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单词 unconnected
释义 unconnected(of facts and events) not connected to sth; not connected to each other(事实和事件)与⋯无联系的;互不相关的◆the two crimes are apparently unconnected.这两起犯罪显然没有关联。◆her employers insisted she had been dismissed for reasons unconnected with her pregnancy.她的雇主坚持说解雇她另有原因,跟她怀孕毫不相干。opp connected → related note 辨析 unrelated or unconnected?in many cases you can use either word. however, when you are talking about people, unrelated means 'not in the same family'.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。不过,指人时 unrelated 意为“无亲属关系的”◆the judge was unrelated to the company representatives (= he was not their father, brother, cousin, etc.).法官跟公司的各位代表没有亲属关系。◆the judge was unconnected with the company representatives (= he did not have any link with them).法官跟公司的各位代表没有任何关联。unconnected• ⇨ unrelated/unconnected un·con·nect·ed /ˏʌnkə`nɛktɪd; ˌʌnkəˈnektɪd◄/adjnot related in any way 不相关的




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