单词 | need/necessary |
释义 | need/necessary1 to need something2 to need someone or something very much3 necessary4 make it necessary to do something5 something that is needed6 when a job or activity needs a particular quality7 to provide something that is needed or wanted8 when you do not need something9 not necessaryrelated wordsbe addicted to drugs, drink etc 有毒瘾、有酗酒的习惯等 addicted,see alsomust/don't have to,important,1. to need something 需要某事物 need /niːd/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if you need something, you must have it, because you cannot live, succeed, or do something without it 需要[某物] it's cold outside -- you'll need a coat. 外面冷—你要穿上外套。 i think she might need a doctor. 我想她可能要找医生。 do you need some help? 你需要帮忙吗?need something for something he needs the information for an article he's writing. 他在写一篇文章,需要这些资料。need to do something when it is necessary for someone to do something 需要做某事 we need to take the cat to the vet. 我们要把猫带去看兽医。need somebody to do something do you still need volunteers to help clean up after the party? 你们还需要志愿者在聚会后帮助打扫吗?badly need something need something very much 非常需要某物 the team badly needs a victory. 这支球队非常需要打赢一场球赛。 need /niːd/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to need to be cleaned, repaired, or given attention in some way 需要[清洁、修理、照料等] need cleaning/washing/mending etc my hair needs washing. 我的头发要洗了。 don't forget, the plants need watering once a week. 别忘了,这些植物每周要浇一次水。need a wash/clean etc you don't have to paint upvc windows, and they need only an occasional wash down with detergent. 硬聚氯乙烯的窗户不需要上漆,只需偶尔用清洁剂洗洗就可以。 require /rɪˈkwaɪəʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal to need something 【正式】需要 guests who require special diets should inform the catering manager in advance. 对饮食有特别要求的客人应提前通知餐饮部经理。 is there anything further you require, sir? 您还有什么要求吗,先生? could do with/could use /kʊd ˈduː wɪð, kʊd ˈjuːz/ [verb phrase] spoken informal say that you could do with something or could use something when you feel that you need it and that it would improve things for you 【口,非正式】需要;想要[对你有帮助的事物] ‘let's stop for a minute.’ ‘sure, i could do with a rest.’ “我们停一会吧。”“好的,我也需要歇歇了。” i could use a hand with this if you have a minute. 你有空的话,我需要有人来帮我一下这个。 boy, i sure could use a drink. 好啊,我当然要来一杯。 be in need of /biː ɪn ˈniːd ɒv/ [verb phrase] if someone is in need of help, advice, money etc, they need it because they are in a difficult situation 需要[帮助、建议、钱等应付困境] several people were in need of medical treatment. 有几个人需要治疗。badly in need of something the country is badly in need of foreign investment. 这个国家迫切需要外来投资。 there is a need for /ðeər ɪz ə ˈniːd fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] if there is a need for something, it is needed by a group of people because it is useful or necessary in order to make a situation better 有…的需求 there's always a need for blood donors. 对捐血者一向有需求。 there's no need for you to know my full name. reggie will do. 你没有必要知道我的全名,叫我雷吉就行了。there is an urgent need for something there is an urgent need for a review of current immigration law. 现有的移民法急需检讨。there is a growing need for something there's a growing need for computer programmers and it people in many parts of latin america. 拉丁美洲有许多地方对电脑程序员和信息技术人员的需求在增加。2. to need someone or something very much 非常需要某人或某物 be desperate for /biː ˈdespərə̇t fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to urgently need something and want it very much 极需要,渴望 wendell was desperate for a girlfriend, yet crippled by his fear of rejection. 温德尔非常渴望有个女朋友,但是害怕遭到拒绝而不敢去找。 a cordon of police struggled to keep back onlookers and relatives desperate for news. 警察设置警戒线努力挡回围观人群和急切等待消息的亲属。 be crying out for /biː ˌkraɪ-ɪŋ ˈaʊt fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] if a group of people are crying out for something such as help, food, or medicine, they need it very urgently because they are facing great difficulties without it 急需[帮助、食物或药品等] the country is crying out for strong leadership. 国家急需强有力的领导。 as we all know, birmingham has been crying out for a venue for local bands for several years. 我们大家都知道,伯明翰几年来一直急需一个本地乐队的演出场地。 can't do without /ˌkɑːnt duː wɪðˈaʊtǁˌkænt-/ [verb phrase] to be unable to do the things that you have to do without someone who usually helps you or without something that you usually use 没有[某人或某物]不行 i absolutely can't do without my mobile phone. 我没有手机是绝对不行的。 patrick is an excellent assistant - i couldn't do without him. 帕特里克是个出色的助手,我没有他不行。 depend on/rely on /dɪˈpend ɒn, rɪˈlaɪ ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] if you depend on or rely on someone or something, you need them because they provide you with something that you need 依靠[某人或某物提供所需的东西] depend/rely on somebody/something he was growing to depend on her, he knew that. 他越来越依赖她,他是知道这一点的。 not surprisingly, businesses that rely on government contracts are being hit badly by the spending cuts. 这不奇怪,依赖政府合同生存的企业因为政府支出削减而受到了严重的冲击。depend/rely on somebody to do something elvin depended on her to dress him, feed him and do many other tasks. 埃尔文需要她帮他穿衣、喂饭,以及做许多其他事情。 many plants rely on birds to distribute their seeds. 许多植物依靠鸟儿传播种子。depend/rely on somebody for something having to depend on her father for financial support was just not worth it, sylvia decided. 依靠父亲资助根本不值得,西尔维娅是这么想的。depend/rely heavily on/upon depend/rely a lot on 非常依赖 state and local governments rely heavily on sales and property taxes. 州政府和地方政府非常依赖销售税和财产税。 dependence [uncountable noun] clearly, the us must reduce its dependence on foreign oil. 显然,美国必须减少它对海外石油的依赖。 he is undergoing treatment for drug dependence. 他正在接受戒毒治疗。 be dependent on/be reliant on /biː dɪˈpendənt ɒn, biː rɪˈlaɪənt ɒn/ [verb phrase] if you are dependent on or are reliant on someone or something, you need them so much that you cannot exist or continue successfully without them, because they provide you with all the most important things you need 依靠,依赖 in those days, he was very dependent on connie and wouldn't do anything without first consulting her. 那个时候,他非常依赖康妮,做什么事都先要问问她。be dependent/reliant on somebody/something for something many old people are dependent on government benefits for their basic survival. 许多老人的基本生存都依靠政府救济金。be heavily dependent/reliant on be very reliant on 非常依赖 small companies are heavily reliant on the goodwill of the banks in order to keep going. 小型公司非常依赖银行的商誉来继续经营。3. necessary 必要的 necessary /ˈnesɪsəri, ˈnesəsəriǁ-seri/ [adjective] if something is necessary, you need to have it or do it 必需的,必要的 he produced the necessary documents and handed them to her. 他把必需的文件拿出来交给她。necessary for fats in our diet are necessary for both heat and energy. 我们饮食中的脂肪是产生热量和能量所必需的。if necessary if it is necessary 如果必要 if necessary, we will have to employ some outside people to finish the job. 必要的话,我们得雇几个外面的人来完成这工作。it is necessary (for somebody) to do something formal it will be necessary to close the pool while the repairs take place. 修理期间将有必要关闭游泳池。 the doctor says it may be necessary for me to have an operation. 医生说我可能需要动一次手术。 essential /ɪˈsenʃəl/ [adjective] if something is essential, you need it because you cannot be successful, healthy, safe etc without it 必不可少的,十分重要的 if you're going hiking in the mountains, a decent pair of boots is essential. 到山中远足,一双好的靴子是必不可少的。 the tourist industry is now acknowledged as an essential part of the spanish economy. 旅游业现已被公认为西班牙经济的重要组成部分。essential for calcium is essential for the development of healthy teeth and bones. 钙是牙齿和骨骼健康发育所必需的。it is essential to do something it is essential to read any document carefully before you sign it. 签署任何文件之前都一定要仔细阅读。it is essential that it is essential that the oil is checked every 10,000 km. 每行驶一万公里就必须检查机油。 vital /ˈvaɪtl/ [adjective] if something is vital, it is extremely important and you will have serious problems if you do not have it or do it 必不可少的,极其重要的 in this job, the ability to remain calm is vital. 做这个工作必须有保持冷静的能力。 the european space agency said that a vital piece of equipment on the craft had stopped functioning. 欧洲航天局说飞船上有一个极其重要的设备失灵了。vital for regular exercise is vital for your health. 经常锻炼是身体健康所必需的。it is vital that it is vital that you keep accurate tax records. 准确地做好税务记录是非常重要的。 indispensable /ˌɪndɪˈspensəbəl/ [adjective] someone or something that is indispensable is extremely useful and it is almost impossible to do something without them [某人或某物]必不可少的,必需的 if you're planning on going sightseeing around the old city, a guide is indispensable. 如果你打算在老城区观光,导游是必不可少的。indispensable to the book will be indispensable to anyone who wishes to learn more about the british royal family. 若想进一步了解英国皇室,本书是不可或缺的。 be a necessity /biː ə nə̇ˈsesə̇ti/ [verb phrase] if something is a necessity, you must have it for your job or for your life, and it is not something that you only have for pleasure 是必需品 for most people, a good guidebook is a necessity when travelling. 对大多数人来说,旅游的时候,一本好的旅游指南是必备的。 if you live in a place like london, a car alarm is an absolute necessity. 如果你住在伦敦这样的城市,汽车防盗装置绝对是必需的。 be a must /biː ə ˈmʌst/ [verb phrase] informal if you say that something such as a book, film, or type of clothes is a must, you mean that people must read, see, or wear it, because it is very fashionable, enjoyable, interesting etc - used especially in advertisements and magazines 【非正式】[书、电影、衣服等]是必不可少的[尤用于广告和杂志中] if you're interested in the early history of aviation, this book is a must. 如果你对早期的航空史感兴趣的话,这是一本必读的书。be a must for somebody ankle boots are a must for anyone who wants to keep up with the latest fashions this autumn. 若要赶上今秋的最新时尚,短靴是必不可少的。 required also requisite formal /rɪˈkwaɪəʳd, ˈrekwə̇zə̇t/ [adjective only before noun] necessary for a particular purpose, especially according to a law or rule [对某种目的来说]必需的;规定的[尤根据法律或规则] they failed to submit their plans in the required time limit. 他们没有在规定的时限内把计划呈交上去。 if the proposed piece of legislation fails to get the requisite two-thirds majority in parliament, it cannot become law. 如果所提议的法规在议会中没有得到规定的三分之二多数人的同意,就不能成为法律。required for in my opinion, she does not have the qualifications required for the job. 依我看,她不具备做这份工作所需的资历。 research and writing have become requisite for career advancement in academia. 研究和论文是学术界职称晋升所必需的。4. make it necessary to do something 使有必要做某事 make it necessary /ˌmeɪk ɪt ˈnesə̇səriǁ-seri/ [verb phrase] make it necessary to do something the heavy rain made it necessary to close several roads. 大雨使得有必要封闭几条马路。 by 1870, larger ships and cargoes made it necessary to create a new port at avonmouth. 到1870年,大轮船和大批的货物量使埃文河口有必要建立一个新的港口。make it necessary for somebody to do something recent violence has made it necessary for security forces to take drastic measures. 近来的暴力事件使安全部门有必要采取严厉的措施。 necessitate /nɪˈsesəteɪt, nəˈsesəteɪt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal to make it necessary for you to do something, especially something that is difficult or that you would prefer not to do 【正式】使有必要[尤指做难做的或不愿做的事] sales have dropped dramatically, necessitating cuts in production and employment. 由于销量锐减,必须减产和裁员了。necessitate doing something the proposed festival would necessitate closing university avenue between 14th and 24th streets northwest. 计划中的节庆活动必须将大学路西北面的14号街到24号街实行封路。5. something that is needed 所需要的东西 need /niːd/ [singular noun] if there is a need for something, that thing is needed 需要,需求 need for carlton acknowledged that there was a need for stricter safety regulations at some of the sites. 卡尔顿承认,有些工地上需要有更严格的安全条例。need to do something the need to improve teaching standards is recognized; however, it is not something that is going to happen overnight. 教学标准需要提高这是人所公认的,但是,那不是一夜之间就能实现的事。feel the need to do something feel that you need to do something 觉得需要做某事 don't you ever feel the need to take a vacation? 你从来就不觉得需要休假吗? necessity /nɪˈsesəti, nəˈsesəti/ [countable noun] something that you must have for your job or for your life, not something that you only have for pleasure [工作或生活中的]必需品,必需的东西 i would say that tv has become more a necessity than a luxury, wouldn't you? 我觉得电视机变成了一种必需品,而不再是奢侈品了,你说呢?the bare necessities the most important and necessary things such as clothes and food 基本必需品 for several years, the family was forced to make do with just the bare necessities. 这家人有好几年都只能靠基本的必需品生活。 requirement /rɪˈkwaɪəʳmənt/ [countable noun] the amount or level of something that it is necessary to have, especially one that has been officially decided or is officially advised [尤指正式规定或建议的]需求量;所要求的程度 the average daily food requirement for an adult is between 2000 and 3000 calories. 成人平均每天的食物需求量是2,000到3,000卡路里。come up to/meet/satisfy a requirement reach the necessary level or amount 达到/符合/满足要求 for the second year in a row, the city's water supply has failed to meet minimum purity requirements. 本市的供水已经连续第二年没有达到最低要求的纯净度。6. when a job or activity needs a particular quality 工作或活动需要某种品质 need /niːd/ [transitive verb not in progressive] british if a job or activity needs a particular quality, you must have that quality in order to do it well 【英】需要 teaching children to read needs a lot of patience and skill. 教孩子阅读需要极大的耐心和技巧。 it must have needed a great deal of self-discipline for you to lose so much weight in such a short time. 这么短的时间内你体重减轻那么多,这一定需要很大的自我约束能力。 what are the qualities that are needed for the job? 做这工作要有什么样的品德? take /teɪk/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive] if a job or activity takes a particular quality, or a lot of time, money, effort etc, you must have that quality or spend a lot of time etc in order to do it 需要[某种品质或许多时间、钱、精力等] don't get discouraged. learning a new language takes a lot of effort. 别泄气,学习一门新的语言需要花很多精力。it takes something to do something it took us about five months to sell our house. 我们花了大约五个月的时间把房子卖掉。 it takes strength and stamina to be a long-distance runner. 要成为长跑运动员需要体力和毅力。 require /rɪˈkwaɪəʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal if a job or activity requires a particular quality, you have to have that quality in order to do it well 【正式】要求,需要 a lot of patience is required to look after a disabled child. 照顾残疾儿童需要很大的耐心。 as any couple will tell you, marriage requires commitment and sacrifice from both partners. 任何一对夫妻都会告诉你,婚姻需要夫妻双方共同的承诺和牺牲。 call for /ˈkɔːl fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive] if doing something difficult calls for a particular quality or a particular type of behaviour, you must have that quality or behave in that way in order to succeed in doing it 需要[某一品质或某类行为来做困难的事] the times crossword calls for a certain amount of literary knowledge. 《泰晤士报》上的填字游戏需要有一定的文学知识。 launching a new product is a highly complicated business, and careful planning is called for. 新产品打入市场是件很复杂的事,需要精心策划。7. to provide something that is needed or wanted 提供所需所想的东西 meet/satisfy a need /ˌmiːt, ˌsætə̇sfaɪ ə ˈniːd/ [verb phrase] if someone or something meets or satisfies a need, they give people what they need or want 满足需要 public transportation here has failed to meet the community's needs. 这里的公共交通不能满足本社区的需要。meet/satisfy a need of it's extremely difficult for one teacher to meet the needs of 16 students in a class when each is working at a different level. 要一个老师去满足一个有16名学生的班级的需要,而学生的程度又各不相同时,那是极其困难的。satisfy a basic human need belief in god or a supreme being seems to satisfy some basic human need. 信仰上帝或某个至高无上的力量似乎满足了人类的某种基本需求。 meet requirements also fulfil requirements british /fulfill requirements american /ˌmiːt rɪˈkwaɪəʳmənts, fʊlˌfɪl rɪˈkwaɪəʳmənts/ [verb phrase] if someone or something meets or fulfils the requirements that have been set for them, they reach the standards that are necessary, especially standards that have been officially decided 达到要求[尤指达到正式规定的标准] beginning in april, street vendors will be required to meet a tough new set of requirements. 从4月份开始,街头小贩必须遵守严厉的新规定。meet requirements for the group has been notified by school officials that it no longer meets the requirements for a voluntary student organization. 这个组织接到校方的通知,说他们已不再符合自发学生组织的要求。 meet demand /ˌmiːt ðə dɪˈmɑːndǁ-ˈmænd/ [verb phrase] to provide enough quantities of a product so that everyone who wants one can have one [产品]满足需求 record stores are finding it difficult to meet the demand for the group's latest cd, greasy pole. 唱片店发现该演唱组合新出的cd唱片《油竿》供不应求。meet demand for ford announced that it has increased production to meet demand for its new range of sports utility vehicle. 福特公司宣布,他们已提高产量,以满足消费者对新的运动型多功能汽车系列的需求。 fill a need /ˌfɪl ə ˈniːd/ [verb phrase] if something fills a need, for example a new product or service, it gives people something that they have wanted but which they have not been able to have until now [新的产品或服务等]满足需要 fill a need for the restaurant fills a need for good healthful food and for a good place to meet. 这家餐厅满足了人们对好的健康食品和约会场所的需要。 this handsome book fills a need for a clear children's guide to the african-american tradition of kwanzaa. 儿童需要一本让他们清楚了解非裔美国人的宽扎节传统的指南,这本精美的书正好满足这个需要。8. when you do not need something 不需要某物 don't need /ˌdəʊnt ˈniːd/ [verb phrase] to not need something or someone 不需要 do you want these text books? i don't need them any more. 你需要这些教科书吗?我已经不需要了。 listen, people with disabilities do not need or want your pity. 听着,身体有残疾的人不需要,也不想要你的同情。 according to mahoney, the company did not need the cash, but was selling the division in an effort to streamline its operations. 据马奥尼说,公司并不是需要钱,出售这个部门是为了精简经营架构。 spare /speəʳ/ [adjective usually before noun] use this about something which you do not need now, but which is available so that you can use it later or let someone else use it 备用的;多余的 we have two spare tickets for the game - do you want to come? 这场比赛我们有两张多余的票—你们想去吗? some couples will start married life in a spare room at the home of one set of parents -- usually the bride's. 有些夫妻刚结婚的时候住在其中一方父母家的一个备用房间里—通常是新娘的家里。spare change it seemed like every time i turned around, some bum was hitting me up for spare change. 好像每次我一转身,就会有乞丐向我要零钱。 can do without also can manage without /kən ˌduː wɪðˈaʊt, kən ˌmænɪdʒ wɪðˈaʊt/ [verb phrase] to not need someone or something, because you can live normally or do what you need to do without them 可以不需要,可以没有[而正常地生活或做自己想做的事] we should be able to manage without you for a few days. 你不在,我们也应该能应付几天。 ‘i can do without alcohol, but i can't do without the cigs,’ o'hare wheezed. “我可以没有酒,但不能没有烟。”奥哈拉喘着气说。 have no use for /ˌhæv nəʊ ˈjuːs fɔː/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to not need someone or something because you no longer use them or cannot think of a way of using them 不需要;没有用处 the fish spend their lives in darkness, and, having no use for eyes, are totally blind. 这种鱼一生都生活在黑暗之中,眼睛没有用处,所以完全是瞎的。 if society has no use for old people, is it any wonder that older people feel that their lives are without meaning? 如果社会不需要老人,老人能不感到自己的生活没有意义吗? have no need of /ˌhæv nəʊ ˈniːd ɒv/ [verb phrase not in progressive] formal to not need something 【正式】不需要 japan has its own space program and has no need of american technology. 日本有自己的航天计划,不需要美国的技术。 can dispense with /kən dɪˈspens wɪð/ [verb phrase] formal to not need to use or do something that you usually use or do, because it is no longer necessary 【正式】不再需要[经常使用的东西或经常做的事] the company decided that it could dispense with the middle management level altogether. 公司决定中级管理层统统不要也可以。dispense with the formalities to not use formal or very polite behaviour, such as introducing people to each other 不必拘礼 we all know each other here, so i think we can dispense with the formalities. 我们相互都认识,所以我想我们就不必客套了。9. not necessary 没有必要的,不是必需的 unnecessary/not necessary /ʌnˈnesəsəriǁ-seri, nɒt ˈnesəsəriǁ-seri/ [adjective] if something is unnecessary or not necessary, you do not need to have it or do it 不是必需的,不必要的 don't fill your report with unnecessary information. 报告里不要满是无用的信息。 a lot of the expenses that he's claiming seem totally unnecessary. 他报销的许多费用好像完全是没有必要的。it is unnecessary/not necessary to do something it's not necessary to spend a lot of money on clothes to look good. 花很多钱买衣服打扮自己是没有必要的。 unnecessarily [adverb] i think you're worrying unnecessarily. just relax. 我觉得你的担心是多余的,放心吧。 hardly necessary /ˌhɑːʳdli ˈnesə̇səriǁ-seri/ [adjective phrase] british not necessary at all - use this when you are surprised that someone thinks something is necessary 【英】根本没有必要[对某人认为某事有必要的想法表示吃惊] they asked to see my passport, my driver's license, and my bank card, which was hardly necessary. 他们要看我的护照、驾驶证,还有银行卡,这完全没有必要。 at first glance, it seems hardly necessary to make another film about van gogh. 乍一看,再拍一部梵高的电影似乎完全没有必要。 needless /ˈniːdləs/ [adjective usually before noun] use this to describe bad things that are unnecessary because they could easily have been prevented or avoided 不必要的,多余的 ‘i am very saddened by this needless loss of life,’ the president said at a news conference tuesday. “对于这种无谓的人命损失,我感到非常悲痛。”总统在星期二的新闻发布会上说。 he accused the local council of allowing a needless tragedy, through a policy of not fitting smoke detectors to council houses. 他指责地方议会不在市建住房里安装烟雾报警器的政策酿成了一场不必要的悲剧。 needlessly [adverb] each week, over 250,000 children die needlessly from starvation and disease. 每个星期都有超过250,000名儿童因饥饿和疾病而白白死去。 gratuitous /grəˈtjuːɪtəs, grəˈtjuːətəsǁ-ˈtuː-/ [adjective usually before noun] done for no reason, and seeming shocking or offensive 无端的,无正当理由的 gratuitous violence/insults/cruelty etc the network refused to televise the film because it contained too much gratuitous violence. 这家电视网络公司拒绝播放这部影片,因为它含有太多无谓的暴力。 it was a completely gratuitous insult -- i hadn't said anything to offend her. 这根本是个无端的侮辱——我没说什么冒犯她的话。 |
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