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单词 pr
释义 pr /piː ɑː(r)/ abbreviation (marketing 营销) public relationsthe business of giving the public information about a particular organization or person in order to create a good impression 公关;公共关系◆she's in pr. 她从事公关工作。◆the radio interview was a pr coup (= success) for the company. 这次电台采访是这家公司一次成功的公关运作。◆your website is a vital pr tool. 网站是重要的公关工具。⨁ a pr agency / company / department / firm公关机构/公司/部门/公司 ⨁ a pr consultant / executive / manager公关顾问/主管/经理 ⨁ good / bad pr良好/糟糕的公关 = press relations ☞ prpr/ˌpi: ˈɑ:(r) ||; ˌpi ˈɑr/abbr1. public relations 公共关系;公关 2. proportional representation 比例代表制 pr /ˏpi `ɑr; ˌpiː ˈɑː/n [u]public relations 公共关系




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