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单词 moderate
释义 moderate adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be适度adverb➤very非常适中▸➤fairly, relatively较为适中;相对适度◆a fairly moderate increase in the rate of inflation通货膨胀率较为适度的增长➤politically政治上稳健 moderate adjective /mɒdərət; name mɑːd-/ neither very good, large, etc. nor very bad, small, etc.; reasonable 中等的;适度的;合理的◆the retail sector expects moderate growth. 零售部门预料会温和增长。◆shares fell slightly on tuesday in moderate trading. 周二股市交易不温不火,股价微幅下跌。◆moderate wage demands 合理的工资要求 ▸ moderately /mɒdərətli; name mɑːd-/ adverb◆a moderately successful career 小有成就的事业◆prices have risen only moderately so far this year. 今年以来价格只是小幅上升。 moderate verb /mɒdəreɪt; name mɑːd-/ [intransitive, transitive] to become or make sth become less extreme, severe, etc. 减轻;缓和◆we agreed to moderate our original demands. 我们同意降低原先的要求。☞ moderate☞ moderate moderate verbmoderate ♦︎ dampen ♦︎ temper ♦︎ blunt ♦︎ tone sth down ♦︎ modifythese words all mean to make sth less strong or extreme.这些词均表示使缓和、使适中、减弱。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to moderate / tone down / modify your language◆to moderate / modify your behaviour / demands / views■ moderate /mɒdəreɪt; name mɑːdəreɪt/ [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to become or make sth become less extreme, severe or strong缓和;使适中◆we agreed to moderate our original demands.我们同意降低原先的要求。◆she apologized immediately and moderated her voice.她立刻道了歉并压低了嗓门。◆by evening the wind had moderated slightly.到黄昏时,风稍稍减弱了。ⓘ moderate is often used to talk about things that are done by people, for example behaviour, criticism or language, and usually has a person as the subject of the verb. * moderate 常用以描述人们所做之事,主语通常是人,搭配词有 behaviour、criticism、language 等。■ dampen [transitive] to make sth such as a feeling or reaction less strong抑制,控制,减弱(感情、反应等)◆none of the setbacks could dampen his enthusiasm.任何挫折都不能减弱他的热情。◆she wasn't going to let anything dampen her spirits today.她不想让任何事情影响她今天的兴致。■ temper [transitive, often passive] (formal) to make sth less severe by adding sth that has the opposite effect使缓和;使温和◆justice must be tempered with mercy.法外尚须施以仁恕。◆the hot sunny days were tempered by a light breeze.一阵轻风为晴朗炎热的天气带去些许凉意。■ blunt [transitive] to make a feeling or ability weaker or less effective使(情感)减弱;使(能力)变差;使降低效应◆age hadn't blunted his passion for adventure.岁月没有冲淡他对冒险的热情。◆living alone in the country had blunted her wits.在乡下的独居生活使她的头脑不复敏锐。■ tone sth down -->phrasal verbto make a speech or opinion less extreme or offensive使(讲话或意见)缓和;使温和◆the language of the article will have to be toned down for the mass market.这篇文章的措辞必须缓和一下以适合大众市场。■ modify /mɒdɪfaɪ; name mɑːdɪfaɪ/ [transitive] (formal) to make your behaviour, attitude or language less extreme, especially in order to avoid offending sb使(行为、态度或语言)温和;缓和◆the social worker at first aimed to get mrs r to modify her behaviour, without success.社会福利工作者最初力求使 r 夫人缓和自己的行为,但没有成功。moderate /mɒdərət; name mɑːdərət/ staying within limits that are considered to be reasonable by most people适中的;合理的◆i class myself as a moderate drinker.我认为自己算是适量饮酒的人。◆their wage demands were generally considered to be moderate.他们的工资要求被普遍认为是合理的。 opp extreme → radical ▸ moderately adverb◆he only drinks moderately.他喝酒从不过量。moderate /mɒdəreɪt; name mɑːdəreɪt/ [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to become or make sth become less extreme, severe or strong缓和;使适中◆we agreed to moderate our original demands.我们同意降低原先的要求。◆she apologized immediately and moderated her voice.她立刻道了歉并压低了嗓门。◆by evening the wind had moderated slightly.到黄昏时,风稍稍减弱了。ⓘ moderate is often used to talk about things that are done by people, for example behaviour, criticism or language, and usually has a person as the subject of the verb. * moderate 常用以描述人们所做之事,主语通常是人,搭配词有 behaviour、criticism、language 等。moderate¹/ˈmɒdərət ||; ˈmɑdərɪt/adj1. being, having, using, etc neither too much nor too little of sth 适度的;中等的;不过分的: ◇a moderate speed 中速◇we've had a moderate amount of success. 我们已经取得一定成功。 2. having or showing opinions, especially about politics, that are not extreme 温和的,不极端的,不激进的(尤指政见): ◇moderate policies/views 温和的政策╱观点 ☞look at extreme and radical. 参看extreme及radical。 ➔moderately adv ◇his career has been moderately successful. 他的事业尚算成功。 moderate²/ˈmɒdəreɪt ||; ˈmɑdəˌret/verb [i,t] to become or to make sth less strong or extreme 缓和;减弱;节制 · ◇the union moderated its original demands. 工会降低了原先的要求。 moderate³/ˈmɒdərət ||; ˈmɑdərɪt/noun [c] a person whose opinions, especially about politics, are not extreme 持温和意见的人,温和派(尤指政治上的) ☞look at extremist. 参看extremist。 moderate1 moderate beliefs, opinions etc2 a person who has moderate beliefs, opinions etcrelated wordsoppositeextreme,1. moderate beliefs, opinions etc 温和的信仰、观点等 moderate /ˈmɒdərɪt, ˈmɒdərətǁˈmɑː-/ [adjective] having opinions or beliefs, especially about politics, that are not extreme and that most people consider reasonable or sensible 温和的;稳健的 the new church leaders are more moderate in their plans for reform. 新的教会领导人在制定改革计划时更为稳健。 the party's moderate leadership wants open relations with the west. 该党温和的领导层想与西方建立公开的关系。 moderate socialists believe in democratic reform rather than revolution. 温和的社会主义者主张进行民主改革而不是革命。 middle-of-the-road /ˌmɪdl əv ðə ˈrəʊd◂/ [adjective] not including any extreme or important changes, and keeping to ordinary, safe political aims, especially in order to avoid criticism, opposition, or risk 温和路线的;中间立场的 he made a direct appeal to middle-of-the-road voters. 他直接向那些持中间立场的选民发出呼吁。 lee described her politics as ‘middle-of-the-road.’ 李把她的政治立场称作是“中间路线”。 middle ground /ˌmɪdl ˈgraʊnd/ [singular noun] the area of political opinion that most people agree about, even if they support different political parties 中间立场;中间观点 the health care proposal holds the middle ground, and reformers hope it will gain support. 这项有关医疗保健的提议持的是中间立场,改革者希望它会得到支持。find a middle ground this issue is so important the two parties are going to have to find a middle ground. 这个问题如此重大,以至于双方都打算找到一个折衷的立场。occupy the middle ground support the opinions of the middle ground 采取中间立场 the social democrats wanted to occupy the middle ground between the conservative and labor parties in britain. 社会民主党想在英国的保守党和工党之间采取中间立场。 the centre british /the center american /ðə ˈsentəʳ/ [singular noun] the area of political opinion between the opinions of the more extreme political parties [政治上的]中间立场 the party has moved towards the centre in recent years. 近年来该党越来越靠近中间立场。centre-right/centre-left having qualities of both the center and the right or left in politics 中间偏右/中间偏左 he will require the backing of the center-left in order to advance his center-right agenda. 他需要中间偏左派的支持,以便提出他的中间偏右的政治议程。2. a person who has moderate beliefs, opinions etc 持温和信仰、观点等的人 moderate /ˈmɒdərɪt, ˈmɒdərətǁˈmɑː-/ [countable noun] someone who has moderate opinions or beliefs, especially political ones [尤指政治上的]持温和观点者 a moderate was chosen as the new leader of the right-of-center party. 这个中间偏右政党选出一名温和派人士担任新领导人。 the government's new reforms have been generally well received by the moderates. 政府新的改革措施大都受到了温和派的欢迎。☞ moderate¹☞ moderate²☞ moderate³




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