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单词 futile
释义 futile adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, prove, seem无用;证明无用;似乎无用▸➤consider sth, describe sth as认为⋯没用;把⋯说成是徒然无功◆the president described these activities as futile.总统把这些活动形容为白费功夫。adverb➤completely, entirely, quite, totally, utterly十分徒劳;完全无效◆an utterly futile struggle for justice一场完全无望的争取正义的斗争➤largely, rather大半无用;相当无用➤increasingly越来越无用▸➤apparently, seemingly (especially name) 看似无用▸➤ultimately终归无用◆their attempts were impressive but ultimately futile.他们的努力让人印象深刻,但终归徒劳无益。futile /fjuːtaɪl; name fjuːtl/ (rather formal) ending in failure; having no effect or purpose徒然的;徒劳的;无效的◆it was a futile gesture as the real damage had already been done.都已经造成真正的伤害了,做出那种姿态也是枉然。◆their efforts to revive him were futile.他们努力使他苏醒,但失败了。▸ futility /fjuːtɪləti/ noun [uncountable] ◆a sense of futility徒劳感◆the futility of war战争的徒然无益futile/ˈfju:taɪl; us -tl ||; ˈfjutḷ/adj (used about an action) having no success; useless (指行动)徒劳无功的,无用的: ◇they made a last futile attempt to make him change his mind. 他们最后一次试图让他回心转意,但徒劳无功。 ➔futility noun [u] futilesee ⇨ useless 3 fu·tile /`fjutḷ; ˈfjuːtaɪl/adjcertain to be unsuccessful 徒劳的; 无用的:◇janet ran after the thief in a futile attempt to get her purse back. 珍妮特追赶小偷,想把自己的钱包夺回来,但没有用。




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