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单词 nonresident
释义 non-resident adjective(about a person or company) not living or situated permanently in a particular country, especially when this relates to tax (人或公司)暂居的,非居民的,非常设的,非常驻的◆non-resident holders of savings accounts 非居民储蓄账户持有者◆you will be treated as non-resident for tax purposes. 你将以非居民身分纳税。 opp resident non-resident noun [countable] 1.a person who does not live permanently in a particular country or place 非居民◆sales of securities to non-residents 向非居民出售证券2.a person not staying at a particular hotel (酒店的)非房客;未入住某酒店的人◆the restaurant is open to non-residents. 这家餐厅向非房客开放。 opp resident




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