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单词 patter
释义 patter verbadverb | preposition adverb➤gently, lightly, softly急速轻轻拍打;轻柔地急拍▸➤down啪嗒啪嗒落下◆the rain pattered down softly.雨水啪嗒啪嗒地轻轻落下。preposition➤across啪嗒啪嗒地跑过◆footsteps pattered across the floor.地板上有啪嗒啪嗒的脚步声跑过。➤against啪嗒啪嗒地打在⋯上▸➤along以轻快的脚步沿着⋯跑◆the child's feet pattered along the landing.孩子啪嗒啪嗒地跑过楼梯平台。➤on敲打在⋯上◆rain pattered lightly on the window.雨水轻轻敲打窗户。patter/ˈpætə(r) ||; ˈpætɚ/noun1. [sing] the sound of many quick light steps or knocks on a surface 急而轻的脚步声或敲击声: ◇the patter of the children's feet on the stairs 孩子们走过楼梯时的啪嗒啪嗒声 2. [u] [sing] fast continuous talk by sb who is trying to sell you sth or entertain you 招揽生意的不停叫喊声: ◇sales patter 推销叫喊声 patter verb [i] pattersee ⇨ sound 6 pat·ter /`pætə; ˈpætə/n [singular 单数] 1. the repeated sound of something lightly hitting a surface [重复的]嗒嗒声:◇+ of the patter of raindrops on the path 路上雨点的滴嗒声 2. very fast and continuous talk 快速的讲话:◇a car salesman's patter 汽车推销员喋喋不休的话 patterv [i]◇outside the rain pattered lightly on the window. 外面雨滴滴嗒嗒地轻打在窗上。




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