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单词 diversion
释义 diversion noun¹ 1change of direction方向的改变adjective | verb + diversion | preposition adjective➤brief, short (especially bre) 短距离的转向▸➤major (especially bre) 重大转向➤water分水;引水verb + diversion➤make, take转向◆from poiso we make a short diversion to drive to the top of the mountain.从普瓦索我们绕了一小段路以便开车到山顶。preposition➤diversion from从⋯引向◆the diversion of water from the river into the reservoir把水从河引入水库➤diversion to转向⋯◆the pilot set the aircraft up for a diversion to the nearest suitable airfield.飞行员调整好飞机,飞向距离最近的适合降落的机场。diversion noun² 2 (bre) temporary route临时路线  ➡ see also detour adjective | verb + diversion | diversion + verb adjective➤temporary临时支路◆a temporary diversion has been set up to take traffic away from the accident site.已经设定临时支路,以便车辆绕过事故现场。➤traffic交通支路verb + diversion➤set up设立支路▸➤signpost给支路设路标◆the road will be closed for two days; diversions have been signposted.这条路将封闭两天,已用路标标出绕行路线。diversion + verb➤be in operation支路在使用中◆the main road is now closed and diversions are in operation.主路现已封闭,支路可以通行。diversion noun³ 3distraction注意力的转移adjective | verb + diversion | preposition adjective➤welcome令人愉快的转移注意力的事物verb + diversion➤create, provide转移注意力◆the fire was started to create a diversion, allowing some prisoners to escape.放火是为了转移人们的注意力,让一些囚犯越狱。preposition➤diversion from从⋯转移注意力◆tv provided a welcome diversion from our routine.电视很好地调节了我们的刻板生活。diversion noun⁴ 4pleasant activity娱乐消遣adjective | verb + diversion adjective➤fun, nice, pleasant有趣的/不错的/令人愉快的消遣▸➤little, minor (especially bre) 散心verb + diversion➤make, provide作为/提供消遣◆the party would make a pleasant diversion in his rather dull social life.这个聚会可以非常好地调剂一下他相当沉闷的社交生活。 diversion /daɪvɜːʃn; name -vɜːrʒn/ noun [countable, uncountable] diversion (from sth) (into/to sth) the act of changing what sth is used for or of using sth for a different purpose from what was intended 转换;变更;偏转◆the diversion of revenue away from product research 将收入从产品研究转移到别处 (economics 经济学; marketing 营销) (also product diversion) the situation when goods that are supplied to be sold in a particular area or place are sold in a different area or place, more cheaply than when they are bought from an official local supplier 产品销售市场转移(往往销往更为便宜的市场)◆many big clothing brands suffer from diversion of their products. 许多大型服装品牌因产品转移市场而遭受损失。◆the diversion of cheap drugs intended for poor countries to rich countries 面向贫穷国家的廉价药品向富有国家的转移☞ diversiondiversion /daɪvɜːʃn; name daɪvɜːrʒn/ [countable] (rather formal) something that takes your attention away from sb/sth while sth else is happening转移注意力的事情◆for the government, the war was a welcome diversion from the country's economic problems.政府欢迎这场战争,因为它转移了人们对国家经济问题的关注。◆a smoke bomb created a diversion while the robbery took place.劫案发生时,一枚烟雾弹转移了人们的视线。▸ divert verb [transitive] ◆the war diverted people's attention away from the economic situation.战争把民众的注意力从经济形势转向其他方面。diversion/daɪˈvɜ:ʃn ||; daɪˈvɝʃən/noun1. [c,u] the act of changing the direction or purpose of sth, especially in order to solve or avoid a problem 改变方向或目的(尤以解决或避免问题): ◇the diversion of a river to prevent flooding 使河流改道以防止泛滥: ◇the diversion of government funds to areas of greatest need 将政府资金调拨给最急需的地区 2. [c] (us 美 detour) a different route which traffic can take when a road is closed (道路封闭时临时使用的)绕行道: ◇for london, follow the diversion. 去伦敦者,走这条绕行道。 3. [c] something that takes your attention away from sth 分散注意力的东西: ◇some prisoners created a diversion while others escaped. 有些囚犯分散看守的注意力,其他的就乘机逃走。 diversionsee ⇨ trick/deceive 3 di·ver·sion /də`vɜʒən; daɪˈvɜːʃən/n 1. [c] something that takes your attention away from something else 转移注意力的事物,声东击西的手段:◇create a diversion the prisoners created a diversion so the others could escape. 这些囚犯声东击西,帮助其他囚犯逃脱。 2. [c,u] a change in the direction or purpose of something 转移,变更:◇+ of the diversion of resources into education 将财力物力转到教育上来 3. [c] bre when traffic has to use a different road because the usual way is blocked 【英】 [道路堵塞时的]分流,改道




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