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单词 stand-in
释义 stand-in [countable] (rather informal) a person who does sb's job for a short time when they are not available; a person who replaces an actor in some scenes in a film, especially dangerous ones代行职务者;(尤指影视中危险动作的)替身演员◆i acted as tom's stand-in when he was away.汤姆不在时我替他顶班。◆most of the stunts are performed by stand-ins.大部份特技由替身演员完成。ˈstand-innoun [c] 1. a person who does sb's job for a short time when he/she is not available (临时)代替人 2. a person who replaces an actor in some scenes in a film, especially dangerous ones 替身演员(尤指危险场景里的) stand-insee ⇨ replace 3 stand-in /ˈ· ·/n [c]someone who does another person's job or does something instead of them for a short time 临时工,替工




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