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单词 diy
释义 diy /diː aɪ waɪ/ abbreviation (especially bre) do-it-yourself (used as an uncountable noun 用作不可数名词) the activity of making, repairing or decorating things in the home yourself, instead of paying sb to do it 自己动手做◆these tools are available from most diy stores. 这些工具在大多数自己动手做用品店买得到。◆castorama, the french diy chain 喀斯特拉玛 ── 法国自己动手做用品连锁店 syn home repair ▸ diy'er noun [countable]☞ diydiy/ˌdi: aɪ ˈwaɪ ||; ˌdi aɪ ˈwaɪ/abbr do it yourself; the activity of making and repairing things yourself around your home (在家里)自己动手制造物品,自己动手修理物品: ◇a diy expert 自己动手做东西的专家 diy /ˏdi aɪ `waɪ; ˌdiː aɪ ˈwaɪ/n [u]bre do-it-yourself; the activity of building, repairing, or decorating parts of your house yourself 【英】 自己动手[建筑、修理、装饰房子] ☞ diy




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