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单词 load²
释义 load²v 1. also 又作 load up [i,t] to put a load of something on or into a vehicle 把…装上[运输工具]:◇the trucks were loading up with supplies of food and clothing. 那些货车在装粮食和衣服。◇load sth into/onto sth they loaded all their luggage into the car. 他们把行李都装上了车。 2. [t] to put a program into a computer 将程式装入电脑:◇have you loaded that software yet? 你把那套软体装进电脑了吗? 3. [t] to put bullets into a gun or film into a camera 给[枪]上子弹; 给[照相机]装胶卷load sb/sth ↔ downto make someone carry too many things or do too much work 使[某人]携带太多东西; 使…负担过重:◇be loaded down with sth i was loaded down with groceries. 我提着大包小包的食品杂货。




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