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单词 soar
释义 soar verb¹ 1increase very fast快速增长adverb | verb + soar | preposition | phrases adverb➤dramatically猛增◆profits have soared dramatically in recent months.近几个月来利润猛增。verb + soar➤be expected to, be set to预期将激增;很有可能猛增◆borrowing is set to soar to an astonishing £60 billion.借款很有可能猛增至惊人的 600 亿英镑。preposition➤by以⋯速度猛增◆retail sales soared by 10% in the twelve months to november.零售额在截至 11 月份的 12 个月中猛增了 10%。➤from, to从⋯开始猛增;猛增至⋯◆inflation has soared from 5% to 15%.通货膨胀率从 5% 猛增至 15%。➤past猛增并超过◆the death toll soared past 100 000.死亡人数激增,超过了 10 万人。➤up猛升◆this model will soar up the sales charts.这个型号的销售业绩将猛升。phrases➤send sth soaring使⋯猛增◆the fuel shortage sent prices soaring.燃料短缺使价格飞涨。➤soar to new heights猛增至新高◆property stock has soared to new heights.地产股飞涨并创新高。soar verb² 2fly high in the air高飞adverb | preposition adverb➤high翱翔▸➤overhead在上空翱翔◆a bird soared high overhead.一只鸟在高空翱翔。➤up, upwards/upward耸立;高耸◆the cliffs soared upward.峭壁高耸入云。preposition➤above, across, into在⋯上升腾;冲过⋯;升入⋯◆rockets soared into the sky.火箭冲入天空。➤over在⋯上方翱翔◆an eagle soaring high above them一只在他们上空高高翱翔的鹰➤past飞过⋯◆the ball went soaring past my head.那球从我的头顶飞过。➤through飞过⋯◆she stopped suddenly and her bag went soaring through the air.她骤然停下,于是乎手提包嗖地飞到半空中。➤towards/toward朝⋯飞 soar /sɔː(r)/ verb [intransitive] if the value, amount or level of sth soars, it rises very quickly 猛增;急升◆unemployment has soared to 18%. 失业率猛增至 18%。◆share prices soared. 股价飞涨。◆smaller companies are unable to pay soaring insurance premiums. 小公司无力支付飞涨的保险费。  ➡  see note at increase ⨁ to be expected / continue to soar 预计/继续飞涨 ⨁ soaring costs / prices / profits / sales飞涨的成本/物价/利润/销售额 ☞ soar☞ increases and decreases soar verb  ➡ see also the entry for rise另见 rise 条soar ♦︎ jump ♦︎ surge ♦︎ spiral ♦︎ rocket ♦︎ leap ♦︎ shoot upthese are all words that can be used when an amount, level or number increases quickly.这些词均表示急剧上升、猛涨。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to soar / jump / shoot up in price, number, etc.◆to soar / jump / surge / rocket / leap / shoot up (by) 10%, 2 000, etc.◆to soar / jump / rocket / leap / shoot up from 2% to 5%◆the price soars / jumps / surges / spirals / rockets / leaps / shoots up◆the cost soars / jumps / surges / spirals / rockets◆profits soar / jump / surge / leap◆the number / level soars / jumps / shoots up◆to soar / jump / surge / leap / shoot up suddenly◆to jump / surge / leap / shoot up dramatically■ soar [intransitive] (written) to increase very quickly in value, amount or level(价值、数量或水平)急升,猛增◆soaring costs have made progress difficult.猛增的成本使进展变得困难了。◆air pollution is set to soar above safety levels.空气污染有可能严重超过安全水平。opp tumble , plummet → slump ■ jump [intransitive] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) to increase suddenly and by a large amount猛涨;猛增◆prices jumped by 60% last year.去年物价暴涨了 60%。opp slump → slump ■ surge [intransitive] (especially business尤用于商业) (of prices, profits or the rate of sth) to suddenly increase in value or level(价格、利润或比率)急剧上升,飞涨,激增◆profits from cigarettes surged to $225m last year.去年的香烟利润激增至 2.25 亿元。opp slump → slump  ➡ see also surge → increase noun ■ spiral /spaɪrəl/ (-ll-, name usually -l-) [intransitive] (disapproving) to increase quickly in level or amount(水平或数量)急剧增长◆prices are spiralling out of control.物价飞涨,失去了控制。ⓘ spiral is nearly always used with a negative meaning. * spiral 几乎总是含有消极意义◆spiralling debt / price / budget deficit激增的债务;飞涨的物价;急剧上升的预算赤字to spiral down/downwards is to decrease rapidly. * spiral down/downwards 表示急剧下降◆shares in the company continued to spiral downwards.公司的股价继续急剧下跌。■ rocket [intransitive](of an amount or rate) to increase very quickly and suddenly(数量或比率)快速增长,猛增◆they were forced to move out because of the rocketing crime rate.由于犯罪率猛增,他们被迫搬了出去。opp plummet → slump ■ leap (leapt, leapt or leaped, leaped) [intransitive] (often approving) to increase suddenly and by a large amount猛涨;猛增◆the company saw pre-tax profits leap to £14.5 million in 2004.2004 年公司的税前利润骤增到 1 450 万英镑。opp plunge → slump ■ shoot up -->phrasal verb(shot, shot) (rather informal, often disapproving) to increase suddenly and by a large amount猛涨;猛增◆ticket prices shot up last year.去年票价猛涨。note 辨析 jump, leap or shoot up? leap is usually used when the increase is seen as a positive thing: profits, shares and prices can leap or jump but costs can only jump. leap usually suggests a more dramatic, surprising or significant increase. * leap 通常指积极的增长,leap 或 jump 可指 profit、share 和 price 增长,但 jump 只能指费用增长。leap 通常指一种更加戏剧性、令人吃惊或意义重大的增长◆raw material costs jumped 1 per cent last month.原材料价格上月涨了 1%。◆raw material costs leaped 1 per cent last month. shoot up is used in more informal contexts, and especially when the increase is seen as a negative thing. * shoot up 用于较为非正式的语境,尤指消极性增长◆prices / charges / interest rates have shot up.价格/收费/利率暴涨。soar /sɔː(r)/ [intransitive] (written) to fly very high in the air; to fly very quickly up into the air高飞;翱翔;升空◆an eagle was soaring high above the cliffs.一只雕在悬崖上空高高翱翔。◆the plane was soon soaring up into the sky.飞机很快就要升空了。soar [intransitive] (written) to increase very quickly in value, amount or level(价值、数量或水平)急升,猛增◆soaring costs have made progress difficult.猛增的成本使进展变得困难了。◆air pollution is set to soar above safety levels.空气污染有可能严重超过安全水平。opp tumble , plummet → slump soar/sɔ:(r) ||; sɔr/verb[i] 1. to fly high in the air 高飞;翱翔 2. to rise very fast 快速升高;剧增: ◇prices are soaring because of inflation. 物价因通货膨胀而急升。 soarsee ⇨ increase 4 ⇨ up 3 soar /sɔr; sɔː/v [i] 1. to increase quickly to a high level 骤升,猛增:◇the temperature soared to 97°. 气温骤升至 97 度。 2. to fly smoothly and fast or high up into the air 翱翔,高飞:◇birds soaring overhead 在上空翱翔的鸟儿 3. to look very tall and impressive 高耸,屹立:◇the cliffs soar 500 feet above the sea. 峭壁高 500 英尺,巍然屹立于海边。




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