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单词 redemption
释义 redemption nounbeing saved from the power of evil拯救verb + redemption | preposition verb + redemption➤be in need of, need需要拯救◆she believes that humanity is in need of redemption.她认为人类需要救赎。➤seek寻求救赎➤find找到救赎➤offer (sb)向(某人)提供救赎preposition➤beyond redemption无可救药◆washington journalism is corrupt beyond redemption.华盛顿的新闻行业腐败得无可救药。◆after another incident last week, the club's reputation for violence is beyond redemption.这个俱乐部上周又出事了,这下它的暴力名声算是无可挽回了。➤redemption from从⋯的拯救◆redemption from evil从邪恶中拯救 redemption /rɪdempʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] (finance 金融) occasion when money invested in shares, bonds, etc. is paid back to the investor 赎回(股票、债券等)◆£52 billion in bond redemptions is due later this year. 今年晚些时候有 520 亿英镑的债券将到期赎回。◆if you redeem your shares early, you may pay a redemption fee. 如果提前赎回股票,可能要支付赎回费用。2.the act of paying back a loan or mortgage 偿还贷款;还清抵押贷款◆mortgage customers should be clearly informed of penalties such as redemption charges. 按揭客户应被明确告知诸如赎回费用等罚则。☞ redemptionredemption /rɪdempʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆the redemption of the world from sin将世界从罪恶中拯救出来redemption /rɪdempʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆the redemption of the world from sin将世界从罪恶中拯救出来redemption/rɪˈdempʃn ||; rɪˈdɛmpʃən/noun [u] (according to the christian religion) the action of being saved from evil (基督教)救赎 beyond redemption too bad to be saved or improved 无法挽救或改进;无可救药 re·demp·tion /rɪ`dɛmpʃən; rɪˈdempʃən/n [u] 1. past/beyond redemption too bad to be saved or improved 无可救药(的),不可挽回(的) 2. when someone is saved from the power of evil, especially according to the christian religion [尤指基督教的]救赎




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