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单词 monologue
释义 monologue noun (name also monolog) adjective | verb + monologue | preposition adjective➤inner, interior, internal内心独白▸➤extended, lengthy, long, rambling很长的独白;冗长的独白;东拉西扯的长篇大论▸➤short简短的独白▸➤comic, dramatic喜剧/戏剧独白➤opening开场独白verb + monologue➤deliver, do, go into, launch into, recite独白;发表长篇大论;背诵独白◆she delivered her monologue in a deadpan voice.她故作严肃地说着独白。◆an entertainer who does comic monologues表演喜剧独白的演员preposition➤monologue about关于⋯的长篇大论◆she launched into a long monologue about how wonderful the company was.她滔滔不绝地讲起那个公司如何如何地好。➤monologue on关于⋯的长篇大论◆he went straight into a rambling monologue on the state of the country.他立刻开始漫无边际地讲述该国的状况。monologue/ˈmɒnəlɒg; us -lɔ:g ||; ˈmɑnḷˌɔg/(us also 美亦作 monolog) noun [c] a long speech by one person, for example in a play 独白(如戏剧中的) ☞ look at soliloquy. 参看soliloquy。 mon·o·logue /also 又作 monolog ame 【美】 /`mɑnḷˏɔg; ˈmɒnəlɒɡ//n [c] 1. a long speech by one person in a play or film [戏剧或电影中的]独白 2. a long period of one person talking in a conversation, which prevents other people from talking [使别人无法插嘴的]滔滔不绝的讲话,长篇大论




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