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单词 stare
释义 stare verbadverb | verb + stare | preposition | phrases adverb➤fixedly, hard, intently, unblinkingly凝视;使劲盯着看;专注地凝视;眼睛一眨不眨地盯着看◆i could see a man staring at me intently.我能看到有个男人正专注地盯着我看。➤steadily直盯着看▸➤impassively冷漠地盯着看▸➤absently, blankly, uncomprehendingly, vacantly心不在焉地/面无表情地/茫然不解地/呆滞地盯着看◆she stared blankly at the brick wall in front of her.她面无表情地盯着面前的砖墙。➤disbelievingly, incredulously, open-mouthed, wide-eyed, wildly不敢相信地盯着看;目瞪口呆地盯着看;瞪大眼睛盯视;热切地盯视◆i stared at him open-mouthed, unable to speak.我目瞪口呆地盯着他,一句话也说不出来。➤bleakly, gloomily, glumly, helplessly, morosely阴郁地/忧伤地/忧郁地/无助地/愁眉苦脸地凝视◆he stared at me bleakly and said nothing.他阴郁地盯着我,什么也没说。➤coldly, coolly, defiantly, fiercely, stonily冷冷地盯着看;蔑视;凶狠地瞪着眼;冷酷无情地凝视◆she stared at him stonily as he came in.他进来时她冷冷地盯了他一眼。➤curiously, quizzically, suspiciously, thoughtfully好奇地/探询地/满腹狐疑地/若有所思地凝视▸➤silently默默无言地凝视▸➤just, merely, simply只是盯着看;仅仅盯着瞧▸➤(for) a moment盯着看一会儿◆for a long moment they just stared at each other.有很长一段时间他们只是相互盯着对方看。➤still还盯着看◆he was still staring at himself in the mirror.他还在盯着镜中的自己。➤across, ahead, around, back, down, out, straight ahead, up瞪眼扫视;盯着前方;注视周围;向后注视;盯着下面看;向外注视;直勾勾地盯着前方;抬起头盯着看◆she stared back at him.她也盯着他作为回应。◆he stared straight ahead and did not move.他直勾勾地盯着前方,一动不动。verb + stare➤seem to好像盯着看▸➤continue to继续盯着看▸➤turn to转头盯着看◆everyone in the room turned to stare at her.屋里的每个人都转过来盯着她。➤pause to, stop to停下来盯着看preposition➤at瞪眼看▸➤across, around, through扫视⋯;瞪眼看⋯各处;透过⋯盯着看➤after盯着⋯的背影◆she stalked off, leaving them all staring after her.她昂首阔步地走了,剩下他们目不转睛地盯着她的背影。➤into, out of往⋯里盯着看;从⋯往外盯着看➤in, with⋯地盯着看◆i stared in horror at his bloody mouth.我恐惧地瞪着他血淋淋的嘴巴。◆he just stared at her with disbelief.他只是怔怔地看着她,不敢相信。phrases➤sit staring, stand staring目不转睛地坐着/站着◆i sat staring at the ruins of the building.我呆呆地坐着,盯着大楼的废墟。➤sit and stare, stand and stare, stop and stare坐着/站着/停下发呆◆it was too cold to stand and stare.太冷了,不能傻站着。➤stare into the abyss (figurative) 凝视着无尽的深渊◆his party was staring into the abyss.他的政党正面临无尽的深渊。➤stare into space茫然地瞪着眼睛◆she was just sitting there, staring into space.她只是坐在那儿,瞪着眼睛发呆。 stare verb  ➡ see also the entries for glance and look verb 1另见 glance 条和 look 动词词条第 1 义stare ♦︎ gaze ♦︎ peer ♦︎ glare ♦︎ squint ♦︎ gawkthese words all mean to look at sb/sth for a long time.这些词均表示凝视、注视。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to stare / gaze / peer / glare / squint / gawk at sb / sth◆to stare / gaze / gawk in surprise / amusement, etc.◆to stare / gaze / peer / glare / squint for a moment◆to stare / gaze / peer / glare suspiciously◆to stare / gaze / peer anxiously / intently◆to stare / gaze / glare wildly / fiercely■ stare [intransitive] to look at sb/sth for a long time, especially with surprise or fear, or because you are thinking(尤指因吃惊、害怕或思考而)盯着看,凝视,注视◆i screamed and everyone stared.我尖叫了一声,众人都盯着我看。◆peter stared in disbelief at the message on the screen.彼得满腹疑惑地注视着屏幕上的信息。◆he sat for hours just staring into space (= looking at nothing).他坐了几个小时,茫然地凝视着前方。 ➡ see also stare → look noun ■ gaze [intransitive] (especially written) to look steadily at sb/sth for a long time, especially with surprise or love, or because you are thinking(尤指因惊讶、爱慕或深思而)凝视,注视,盯着◆we all gazed at marco in amazement.我们都惊讶地注视着马科。◆she gazed adoringly into his eyes.她用崇拜的眼神凝视着他的双眼。 ➡ see also gaze → look noun ■ peer [intransitive] to look closely or carefully at sth, especially when you cannot see it clearly(尤指看不清楚时)仔细看,端详◆we peered into the shadows.我们往阴暗处仔细瞧。◆she kept peering over her shoulder.她不停地回头看。■ glare [intransitive] to look angrily at sb/sth for a long time(长时间地)怒目而视◆i looked at her and she glared stonily back.我看了她一眼,她便冷冷地对我怒目而视。 ➡ see also glare → look noun ■ squint [intransitive, transitive] to look at sb/sth with your eyes partly shut in order to keep out bright light or to see better眯着眼睛看◆she was squinting through the keyhole.她眯着眼往锁眼里看。◆when he squinted his eyes, he could just make out a house in the distance.他眯着眼睛看,只能隐约看见远处有一所房子。■ gawk [intransitive] (informal) to stare at sb/sth in such an obvious way that it looks rude or stupid无礼地瞪眼看;呆头呆脑地盯着看◆stop gawking like that!别那样呆头呆脑地盯着看!stare [countable] a long look at sb/sth, especially in a way that is unfriendly or that shows surprise(尤指不友好或吃惊的)盯,凝视,注视◆she gave the officer a blank stare and shrugged her shoulders.她面无表情地看了那个军官一眼,耸了耸肩。◆he fixed the interviewer with a hard stare.他狠狠地盯着那个面试他的人。  ➡ see also stare → stare verb stare [intransitive] to look at sb/sth for a long time, especially with surprise or fear, or because you are thinking(尤指因吃惊、害怕或思考而)盯着看,凝视,注视◆i screamed and everyone stared.我尖叫了一声,众人都盯着我看。◆peter stared in disbelief at the message on the screen.彼得满腹疑惑地注视着屏幕上的信息。◆he sat for hours just staring into space (= looking at nothing).他坐了几个小时,茫然地凝视着前方。 ➡ see also stare → look noun stare/steə(r) ||; stɛr/verb [i] stare (at sb/sth) to look at sb or sth for a long time because you are surprised, shocked, etc (因吃惊等)凝视,盯住: ◇everybody stared at his hat. 人人都注视着他的帽子。◇he didn't reply, he just stared into the distance. 他没有回答,只是凝视着远方。 staresee ⇨ look 2 stare /stɛr; steə/v [i]to look at someone or something for a long time without moving your eyes 盯着看; 凝视:◇+ at stop staring at me! 别盯着我看! staren [c]:◇she gave him a long hard stare. 她严厉地盯着他看了好一会。 ☞ stare




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