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单词 replenish
释义 replenish /rɪplenɪʃ/ [transitive] (formal) to make sth full again by replacing what has been used补充;重新装满◆sailors used the islands to replenish their food and water supplies.水手利用这些岛屿来补充食物和水。note 辨析 refill or replenish?you usually refill a container, but replenish a supply of sth. with a drinking glass you can use either word, although replenish is much more formal. * refill 通常指将容器重新装满,replenish 则指补充供给。这两个词均可表示将玻璃杯重新斟满饮料,但 replenish 要正式得多。replenish/rɪˈplenɪʃ ||; rɪˈplɛnɪʃ/verb [t] (formal 正式) replenish sth (with sth) to make sth full again by replacing what has been used 补充;重新装满: ◇to replenish food and water supplies 补充食物和水的供应replenishsee ⇨ full 4 re·plen·ish /rɪ`plɛnɪʃ; rɪˈplenɪʃ/v [t]formal to make something full or complete again 【正式】 再填[装]满[某物]




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