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单词 jigsaw
释义 jigsaw noun (bre)  ➡ see also puzzle adjective | ... of jigsaw | verb + jigsaw | jigsaw + noun | phrases adjective➤giant, huge巨大的拼图▸➤200-piece, etc. * 200 块等的拼图... of jigsaw➤bit, piece一块拼板;一片拼图◆one piece of the jigsaw is still missing.拼图还少一片。verb + jigsaw➤do玩拼图游戏◆i used to enjoy doing jigsaws.我过去喜欢玩拼图。➤piece together (figurative) 把⋯拼合到一起◆the police managed to piece together the jigsaw and reconstruct the victim's last hours.警方成功地将线索拼在一起,重现了受害人生前最后几个小时的情景。➤finish完成拼图jigsaw + noun➤puzzle拼图玩具▸➤piece拼图中的一块phrases➤a piece in a jigsaw (figurative) 其中一环◆this is another piece in the jigsaw that will help us understand the disease.这是帮助我们了解这种疾病的另一关键点。jigsaw/ˈdʒɪgsɔ: ||; ˈdʒɪgˌsɔ/(also jigsaw puzzle) noun [c] a picture on cardboard or wood that is cut into small pieces and has to be fitted together again 拼图游戏 ☞picture at sport 见sport插图 jig·saw /`dʒɪgˏsɔ; ˈdʒɪɡsɔː/ also 又作 jigsaw puz·zle /ˈ·· ˌ··/n [c]a game consisting of a picture that has been cut up into many small pieces that you try to fit together again 拼图游戏




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