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单词 odour
释义 odour noun (bre) (name odor) adjective | verb + odour/odor | odour/odor + verb | preposition adjective➤foul, offensive, unpleasant难闻的/令人作呕的/令人不爽的气味▸➤musty, stale霉味;难闻的气味▸➤pungent, strong刺鼻的/强烈的气味▸➤faint淡淡的气味▸➤sweet芬芳的气味▸➤characteristic, distinct, distinctive, familiar, unmistakable特有的/明显的/独特的/熟悉的/不会被弄错的气味➤strange奇怪的气味▸➤body体臭verb + odour/odor➤smell闻到味道◆i smelled the distinct odour of something burning.我明显地闻到了东西烧焦的糊味。➤emit, give off, produce排出/散发出/产生气味➤eliminate, remove清除/去除气味odour/odor + verb➤come from sth, emanate from sth气味从⋯散发出preposition➤odour from来自⋯的气味◆odours from the local brewery当地啤酒厂散发出的气味odour (bre) (name odor) noun  ➡ see also the entry for smell另见 smell 条odour ♦︎ stench ♦︎ smell ♦︎ stink ♦︎ reekthese are all words for an unpleasant smell.这些词均表示难闻的气味、臭味。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达气味难闻的程度odour ○ smell ○ stink ○ stench ○ reekpatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an odour / a stench / a smell / a stink / a reek of sth◆an acrid odour / stench / smell / stink◆a foul / putrid / powerful odour / stench / smell◆a pungent odour / smell / reek◆to give off an odour / a stench / a smell◆an odour / a stench / a smell / a stink / a reek fills sth◆an odour / a stench / a smell / a stink comes from sth■ odour (bre) (name odor) /əʊdə(r); name oʊdər/ [countable] (rather formal, especially written) a smell, especially a strong unpleasant one(尤指难闻的强烈)气味;臭味◆there was an odour of decay in the house.房子里有一股腐烂的气味。◆use this spray to remove everyday household odours.使用这种喷剂去除平时家里的异味。◆he suffers badly from body odour.他有严重的体臭。■ stench [singular] (especially written or literary) a very strong unpleasant smell臭气;恶臭◆the stench of rotting fish filled the hut.棚屋里充满了烂鱼发出的臭味。◆the stench of death and decay hung in the air.空气里弥漫着死亡和腐烂的臭气。ⓘ a stench is probably the strongest and most unpleasant of these smells. stench is used especially in literary writing to describe smells connected with bodies and death; collocates include blood, death, decay, fear, sweat, urine and rotting meat/flesh/fish/vegetables. * stench 大概是这些气味中最强烈和最令人不快的,尤用于文学作品中,描述跟尸体和死亡有关的气味,搭配词有 blood、death、decay、fear、sweat、urine 和 rotting meat/flesh/fish/vegetables。■ smell [singular] (rather informal, especially spoken) an unpleasant smell难闻的气味;臭味◆what's that smell?这是一股什么臭味?◆yuk! what a smell!哎哟!多难闻的气味!◆see if you can get rid of that smell.看你能不能除掉那股臭味。  ➡ see also smelly → smelly ▸ smell verb [intransitive] ◆it smells in here, can you open a window?这儿有一股难闻的气味,你开一扇窗户好吗?■ stink [singular] (informal) a strong unpleasant smell恶臭;难闻的气味◆what a stink! open the window!太臭了!打开窗户!◆the room was filled with the stink of sweat and urine.房间里弥漫着难闻的汗味和尿味。 ➡ see also stinking → smelly ▸ stink verb [intransitive] (informal) ◆her breath stank of garlic.她嘴里有股大蒜味。◆it stinks of smoke in here.这儿有股难闻的烟味。■ reek [singular] a very strong unpleasant smell恶臭;臭气◆the reek of gunpowder and smoke grew stronger.火药和烟雾的难闻气味越来越强烈了。ⓘ a reek is nearly as strong as a stench but it does not have such a strong connection with death. * reek 表示的浓烈程度几乎与 stench 一样强,但跟死亡没有那么紧密的关联。▸ reek verb [intransitive] ◆his breath reeked of tobacco.他满嘴烟臭味。odour (bre) (name odor) /əʊdə(r); name oʊdər/ [countable] (rather formal, especially written) a smell, especially a strong unpleasant one(尤指难闻的强烈)气味;臭味◆there was an odour of decay in the house.房子里有一股腐烂的气味。◆use this spray to remove everyday household odours.使用这种喷剂去除平时家里的异味。◆he suffers badly from body odour.他有严重的体臭。odour/ˈəʊdə(r) ||; ˈodɚ/(us 美 odor) noun [c] (formal 正式) a smell (often an unpleasant one) (常指难闻的)气味 odoursee ⇨ smell 1,3 o·dour /bre 【英】, odor ame 【美】 /`odə; ˈəʊdə//n [c]a smell, especially an unpleasant one 气味; [尤指]臭气




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