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单词 divulge
释义 divulge /daɪvʌldʒ/ [transitive] (formal) to give sb information that is supposed to be secret泄漏,透露(秘密)◆police refused to divulge the identity of the suspect.警方拒绝透露嫌疑犯的身分。ⓘ divulge is often used in the negative, or with a verb that has a negative meaning. * divulge 常用于否定句,或与含否定之意的动词连用。divulge/daɪˈvʌldʒ ||; dəˈvʌldʒ/verb [t] (formal 正式) to tell sth that is secret 泄露秘密: ◇the phone companies refused to divulge details of their costs. 电话公司都拒绝透露他们各项费用的细节。 divulgesee ⇨ tell 11 di·vulge /də`vʌldʒ; daɪˈvʌldʒ/v [t]to give someone information, especially about something that is secret 泄漏[秘密],透露[消息]:◇doctors should never divulge confidential information. 医生决不可泄漏病人的隐私。




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