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单词 stand²
释义 stand²n [c] 1. a piece of furniture or equipment for supporting something [起支撑作用的]台,座,支架:◇a music stand 乐谱架 2. a table or small structure used for selling or showing things 货摊; 售货台[亭]:◇a hotdog stand 热狗摊 3. an opinion that you state publicly [公开表明的]主张,立场:◇take a stand (=state your opinion firmly) 表明坚定的立场: the prime minister took a firm stand on the issue of import controls. 首相在控制进口问题上的立场很坚定。 4. the stand ame the place in a court of law where someone sits when the lawyer asks them questions 【美】 证人席 5. [c] a building where people sit or stand to watch a game in a sports stadium [运动场的]看台 6. make a stand to make a strong attempt to defend yourself or stop an enemy 进行抵抗:◇the retreating army made a last stand at yorktown. 撤退的军队在约克镇作了最后的抵抗。




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