题、拒绝一个请求或建议 say no /seɪ ˈnəʊ/ [verb phrase] i asked him to come along to the restaurant with us, but he said no. 我请他一道去饭店吃饭,但他说不去。 she's not likely to say no if you tell her the real reason you need the money. 如果你告诉她你需要钱的真正原因,她是不可能拒绝的。 i'm really busy at the moment, so i'm afraid i'll have to say no. 我现在真的很忙,所以恐怕只能说不行了。 answer/reply in the negative /ˌɑːnsəʳ, rɪˌplaɪ ɪn ðə ˈnegətɪvǁˌæn-/ [verb phrase] written to say no when you are asked something 【书面】作出否定的回答 when asked to confirm whether all the missing soldiers were accounted for, the lieutenant answered in the negative. 中尉被要求确认失踪的士兵是否都有下落的时候,他的回答是否定的。 workers were asked if they had reached their weekly targets, and if they replied in the negative, they were fired. 工人被问到是否达到每周的指标,如果没有,就被解雇。3. ways of politely saying no when someone offers you something 某人提出给你某物时有礼貌地拒绝的说法 no thanks/no thank you /nəʊ ˈθæŋks, nəʊ ˈθæŋk juː/ use this as a polite way of saying no when someone offers you something 不要了,谢谢 ‘more coffee?’ ‘no thanks.’ “再加点咖啡吗?”“不用了,谢谢。” if someone offers you a cigarette, just say no thanks. 如果有人给你香烟,你就说不要。 thanks all the same /ˌθæŋks ɔːl ðə ˈseɪm/ use this when you do not want something which someone has offered you, but you are grateful that they asked 不过还是要谢谢你 ‘do you want to come in our car?’ ‘i've already got a lift, thanks all the same.’ “你想上我们的车来吗?”“有人让我搭便车了,不过还是谢谢你。” ‘can you come for dinner on saturday?’ ‘thanks all the same, but i'm afraid i'm busy on saturday.’ “你星期六来吃饭吗?”“谢谢你,不过星期六我恐怕很忙。”4. to shake your head as a way of saying no 摇头表示拒绝 shake your head /ˌʃeɪk jɔːʳ ˈhed/ [verb phrase] ‘shall i give him a message from you?’ ‘rosalie shook her head. ’no, i expect he'll be telephoning me." “要我为你带口信给他吗?”罗莎莉摇摇头说:“不用,我想他会打电话给我的。” even before i'd finished my sentence, dad was already shaking his head. 我还没把话说完,爸爸就已经在摇头了。 she shook her head. ‘i'm afraid i don't agree,’ she said. 她摇摇头说:“恐怕我不能同意。”☞ no¹☞ no²☞ no³




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