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单词 tab
释义 tab /tæb/ noun [countable] 1. (informal) a bill for goods or services; the price or cost of sth 账单;费用;价格◆employers who pay the tab for business travel 为出差买单的雇主◆the tab for building the center was more than $450 million. 建造这个商业中心的成本超过 4.5 亿元。◆shareholders will have to pick up the tab (= pay the cost) for the failure of the company. 股东将不得不为公司的破产买单。2.a record of the items ordered in a bar or restaurant (酒吧或餐馆的)账单◆can i put it on my tab? 记在我的账上,好吗?3.a small piece of paper, fabric, metal, etc. attached to the edge of sth, that is used to give information about it or to help you find sth; a similar device on information shown on a computer screen 标签◆the website is well designed, with good use of colour-coded tabs. 这个网站设计精美,很好地运用了彩色编码标签。= tab stop tab /tæb/ verb (-bb-) 1. [transitive] to mark sth with a tab 用标签进行标记◆tabbed pages 加了标签的页面 2. [transitive] (especially name) to say that sb is suitable for a particular job or role or to describe them in a particular way 说(某人)适合(某工作或角色)◆he has been tabbed by many people as the next ceo. 许多人认为他适合担任下一任首席执行官。 3. [intransitive] to use tab stops 使用制表键☞ tab☞ tabtab [countable] (rather informal) a bill for goods you receive but pay for later, especially for food or drinks in a restaurant or bar; the price or cost of sth(待付的)账单;(尤指)餐饮账单;费用◆a bar tab酒吧账单◆can i put it on my tab?我可以记账吗?◆he walked out of the restaurant and left me to pick up the tab (= pay) for the whole meal.他走出餐馆,丢下我为整顿饭买单。tab/tæb ||; tæb/noun[c] 1. a small piece of cloth, metal or paper that is fixed to the edge of sth to help you open, hold or identify it 拉环;拉手;标签: ◇you open the tin by pulling the metal tab. 拉动金属拉环就可打开罐子。 2. the money that you owe for food, drink, etc in a bar, cafe or restaurant; the bill (于酒吧、咖啡馆或饭馆饮食应付的)费用,账款;账单 keep tabs on sb/sth(informal 非正式) to watch sb/sth carefully; to check sth 监视;监守 tabsee ⇨ pay 14     • • •• ⇨ pick up the tab tab /tæb; tæb/n 1. [c] especially ame the amount you owe for a restaurant meal or a service 【尤美】 [餐厅饭菜或某项服务的]账单; 全部费用; bill bre 【英】:◇pick up the tab (=pay) 付账: jeff picked up the tab for lunch. 杰夫付了午餐的账。 2. keep tabs on sb/sth informal to carefully watch what someone or something is doing 【非正式】 密切注意某人/某事物:◇the police are keeping close tabs on her. 警方在严密监视着她。 3. [c] a small piece of metal, plastic, paper, or cloth that is fixed to something and gives information about it or can be used to open it [固定在某物上提供信息的]标签; [固定在某物上用于开启的]拉片,拉环




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