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单词 none/nothing
释义 none/nothing1 when there is not any of something2 the number that means none3 less than nonerelated wordsoppositelot,see alsonot,never,amount,few/not many,1. when there is not any of something 没有某物 none /nʌn/ [pronoun] not any of something, or not any people or things 没有一个 i was going to offer you some cake, but there's none left. 我本来打算给你们吃些糕点,但是没有了。 ‘coffee?’ ‘none for me, thanks.’ “来点咖啡吗?”“我不要了,谢谢。”none of none of her friends live in london. 她的朋友都不住在伦敦。 none of my clothes fit anymore. 我的衣服都不合身了。 parents complain that none of the money set aside for the school has been spent on textbooks. 家长投诉说拨给学校的那笔钱没有一分用在教科书上。none at all/none whatsoever/absolutely none especially spoken ‘do you have any objections to the plan, john?’ ‘none at all.’ “你对这个计划有什么异议吗,约翰?”“没有。” ‘the mayor has no tolerance for violent criminals, absolutely none,’ said a spokesperson. “市长决不姑息暴力犯罪分子,决不。一位发言人说。 under the constitution, the president has no legal authority -- none whatsoever -- to commit the united states to war. 根据宪法规定,总统没有法定权力使美国投入战争—一点也没有。 not any /nɒt ˈeni/ [determiner/pronoun] none 丝毫没有 you won't find any, i'm afraid i haven't been shopping yet. 你找不到的,我还没去购物呢。 there aren't any good book stores in town. 镇上没有好的书店。 we won't be getting any extra-large shirts until tomorrow. 我们明天才会有特大号的衬衫。 the clerk said he didn't have any change. 那店员说没有零钱。 there won't be any time for questions after the lecture. 这次讲座结束后将没有时间提问。not any of i haven't read any of henry miller's novels. 我没有看过亨利·米勒的小说。not any more/not any left spoken she asked for a copy of the ‘boston globe’ but there weren't any left. 她要一份《波士顿环球报》,但是卖完了。 no /nəʊ/ [determiner] not any or not one 没有 there are no buses on sundays. 星期天没有公共汽车。 a very plain room, with no pictures on the wall 一个非常朴素的房间,墙上没有画 do you mind having black coffee? there's no milk. 给你清咖啡行吗?没有牛奶了。 we've had no rain for three months. 我们这儿三个月没下雨了。 there was no room in the car for anyone else. 车里坐不下其他人了。 i knocked on the door, but there was no reply. 我敲了敲门,但是没有人回应。 he just started hitting her for no reason. 他无缘无故地就打起她来。 some athletes have no intention of getting an education while they're at college. 有些运动员上大学根本不想学习。no more there are no more classes until monday. 星期一之前不再有课。 nothing/not anything /ˈnʌθɪŋ, nɒt ˈeniθɪŋ/ [pronoun] there's nothing in this box. 这盒子里没有任何东西。 many older people don't know anything about computers. 许多年纪较大的人对电脑一窍不通。 i switched the tv on, but nothing happened. 我打开电视机开关,可没有反应。 ‘what are you doing?’ ‘nothing.’ “你在干什么?”“没干什么。”nothing new/serious/exciting etc nothing exciting ever happens in this place! 这地方从来都不会有叫人激动的事情发生!nothing to eat/say/do etc there was nothing to do, so we just watched tv. 我们没有什么事可做,所以只有看电视。 she hasn't had anything to eat all day. 她一整天都没吃东西了。nothing at all ‘do you know anything about fixing cars?’ ‘no, nothing at all.’ “你会修车吗?”“不会,一点都不会。”nothing else nothing more 没有别的东西 as he listened, he understood the word ‘shimai’, which means ‘sister’, but nothing else. 他听着,只听懂shimai这个词是“姐妹”的意思,其他一概不懂。nothing else to say/do etc i had nothing else to do so i cleaned the kitchen. 我没事可做,所以就打扫了厨房。 we will make an announcement next week; we have nothing else to say until then. 我们会在下星期作出宣布,在此之前无可奉告。 zilch /zɪltʃ/ [uncountable noun] especially american, spoken nothing 【尤美,口】无,没有 she knows absolutely zilch about marketing. 她对市场营销一窍不通。 the federal government does zilch to help struggling farmers. 联邦政府对苦苦挣扎的农民不闻不问。 not one /nɒt ˈwʌn/ [pronoun] none - use this when the situation is very unusual or unexpected 一个也没有[用于表示情形很特别或出人意料] ‘do you have any batteries?' ’not one. we've completely sold out." “你们有电池吗?”“一个都没有了,全卖完了。” according to the report, of the 10 best cities in which to do business, not one is in california. 根据这份报告,经商环境最好的十个城市中,没有一个是加州的。not one of we examined over a hundred machines and not one of them was working properly. 我们检查了一百多台机器,没有一台是运作正常的。 not a /ˈnɒt ə/ [determiner] not even one it all happened so fast, i didn't see a thing. 一切发生得这么快,我什么都没看到。 usually there were voices to be heard coming from the living room, but tonight there was not a sound. 往常都能听到客厅里有人说话的声音,但是今晚却悄无声息。 there wasn't a scrap of food in the house. 家里一点吃的都没有。not a dickybird british informal nothing at all 【英,非正式】什么也没有 i haven't heard a dickybird from him all morning. 整个上午,我没有他的丁点儿消息。 be nil /biː ˈnɪl/ [verb phrase] if the amount of something is nil, there is none of it and you feel disappointed about it [某事物的数量]是零;没有[表示感到失望] with their best player injured, england's chances of winning the game were just about nil. 英格兰队最好的球员受了伤,他们获胜的希望几乎为零。 refreshment facilities for long-distance bus passengers are virtually nil. 几乎没有给长途汽车乘客休息的设施。 bugger all /ˌbʌgər ˈɔːl/ [pronoun/determiner] british informal nothing or not any of something - this is an impolite expression which people use especially when they are angry 【英,非正式】什么也没有[不礼貌的说法,尤在生气的时候说] i hope she does some work at home. she does bugger all in the office. 我希望她在家会干点活,在公司她屁事不干。 you'll get bugger all thanks for helping them. 你帮他们,连句谢谢都得不到。2. the number that means none 表示无的数字 zero /ˈzɪərəʊǁˈziːrəʊ/ [uncountable noun] the number 0 零 the zip code for annandale is zero eight eight zero one. 安嫩代尔的邮政编码是08801。 the zr1 can go from zero to sixty miles per hour in 4.3 seconds. zr1跑车可以在4.3秒内从静止状态加速到每小时60英里。zero unemployment/growth/inflation etc when there is none at all 零失业/增长/通货膨胀等 in the long run, zero inflation will bring lower interest rates. 从长远来看,零通货膨胀率会使利率降低。 the government aims to hold the country's population at zero-growth. 政府的目标是要把国家的人口控制在零增长。 nil british also zip american informal /nɪl, zɪp/ [uncountable noun] zero - use this especially in sports results 零[尤用于体育比赛的成绩] at the end of the first half it's spurs two, arsenal nil. 上半场结束时热刺队两分,阿森纳队零分。 ‘who won?’ ‘the yankees, five-zip.’ “谁赢了?”“洋基队,五比零。” by a seven-nil vote, the council passed a resolution protecting the land from development. 市议会以七比零的投票结果通过了一项决议,保护这块土地,不准开发。 nought /nɔːt/ [uncountable noun] british zero - used especially before or after a decimal point 【英】零[尤用于小数点前后] interest rates rose by nought point three percent today. 今天利率上升了0.3%。 ‘what did you score?’ ‘nought out of ten.’ “你得了几分?”“满分十分,一分也没得。” o /əʊ/ zero - use this especially when saying a telephone number or the number after a decimal point. pronounce this as the letter ‘o’ 零[尤用于说出电话号码或小数点后数目] i'll be in room four-o-nine. 我将会在409号房间。 it's an inner london phone number, so you dial o-two-o-seven. 这是伦敦市区的电话号码,所以你要拨0-2-0-7。 one hundredth has the same value as point o one. 百分之一等于零点零一。3. less than none 少于零 negative /ˈnegətɪv/ [adjective] negative numbers, figures etc are less than one 负数的 my bank statement shows a negative balance. 我的银行结单上余额显示为负数。 do you know how to multiply negative numbers? 你知道负数的乘法怎么算吗? minus /ˈmaɪnəs/ [adjective only before noun] minus 4 degrees/3%/10° f etc four degrees, three per cent etc less than nothing 零下4度/负百分之三/华氏零下10度等 the temperature dropped to almost minus 40. 气温降至将近零下40度了。 a trade deficit of minus £4bn 40亿英镑的贸易赤字




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