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单词 powerful
释义 powerful adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look, seem强大;感到强大;看上去强大;好像很有影响力▸➤become, get, grow变得强大▸➤make sb/sth使⋯强大adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常强大▸➤enormously, especially, exceptionally, extraordinarily, immensely, incredibly, particularly, remarkably, surprisingly, tremendously, unusually极其强大;尤为强大;不同寻常地强大;强大得令人难以置信;非常强大▸➤increasingly越来越强大▸➤relatively相对强大▸➤enough, sufficiently足够强大◆she had a voice powerful enough not to need a microphone.她声音足够响亮,不需要麦克风。➤equally同样强大▸➤potentially潜力大▸➤economically, politically经济上/政治上强大◆a politically powerful figure有政治影响力的人物 powerful adjectivepowerful ♦︎ dominant ♦︎ strong ♦︎ influential ♦︎ important ♦︎ great ♦︎ instrumental ♦︎ high-poweredthese words all describe people who have power or influence over other people or events.这些词均表示有权势的、有影响力的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆dominant / influential / important / instrumental in (doing) sth◆a powerful / a dominant / a strong / an influential / a great / an important figure / leader / position◆a powerful / a dominant / an influential / an important individual / group◆a powerful / strong / influential lobby◆a powerful / a dominant / a strong / an influential / an important / an instrumental role◆a powerful / a dominant / a strong / an important / a great influence◆very powerful / dominant / strong / influential / important / high-powered◆economically powerful / dominant / strong / important■ powerful (of people or groups) having a lot of power to control and influence people and events(人或团体)有权势的,有影响力的◆he is one of the most powerful directors in hollywood.他是好莱坞最具影响力的电影导演之一。◆this extremist movement has become increasingly powerful in recent years.近年来这个极端主义运动的势力越来越大。◆why are there still so few women in politically powerful positions?为什么至今仍没有几位女性掌管政界要职?■ dominant /dɒmɪnənt; name dɑːmɪnənt/ (of people, groups or ideas) having more power or influence than other people or things(人、团体或观点)占支配地位的,有影响力的◆the firm has achieved a dominant position in the world market.这家公司在国际市场取得了举足轻重的地位。◆the state of the economy has been the dominant theme of the election.经济形势已成为选举的重要主题。 ➡ see also dominate → take over ▸ dominance noun [uncountable] ◆the firm soon achieved dominance in the marketplace.这家公司很快取得了市场的主导地位。◆ex-colonial countries began to challenge the cultural dominance of europe.曾经是殖民地的国家开始挑战欧洲文化的主导地位。■ strong (approving) (of people or groups) having a lot of power or influence(人或团体)有权势的,有影响力的,有实力的◆will this damage his image as a strong leader?这件事会损害他强有力的领导人形象吗?◆what the country needs right now is a strong government.现在这个国家需要的是一个强有力的政府。opp weak ⓘ a weak person or group does not have much power and is easy to influence. * weak 形容人或团体没有权势,易受他人影响◆ (disapproving) a weak and cowardly man一个懦弱胆怯的男子◆in a weak moment (= when i was easily persuaded) i said she could borrow the car.我一时心软,同意她借用汽车。■ influential /ɪnfluenʃl/ (of people, groups and ideas) having a lot of influence on sb/sth, especially within a particular area of interest(人、团体和观点在某利益范围内)有极大影响力的,有支配力的◆the committee was influential in formulating government policy on employment.这个委员会左右着政府就业政策的制订。◆this was a highly influential book.这曾是本非常有影响力的书。■ important (of people or groups) having a lot of power or influence(人或团体)有权势的,有影响力的,有实力的◆he likes to feel important.他喜欢大权在握的感觉。◆many disabled people do now hold important jobs in industry.如今许多残疾人确实在制造业里占有重要岗位。note 辨析 powerful, strong, influential or important?people or groups who are powerful, strong, influential or important all have a lot of power or influence. powerful is the most general word and describes sb who has power, especially because of their position, and is able to use it to control people and events. leaders, politicians and top business people are often described as powerful. strong especially describes sb who is in a position of power and also has the skills and qualities needed to use their power effectively. a leader might be powerful because of their position, but a strong leader is confident and has leadership qualities. influential describes sb/sth that people respect, listen to or take notice of and that therefore influences their opinions or behaviour. important often describes sb who has a lot of influence on other people or events because they are respected or because what they do has a greater effect than what others do. * powerful、strong、influential 或 important 均形容人或团体有实力或影响力。powerful 一词最通用,形容一个人尤因其地位而有实力,能对人和事件施加影响,常用来描述领导者、从政者和商业钜头。strong 尤用于描述身居要职、有手段和能力运用权势的人。powerful leader 可能是因其地位而有权有势,但 strong leader 则有自信心和领导才能。influential 描述人或事物受人尊敬和重视,因此对他人的观点和行为产生影响。important 常用于形容某人受到尊重或其行为的影响超出别人,因此能对他人或事件有重大影响。■ great having high status and a lot of influence位高权重的◆the great powers (= important and powerful countries) 强国◆we can make this country great again.我们可以使这个国家再次强大起来。◆alexander the great亚历山大大帝■ instrumental /ɪnstrəmentl/ (rather formal) important in making sth happen起重要作用的◆he was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict.他在终止冲突的过程中起了举足轻重的作用。■ high-powered (of politicians and business people) having a lot of power and influence; (of jobs and activities) important or with a lot of responsibility(从政者和商界人士)有权势的;(工作或活动)重要的,责任重大的◆she's a high-powered executive with a salary to match.她是一名高管,职位高,工资也高。◆he has a very high-powered job and a hectic schedule.他有份责任重大的工作,日程安排得满满的。powerful(of people or groups) having a lot of power to control and influence people and events(人或团体)有权势的,有影响力的◆he is one of the most powerful directors in hollywood.他是好莱坞最具影响力的电影导演之一。◆this extremist movement has become increasingly powerful in recent years.近年来这个极端主义运动的势力越来越大。◆why are there still so few women in politically powerful positions?为什么至今仍没有几位女性掌管政界要职?powerful (especially written, usually approving) (of a person or animal) physically strong(人或动物)健壮的,强壮的◆he was lithe and powerful as an athlete.他像个运动员一样柔韧强健。 ➡ see also power → force noun note 辨析 strong or powerful?in this meaning, strong is the most usual, simply descriptive word; powerful is used especially in an approving way in more literary writing.表达此义时,strong 最常用,只是客观描述; powerful 尤用于文学性较强的文章中的褒义描述。☞ power/powerful pow·er·ful /`paəfəl; ˈpaʊəfəl/adj 1. able to control and influence people and events 有势力的,权力强大的:◇a meeting of the world's most powerful leaders 世界上最有势力的领导人的会议 2. having a lot of physical power, strength, or force 强健的,有力的:◇a powerful engine 大功率引擎◇the lion's powerful jaws 狮子强有力的嘴 3. having a strong effect 强烈的; 有效的; 有影响力的:◇love is a powerful emotion. 爱是一种强烈的感情。◇a powerful argument/speech 极有说服力的论据/演说◇powerful drugs 强效药物 ☞ powerful




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