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单词 single
释义 single noun¹ 1cd, tape, etc.唱片;磁带adjective | verb + single | single + verb | singles + noun | phrases adjective➤best-selling, hit, smash畅销/热门/走红单曲➤number-one, top-ten排行榜第一名的/前十名的单曲▸➤debut, first首支单曲;首张单曲唱片➤lead, lead-off (name) 主打单曲◆'breathe' is the lead-off single from the album.《呼吸》是这张专辑里的主打单曲。➤breakthrough成名单曲◆following the success of their breakthrough single, a follow-up is planned.在那支大获成功的成名单曲之后,他们正计划推出另一支单曲。➤comeback (especially bre) 再度流行的单曲◆the classic comeback single from take that接招乐队再度流行的经典单曲➤current, latest, new新发行的单曲唱片;最新单曲唱片➤dance, pop舞曲单曲;流行单曲➤catchy (informal) 容易上口的单曲◆her catchy first single was a hit.她的首支单曲朗朗上口,极为风靡。verb + single➤play播放单曲唱片◆the radio stations play her new single several times a day.每天电台多次播放她新发行的单曲。➤record录制单曲◆the band has yet to record a hit single.该乐队至今还没有录制出一支走红的单曲。➤produce制作单曲唱片▸➤put out, release (sth as)发行单曲唱片;把(⋯)作为单曲发行◆they put out a single in time for christmas.他们赶在圣诞节前推出了一张单曲唱片。◆the band later released this album track as a single.该乐队后来把专辑中的歌曲作为单曲发行。➤feature, include以单曲为主打歌;包括单曲◆her new album features her single 'georgia rain'.她的新专辑以她的单曲《乔治娅・雷恩》为主打歌。single + verb➤come out单曲唱片发行singles + noun➤singles chart单曲唱片排行榜◆number one in the singles chart单曲唱片排行榜榜首唱片➤singles collection, singles compilation单曲集◆a 19-track singles collection一张 19 首歌的单曲集phrases➤single by由⋯演唱的单曲◆it was voted the best single by a solo artist.这张唱片被投票评选为最佳个人单曲唱片。➤single from来自⋯的单曲◆the new single from the band乐队的新单曲single noun² 2singles in tennis网球adjective | verb + singles | singles + noun | phrases adjective➤junior, men's, women's青少年/男子/女子单打verb + singles➤play打单打◆i prefer playing singles to doubles.和双打比起来我更喜欢单打。➤win赢得单打比赛◆she won the junior singles.她赢得了青少年单打比赛。singles + noun➤championship, final, match, tournament单打锦标赛;单打决赛;单打比赛▸➤champion, player单打冠军/选手▸➤title单打冠军phrases➤in the single在单打比赛中◆she decided not to play in the singles.她决定不参加单打比赛。single noun³ 3 (bre) ticket票verb + single | preposition verb + single➤buy, get买单程票;买到单程票◆i got a single to birmingham.我买了一张去伯明翰的单程票。preposition➤single to去⋯的单程票◆a single to stratford, please.请给我一张去斯特拉特福的单程票。 single /sɪŋgl/ adjective1.only one 单一的◆the european single currency, the euro 欧洲单一货币 ── 欧元2. [only before noun] (bre) (also one-way, name, bre ) a single ticket, etc. can be used for travelling to a place but not back again 单程的 single /sɪŋgl/ noun [countable] (bre) a ticket that allows you to travel to a place but not back again 单程票 (name) a note/bill that is worth one dollar 一元纸币☞ single☞ single single adjectivesingle ♦︎ divorced ♦︎ unmarried ♦︎ lone ♦︎ estranged ♦︎ widowed ♦︎ separatedthese words all describe people who are not married or not having a romantic relationship with sb.这些词均表示单身的、无配偶的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be divorced / estranged / separated from sb◆a single / a divorced / an unmarried / a lone / a widowed / a separated man / woman / parent / mother / father◆a divorced / an unmarried / a separated couple■ single not married; not having a romantic relationship with sb单身的;未婚的;无伴侣的◆the apartments are ideal for single people living alone.这些公寓供单身者独自居住最为理想。◆are you still single?你还是单身吗?ⓘ a single parent/mother/father is a person who looks after their child or children without a husband, wife or partner. * single parent/mother/father 指单亲母亲或单亲父亲◆marriage breakdown is common and there are a large number of single-parent families.婚姻破裂现象很普遍,因此出现了许多单亲家庭。■ divorced no longer married because the marriage has been legally ended离婚的;离异的◆many divorced people remarry and have second families.许多离婚的人再婚组成新的家庭。◆my parents are divorced.我的父母离婚了。◆are they going to get divorced?他们打算离婚吗?  ➡ see also divorce , get divorced → divorce ■ unmarried not married未婚的;独身的◆he remained unmarried all his life.他终身未娶。◆unmarried couples do not have the same rights as married couples.未婚伴侣享受不到与已婚伴侣同等的权利。opp married → marry ■ lone [only before noun] (especially bre, rather formal, especially written) without a husband, wife or partner to share the care of children单亲的◆nine out of ten lone parents are women.十个单亲家长有九个是女性。◆lone fathers tend to be older than lone mothers.单亲父亲往往比单亲母亲岁数大。ⓘ lone is not often used in normal spoken english, but it is common in journalism and in official reports.在一般的口语中 lone 并不常用,但在新闻和官方报告中却很常见。■ estranged /ɪstreɪndʒd/ (formal) no longer living with your husband or wife(夫妻)分居的◆he is being questioned in connection with the death of his estranged wife.他因与分居妻子的死亡有关而正受讯问。◆she has been estranged from her husband since 1999.自 1999 年起她就与丈夫分居了。  ➡ see also estrangement → division 2 ■ widowed /wɪdəʊd; name wɪdoʊd/ if sb is widowed, their husband or wife has died丧偶的;成为寡妇(或鳏夫)的◆she was widowed by the time she was 35.她 35 岁时就守了寡。◆she spent twenty years looking after her widowed father.她照料鳏居的父亲长达二十年。■ separated [not usually before noun] no longer living with your husband, wife or partner(和某人)分居◆her parents are separated but not divorced.她父母分居但没离婚。◆he's separated from his wife.他和妻子分居了。  ➡ see also separate → divorce note 辨析 estranged or separated?an estranged couple are married but no longer live together or have any sort of relationship or communication. a separated couple no longer live together but may still communicate, for example to organize the care of children. separated can also refer to a couple who were not married but used to live together. * estranged 指已婚夫妻不再共同生活,也不再保持任何联系或来往; separated 指夫妻不再共同生活,但可能仍保持联系,例如安排照管孩子。separated 也可指未婚同居后分手。single [only before noun] used to emphasize that you are referring to one particular person or thing on its own(用于强调)一个的,单个的◆unemployment is the single most important factor in the rising crime rates.失业是犯罪率日益上升最重要的一个因素。◆we eat rice every single day.我们天天吃米饭。▸ singly adverb◆the stamps are available singly or in books of ten.邮票有单枚的,也有十枚一册的。singlenot married; not having a romantic relationship with sb单身的;未婚的;无伴侣的◆the apartments are ideal for single people living alone.这些公寓供单身者独自居住最为理想。◆are you still single?你还是单身吗?ⓘ a single parent/mother/father is a person who looks after their child or children without a husband, wife or partner. * single parent/mother/father 指单亲母亲或单亲父亲◆marriage breakdown is common and there are a large number of single-parent families.婚姻破裂现象很普遍,因此出现了许多单亲家庭。single¹/ˈsɪŋgl ||; ˈsɪŋgḷ/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) only one 唯一的;一个的;单一的: ◇he gave her a single red rose. 他送给她一枝红玫瑰。◇i managed to finish the whole job in a single afternoon. 我只花了一个下午就完成整件工作。◇i went to a single-sex (= for boys only or girls only) school. 我上了一所男子╱女子学校。 2. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) used to emphasize that you are talking about each individual item of a group or series (用以强调所指的是整体中的一个独立部份)每一个: ◇you answered every single question correctly. well done! 每一个问题你都答对了。做得好! 3. not married 未婚的;独身的: ◇are you married or single? 你结婚了没有?◇a single man/woman 未婚男子╱女子 4. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) for the use of only one person 只供一人使用的: ◇i'd like to book a single room, please. 我想订一间单人房。 ☞look at the note at bed ¹. 参看bed^1的注释。 5. (also one-way) (only before a noun 只用于名词前) (used about a ticket or the price of a ticket) for a journey to a particular place, but not back again (指车票等或票价)单程的: ◇how much is the single fare to rome? 请问到罗马的单程票多少钱? ☞look at return ²(5). 参看return^2(5)。 in single file→file¹single²/ˈsɪŋgl ||; ˈsɪŋgḷ/noun1. [c] a ticket for a journey to a particular place, but not back again 单程(车)票: ◇two singles to hull, please. 请给我两张到赫尔的单程车票。 ☞look at return ²(5). 参看return^2(5)。 2. [c] a cd, tape, etc that has only one song on each side; the main song on this tape or cd 单曲唱片;单曲唱片歌曲: ◇catatonia's new single 卡塔托尼亚的新单曲唱片 ☞look at album. 参看album。 3. [c] a bedroom for one person in a hotel, etc (旅馆等的)单人房间 ☞look at double ³(5). 参看double^3(5)。 4. singles [pl] people who are not married and do not have a romantic relationship with sb else 单身男子;单身女子;未婚男女 5. singles [u] a game of tennis, etc in which one player plays against one other player (网球等)单打 ☞look at doubles. 参看doubles。 single³/ˈsɪŋgl ||; ˈsɪŋgḷ/verb single sb/sth out (for sth) to give special attention or treatment to one person or thing from a group 选出,挑出(以特别对待): ◇she was singled out for criticism. 她给挑出来批评。 singlesee ⇨ marry 12☞ single¹☞ single²☞ single³




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