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单词 melt
释义 melt verbmelt ♦︎ dissolve ♦︎ thaw ♦︎ defrostthese words all mean to become or to make sth become liquid or soft and ready for cooking.这些词均表示解冻、溶解、使融化。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to melt / dissolve away◆ice / snow melts / thaws◆to completely melt / dissolve / thaw◆to gradually melt / dissolve■ melt [intransitive, transitive] to become or make sth become liquid as a result of heating熔化;融化;使融化◆the snow showed no sign of melting.雪没有一点融化的迹象。◆the sun had melted the ice.阳光融化了冰。◆first, melt two ounces of butter.先熔好两盎司黄油。opp freeze → cool verb ■ dissolve [intransitive, transitive](of a solid) to mix with a liquid and become part of it; to make a solid become part of a liquid(固体)溶解;使(固体)溶解◆heat gently until the sugar dissolves.慢慢加热直到糖溶解为止。◆dissolve the tablet in water.把药片溶于水中。■ thaw [intransitive, transitive](of ice and snow) to turn back into water after being frozen; to become, or to let frozen food become, soft or liquid ready for cooking(冰雪)解冻,融化;(冷冻食品)化冻;使(冷冻食品)化冻◆the snow started to thaw as the temperature kept up.气温持续不变,积雪开始融化了。◆leave the meat to thaw completely before cooking.让冻肉完全解冻后再烹调。◆if a pipe has frozen, it can be thawed out with a hairdryer.要是管子冻住了,可以用吹风机解冻。ⓘ when it thaws or it is thawing, the weather becomes warm enough to melt snow and ice. * it thaws 或 it is thawing 指天气暖和得使冰雪融化或解冻◆it's starting to thaw.天气转暖,冰雪开始融化了。 opp freeze → cool verb ▸ thaw noun [countable, usually singular] ◆the river doubles in size during the spring thaw.这条河的水量在春季解冻期会增加一倍。■ defrost /diːfrɒst; name diːfrɔːst/ [intransitive, transitive] to become, or to let frozen food become, soft or liquid ready for cooking(冷冻食品)解冻;使(冷冻食品)解冻◆a cheesecake was defrosting in the microwave.一块奶酪蛋糕正在微波炉里化冻。◆make sure you defrost the chicken completely before cooking.一定要让冷冻鸡肉完全解冻后再烹调。 opp freeze → cool verb melt [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) (of people or feelings) to disappear gradually(人)逐渐散去;(感觉)渐渐消失◆at the first sign of trouble, his supporters melted away.一见到有麻烦的迹象,他的支持者便逐渐散去。◆all her anger and hurt melted away in his embrace.他的拥抱使她的怒气和委屈渐渐消失了。melt [intransitive, transitive] to become or make sth become liquid as a result of heating熔化;融化;使融化◆the snow showed no sign of melting.雪没有一点融化的迹象。◆the sun had melted the ice.阳光融化了冰。◆first, melt two ounces of butter.先熔好两盎司黄油。opp freeze → cool verb melt/melt ||; mɛlt/verb1. [i,t] to change or make sth change from a solid to a liquid by means of heat (使)融化,熔化,溶解: ◇when we got up in the morning the snow had melted. 我们早上起床时,雪已融化。◇first melt the butter in a saucepan. 先把黄油放在平底锅内溶化。 ☞look at thaw. 参看thaw。 2. [i] (used about sb's feelings, etc) to become softer or less strong (指感情等)软化: ◇my heart melted when i saw the baby. 一见那个婴儿,我心就软下来了。 melt away to disappear 消失;消散: ◇the crowd slowly melted away when the speaker had finished. 演讲完毕,听众就慢慢散去。 melt sth down to heat a metal or glass object until it becomes liquid 熔化(金属或玻璃)meltsee ⇨ liquid 5 melt /mɛlt; melt/v 1. [i,t] to change from solid to liquid, or to make something do this by heating it (使)融化; (使)熔化:◇the snow's melting. 雪在融化。◇melt the chocolate in a pan. 在平底锅里融化巧克力。 2. [i] to suddenly feel love or sympathy 突然心动[心软]:◇whenever i hear his voice, i just melt. 每次听到他的声音,我都会怦然心动。melt awayto disappear quickly 快速消失:◇my anger melted away when she explained. 当她解释时,我的愤怒一下子消失了。 ☞ melt




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