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单词 pattern
释义 pattern noun¹ 1arrangement of lines, shapes, sounds, etc.线条、形状或声音的排列形式adjective | verb + pattern | preposition adjective➤intricate复杂的图案▸➤abstract, geometric抽象/几何图案▸➤camouflage, floral, striped, etc.迷彩、花卉、条纹等图案➤regular, repeated, repeating有规则的样式;重复的图案◆wallpaper with a repeating pattern of interlocking shapes带有环环相扣图案的壁纸➤random随机图样➤drum, rhythmic, sound鼓点/节奏/声音模式◆the music contains repeated rhythmic patterns.这首乐曲含有重复的节奏模式。verb + pattern➤have有图案◆the sweater has a geometric pattern on it.这件毛衣上有几何图案。➤form, produce形成图案◆the roof beams form a star-like pattern.房梁构成了一个星状图案。➤create, design, make, print, weave创造/设计/制作/印制/编织图案preposition➤in a/the pattern在图案中◆he had arranged the glasses in a pattern on the table.他把桌子上的玻璃杯摆成了一个图案。➤pattern on⋯上的图案◆the pattern on the carpet地毯上的花样➤pattern in⋯中的图案◆she drew patterns in the sand.她在沙滩上画图案。pattern noun² 2usual manner通常的方式adjective | verb + pattern | pattern + verb | preposition adjective➤basic, existing, familiar, normal, set, traditional, usual基本的/现有的/熟悉的/常见的/固定的/传统的/通常的模式◆there is no set pattern for these meetings.这些会议没有固定的模式。➤consistent, predictable, regular一致的/可预测的/规则的模式➤same, similar同样的/相似的模式◆portuguese colonial rule followed a similar pattern to that of other powers.葡萄牙的殖民统治遵循了与其他强权国家相似的模式。➤changing, ever-changing变化着的/不断变化的模式▸➤complex复杂的模式➤clear清晰的模式◆the pattern is clear: obesity is associated with lower incomes.模式很清楚:肥胖与低收入有关。➤main主要模式▸➤overall整体模式◆the overall pattern of our life changes little.我们生活的整体模式没什么变化。➤behaviour/behavior, behavioural/behavioral行为模式➤speech讲话模式◆her speech patterns are very distinctive.她的讲话方式很有特色。➤breathing, sleep呼吸/睡眠模式➤voting投票模式➤consumption, spending, usage消费/花钱/使用模式◆they analyzed employees' email usage patterns.他们分析了员工的电子邮件使用模式。➤migration, settlement迁移/定居模式▸➤employment就业模式▸➤weather天气模式verb + pattern➤discern, identify, notice, recognize, trace辨别/识别/注意/确认/跟踪模式◆we can trace a familiar pattern to these events.对这些事件我们可以追溯到一个熟悉的模式。➤establish, set建立模式▸➤follow, repeat遵循/重复模式◆their actions follow a very predictable pattern.他们的行为遵循一个十分容易预测的模式。➤fall into, fit into属于⋯模式;符合⋯模式◆ideas that do not fit neatly into his patterns of thought不完全符合他的思维模式的观点➤exhibit, show显示出⋯模式◆67% of patients showed a similar pattern of improvement.67% 的病人病情出现了类似的好转。➤alter, change改变/更换模式◆people have changed their spending patterns in response to changing conditions.人们已根据条件的变化改变了自己的消费模式。pattern + verb➤develop, emerge模式形成/显露◆similar patterns are emerging all over eastern europe.相似的模式出现在东欧各地。➤change模式变化preposition➤pattern for⋯的模式◆the normal pattern for a boy / girl relationship男孩/女孩关系的一般模式➤pattern in⋯中的模式◆the main patterns in english spelling英语拼写中的主要模式➤pattern of⋯的模式◆patterns of behaviour / behavior行为模式 pattern /pætn; name -tərn/ noun [countable] 1.the way in which sth usually or repeatedly happens 模式;方式◆there is no set pattern for these meetings. 这些会议没有固定的模式。◆consumer spending follows a regular seasonal pattern. 消费开支具有季节性规律。◆an up-and-down economic growth pattern is emerging. 上下波动的经济增长模式正在显现。⨁ a changing / familiar / predictable / set pattern日益变化的/熟悉的/可预测的/既定的模式 ⨁ to establish / follow a pattern确立/遵循一种模式 ⨁ a pattern develops / emerges形成了/出现了一种模式 excellent example to copy 榜样;典范◆the store has set the pattern for others in customer service. 在客户服务方面这家商店为其他商店树立了榜样。  ➡  idiom at hold verb career pattern pattern /pætn; name -tərn/ adjective [only before noun] (especially name) (hr 人力资源) a pattern agreement, contract, etc. is based on other agreements or contracts with similar companies 格式的◆the local union has rejected the pattern agreement and are demanding their own contract. 当地工会拒绝接受格式协议,要求采用他们自己的合同。☞ pattern☞ patternpattern noun 1➤an irregular sleeping pattern不规律的睡眠模式➤a pattern of diamonds and squares菱形和正方形构成的图案pattern ♦︎ cycle ♦︎ rhythmthese are all words for the regular way in which sth happens or is done.这些词均表示模式或规律。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a / an regular / irregular pattern / cycle / rhythm◆a natural cycle / rhythm◆to break a pattern / cycle / rhythm◆the cycle / rhythm of the seasons■ pattern [countable] the regular way in which sth happens or is done模式;方式◆changing patterns of behaviour / work / weather行为/工作/天气变化模式◆an irregular sleeping pattern不规律的睡眠模式◆the murders all seem to follow a (similar) pattern (= happen in the same way).这些凶杀案似乎同出一辙。◆there is no set pattern for these meetings.这些会议没有固定模式。■ cycle [countable] the fact of a series of events being repeated many times, always in the same order循环◆they could not break the cycle of harvest failure, food shortages, price increases and misery.他们无法打破以粮食歉收、食品短缺、物价上涨、直至穷困凄惨这一循环。◆this cycle of events continually repeats itself.这些事件循环往复,周而复始。◆the life cycle of the butterfly (= the series of forms into which it changes as it develops) 蝴蝶的生命周期▸ cyclic /saɪklɪk, sɪklɪk-->/ (also cyclical) adjective [usually before noun] ◆the cyclic processes of nature自然界的循环过程◆economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern.经济活动常常遵循周期性模式。■ rhythm [countable] a regular pattern of changes or events规则变化;规律◆the rhythm of the tides潮汐的变化规律◆lack of sleep can upset your daily rhythm.缺少睡眠可能扰乱生活节奏。◆my body rhythms had not yet adapted to the ten-hour time difference.我的生物钟还没有适应十个小时的时差。 ➡ see also rhythm → rhythm note 辨析 pattern, cycle or rhythm?a cycle is the most regular of these and a pattern is the least regular and most likely to change over time. * cycle 一词所表示的规律性最强,pattern 最弱而且最可能随时间而改变◆changing cycles/rhythms of behaviour/work/weather pattern is used especially to talk about people's work and behaviour; cycle is used especially to talk about events in the natural world; rhythm is used especially to talk about how people's bodies adapt to changing conditions. * pattern 尤指人的工作模式和行为模式; cycle 尤指自然界事件发生的规律; rhythm 尤指人体随条件变化进行调节的模式。pattern noun 2➤an irregular sleeping pattern不规律的睡眠模式➤a pattern of diamonds and squares菱形和正方形构成的图案pattern ♦︎ design ♦︎ motifthese are all words for an arrangement of lines and shapes, or a simple picture, especially one that is used to decorate sth.这些词均表示图案、式样。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a pattern / design / motif on sth◆in a pattern / design◆a simple / floral pattern / design / motif◆a / an elaborate / intricate / abstract / geometric / symmetrical pattern / design◆to have / make a pattern / design / motif◆to print / produce / weave a pattern / design◆to design a pattern / motif■ pattern [countable] a regular arrangement of lines, shapes and colours, either used to decorate sth or made or formed by chance图案;花样;式样◆a pattern of diamonds and squares菱形和正方形构成的图案◆he wore a shirt with a floral pattern.他穿了件花衬衫。◆he had arranged the glasses in a pattern.他用玻璃杯摆成一个图案。◆the ice formed patterns on the windows.窗上结了冰花。  ➡ see also decoration → decoration ■ design [countable] an arrangement of lines and shapes, used as a decoration on an object or in a building装饰图案;花纹◆the building has intricate geometric designs on several of the walls.这座建筑在几面墙上都有复杂的几何图案。◆the tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs.瓷砖有各种各样的颜色和图案。  ➡ see also decoration → decoration note 辨析 pattern or design?a pattern is a design that is repeated in a regular way. it is usually made up of lines, shapes and colours, rather than pictures of things, although simple pictures can form part of a pattern. * pattern 是规则的图案,通常由线条、形状和颜色构成,一般没有图片,尽管可能有简单的图片构成部份图案◆a leaf / flower / floral pattern叶子/鲜花/花卉的图案a pattern can be deliberately created as a decoration or accidentally formed by the way things come together. a design is always deliberately created as a decoration. it can be a repeated pattern or a single decoration; it can be simple or complicated, made up of lines and shapes, or including pictures of things; but it is always deliberately created as a decoration. * pattern 可以是特意设计作装饰用的,也可以是偶然形成的。design 总是特意设计出的装饰,可以是一种图案的重复,也可以是单个装饰图案,可简可繁,可由线条、形状或图画构成,但无一例外是特意设计出来作装饰用的。■ motif /məʊtiːf; name moʊtiːf/ [countable] a design used as a decoration装饰图案;装饰图形◆the rug was decorated with a simple flower motif.地毯上有简单的鲜花图案。◆the jacket has a rose motif on the collar.上衣领子上有个玫瑰花图案。ⓘ a motif is often a small, simple picture of sth that is used once, or repeated in different places or parts of sth. * motif 常常是单次使用的事物形象的简单小图,也可多次用在不同地方或不同部份。pattern [countable, usually singular] an excellent example of sth such as a system that other people should copy范例;典范;样板◆this system sets the pattern for others to follow.这个系统堪为他人仿效的典范。note 辨析 model or pattern?a system or organization is/provides a model but sets a pattern for people to follow. a pattern is always an excellent example and one that people should follow; a model is an example that people do follow, although this is usually because it works well.表示某一系统或组织可供人仿效可以说 be/provide a model 或 set a pattern。pattern 总是指人们应该仿效的优秀榜样、典范; model 指通常因运转良好而确实为人们所仿效的范例。pattern [countable] the regular way in which sth happens or is done模式;方式◆changing patterns of behaviour / work / weather行为/工作/天气变化模式◆an irregular sleeping pattern不规律的睡眠模式◆the murders all seem to follow a (similar) pattern (= happen in the same way).这些凶杀案似乎同出一辙。◆there is no set pattern for these meetings.这些会议没有固定模式。pattern [countable] a regular arrangement of lines, shapes and colours, either used to decorate sth or made or formed by chance图案;花样;式样◆a pattern of diamonds and squares菱形和正方形构成的图案◆he wore a shirt with a floral pattern.他穿了件花衬衫。◆he had arranged the glasses in a pattern.他用玻璃杯摆成一个图案。◆the ice formed patterns on the windows.窗上结了冰花。  ➡ see also decoration → decoration pattern/ˈpætn ||; ˈpætɚn/noun[c] 1. the way in which sth happens, develops, or is done (事物发生、发展或完成的)方式,模式: ◇her days all seemed to follow the same pattern. 她的生活似乎千篇一律。◇changing patterns of behaviour/work/weather 变化着的行为/工作╱天气形态 2. an arrangement of lines, shapes, colours, etc as a design 图案;花纹;花样: ◇a shirt with a floral pattern on it 有花卉图案的衬衫 [syn] design 同义词为design 3. a design, a set of instructions or a shape to cut around that you use in order to make sth 式样;纸样;模型patternpatternrelated wordssee alsodesign,art/culture,paint,draw,colour,decorate,material,clothes,1. pattern pattern /ˈpætənǁˈpætərn/ [countable noun] a regular arrangement of shapes, colours, or lines, especially one that is used to decorate paper, cloth, plates etc 图案;花样;式样 i'm looking for a wallpaper with a nice bold pattern. 我在找一种图案漂亮、醒目的墙纸。 a navy blue silk blouse with a white flowery pattern 一件深蓝色带白色花样图案的丝绸女衬衫pattern of patterns of sunlight and shadow on the ground 地上日光与阴影交织的图案 design /dɪˈzaɪn/ [countable noun] a pattern or shape which is used to decorate something such as cloth or paper 装饰图案;花样 this design is very common on turkish carpets. 这种图案在土耳其地毯上很常见。 brightly coloured curtains with an attractive floral design 带有漂亮花卉图案的色彩鲜艳的窗帘 markings /ˈmɑːʳkɪŋz/ [plural noun] the natural patterns on the skin, fur, or feathers of animals or birds [兽皮、鸟羽的]斑纹;斑点 the bird can be easily recognized by its unusual red and yellow markings. 那种鸟的羽毛上有不同寻常的红黄色花纹,容易辨认。 motif /məʊˈtiːf/ [countable noun] a single shape which is repeated to form a pattern which decorates something 基本图案 a fish/flower/sun etc motif she was wearing a plain white t-shirt with a fish motif in blue and green. 她穿着一件素色白t恤,上面有个蓝绿色的鱼图案。 patterning /ˈpætənɪŋǁˈpætərnɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the pattern that covers the surface of an object, animal, plant etc [物体表面、动植物身上等的]图案,图形 the zebra has very distinctive patterning. 斑马身上有很独特的图案。 look at the beautiful delicate patterning around the base of the vase. 来看看这只花瓶的底部那圈漂亮、精细的图案。 pat·tern /`pætən; ˈpætən/n [c] 1. a design made from shapes, colours, lines etc that are arranged in a regular way 图案,花样,式样:◇a pattern of small red and white squares 红白色小方块图案 2. the regular way in which something happens, develops, or is done 模式,方式:◇romantic novels tend to follow a similar pattern. 爱情小说通常按相似的模式来写。◇the behaviour patterns of young children 儿童的行为方式 3. a shape that you copy onto cloth, paper etc when you are making something, especially clothes [用以制作某物的]模型; [尤指](服装)纸样,布样:◇a skirt pattern 裙子的纸样 ☞ pattern




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