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单词 mechanize
释义 mechanize , mechanise /mekənaɪz/ verb [transitive] (usually be mechanized) to change a process, so that the work is done by machines rather than people 使机械化◆modern farming has become highly mechanized. 现代农业已经变得高度机械化了。◆the production process is fully mechanized. 生产过程已经完全机械化了。 syn automate ▸ mechanization, mechanisation /mekənaɪzeɪʃn; name -nəz-/ noun [uncountable] ◆the mechanization of production gave businesses control over work rates. 生产机械化使企业可以控制工作效率。☞ mechanizemechanize/ˈmekənaɪz ||; ˈmɛkəˌnaɪz/(also -ise) verb [t] to use machines instead of people to do work 机械化 · ◇we have mechanized the entire production process. 我们已把整个生产过程机械化。 ➔mechanization(also -isation) /ˌmekənaɪˈzeɪʃn; us -nɪˈz- ||; ˌmɛkənəˈzeʃən/ noun [u] mech·a·nize /(also 又作 -ise bre 【英】) /`mɛkəˏnaɪz; ˈmekənaɪz//v [i,t]to change a process so that machines do work instead of people (使)机械化




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