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单词 regret/not regret
释义 regret/not regret1 to wish you had not done something2 what you say when you wish that you had not done something3 something that you wish you had not done4 when you think someone else will wish they had not done something5 to not regret doing something6 what you say when you are sorry to have to tell someone some bad news7 with a feeling of sadness because you wish a situation was differentrelated wordsto tell someone you are sorry 告诉某人你感到抱歉 sorry/apologize,see alsounfortunately,1. to wish you had not done something 但愿自己未做某事 be sorry/feel sorry /biː ˈsɒri, fiːl ˈsɒriǁ-ˈsɑːri/ [verb phrase] to feel sad, embarrassed, or annoyed about something bad or stupid that you have done, and wish you had not done it 感到遗憾;感到抱歉;感到难过 be sorry/feel sorry that aunt jean always felt a little sorry that she had never had children. 琼阿姨一直没有子女,她总是感到有点遗憾。 i was sorry i ever agreed to go with them. 很抱歉我答应了和他们一起去。be sorry/feel sorry for sorry for something bad that you have done 为…感到抱歉 i am sorry for any embarrassment i may have caused. 我为我所造成的尴尬感到抱歉。be sorry/feel sorry about sorry about something that has happened 对.…感到抱歉 richardson said she was very sorry about the incident. 理查森说她对这次意外感到非常抱歉。 regret /rɪˈgret/ [transitive verb] to wish that you had not done something, especially because it has bad results that affect you for a long time 后悔;感到遗憾[尤指此事的不良结果在很长一段时间内都影响着你] it was a stupid thing to say, and i immediately regretted it. 这话说得很愚蠢,我立刻就感到后悔了。 the owners said they regretted the decision to close the store, but felt unable to do otherwise. 店主说他们对关闭该店的决定感到很遗憾,但又别无选择。regret (that) i think she regrets now that she never went to college. 我想她现在对没去上大学感到后悔了。regret doing something i have always regretted giving up my piano lessons. 我对放弃学钢琴一直很后悔。deeply regret regret very much 深表遗憾 the public health ministry said it deeply regretted the error. 公共卫生部表示对此失误深表遗憾。 wish (that) you had/hadn't done something /ˌwɪʃ (ðət) juː həd, hædnt ˈdʌn something/ [verb phrase] to feel that you have done the wrong thing, and wish that you had behaved differently 希望当初做/没做某事 i wish i had told him the truth. 要是我把实话告诉了他就好了。 i wish i'd realized earlier how much money i could save. 但愿我早点知道我能积存多少钱就好了。 she wished now that she had not agreed to go to the party. 现在她真希望自己没同意去参加聚会。 regret /rɪˈgret/ [uncountable noun] a feeling of sadness that you have when you think you have done the wrong thing, especially because it has bad results that affect you for a long time 遗憾,悔恨[尤指此事的不良结果在很长一段时间内都影响着你] my main regret is that i never finished my college degree. 我最大的遗憾就是未能完成大学学位课程。sigh/expression/feeling of regret ‘i was too young to know what i was doing,’ said martha with a deep sigh of regret. “当时我还太年轻,不知道自己在做什么。”玛莎深深地慨叹道。express regret officers expressed regret about the boy's death. 警方对男孩的死表示遗憾。2. what you say when you wish that you had not done something 表示但愿自己未做某事的说法 why did/didn't i do something /ˌwaɪ dɪd, dɪdnt aɪ ˈduː something/ spoken say this when you feel you have done the wrong thing, because things would have been better if you had done something differently 【口】为什么我会/没有做某事 why did i say i'd clean the car? it's going to take hours! 我干嘛说我来洗车?那要花许多时间! he's such an idiot! why did i ever find him attractive? 他简直是个白痴!我怎么会觉得他有吸引力? i'm so stupid. why didn't i just write it down? 我真笨。我当时干嘛不把它写下来? i could've kicked myself/i've been kicking myself etc /aɪ ˌkʊdəv ˈkɪkt maɪself, aɪv biːn ˈkɪkɪŋ maɪselfǁ-bɪn-/ spoken say this when you are very sorry about something you have said or done, for example something embarrassing or upsetting, or something you did not want people to know 【口】我真懊悔不及;我真该死 i could've kicked myself when i realized she was standing right behind me. 当我意识到她就站在我后面时,我真懊悔不迭。 i have kicked myself every day since then for not checking again to see that the doors were locked. 从那以后,我天天都在懊悔没有再检查一遍门有没有锁上。3. something that you wish you had not done 你但愿没做的某事 regret /rɪˈgret/ [countable noun] my one regret is that i never visited the taj mahal when i was in india. 我有个遗憾,就是在印度时没去游览泰姬陵。 her biggest regret is that she turned down a job with gardner's in 1985. 她最大的遗憾是1985年时回绝了加德纳公司的一份工作。 i knew that if i didn't make a clean break with victor i should be filled with regrets for the rest of my life. 我知道如果我不和维克托一刀两断,那我会后悔一辈子的。4. when you think someone else will wish they had not done something 当你认为他人会希望未做某事时 somebody will be sorry / somebody wɪl biː ˈsɒriǁ-ˈsɑːri/ spoken use this to say that someone will later regret what they have done, because something bad will happen as a result of their actions 【口】某人会后悔的 ed, you'll be sorry you ever said that. 埃德,你会为自己说的话后悔的。 if you don't start studying for your exams, you'll be sorry later. 如果你还不开始为考试作准备,以后你会后悔的。 somebody will live to regret it / somebody wɪl ˌlɪv tə rɪˈgret ɪt/ spoken use this to say that someone will regret what they have done at a later time, especially a few years from now 【口】某人将来会后悔的 he may think leaving his wife for the other woman is a good idea, but he'll live to regret it. 他可能觉得为了另一个女人而离开妻子是个好主意,但将来他会后悔的。 if you put all your money in this real estate deal, i guarantee you'll live to regret it. 你如果把所有的钱都投进这笔房地产交易,我敢肯定你以后会后悔的。 somebody will be laughing on the other side of their face/mouth / somebody wɪl biː ˌlɑːfɪŋ ɒn ði ˌʌðəʳ saɪd əv ðeəʳ ˈfeɪs, ˈmaʊθǁ-ˌlæf-/ spoken use this to say that although someone is happy about what they have done now, they will wish they had not done it later 【口】某人将来会后悔的;某人会转喜为忧 you'll be laughing out of the other side of your face when i start making money with this. 当我开始用这个赚钱时,你就会后悔了。5. to not regret doing something 不后悔做某事 not regret /nɒt rɪˈgret/ [transitive verb] even though this year has been a difficult one, i have never regretted my decision. 尽管这一年过得艰难,我对自己的决定也从不后悔。not regret doing something i still miss him sometimes, but i don't regret breaking up with him. 我有时仍想他,但我不后悔跟他分手。not regret it it's worth trying to save a little every month -- you won't regret it. 每个月储蓄一点是值得的一你不会后悔的。 not be sorry /nɒt biː ˈsɒriǁ-ˈsɑːri/ [verb phrase] to not feel sorry that you did something, especially when other people think you should 不感到后悔;不感到难过[尤指别人认为你应该难过时] not be sorry (that) i'm not sorry i never got married -- i'm only sorry i didn't have any children. 对没有结过婚我并不遗憾一我只是遗憾没有孩子。not be sorry to do something she wasn't sorry to leave her job. 她对辞职一点都不后悔。not be sorry about richards says she still isn't sorry about making jokes about the president. 理查兹说她仍不后悔拿总统开玩笑。not be sorry for i'm not sorry for what i said. somebody had to tell the truth, even if people don't like it. 我对自己说的话不后悔。即使有人不喜欢听,也总得有人说出真相。 have no regrets /hæv ˌnəʊ rɪˈgrets/ [verb phrase] to be glad that you did a particular thing or that things happened in a particular way 没有遗憾的;毫不后悔 i'm glad i left britain and came to live in the us. i have no regrets. 我很高兴离开了英国到美国来生活。我毫不后悔。 she had decided to have the baby and had no regrets about her decision. 她已决定把孩子生下来,对这个决定她无怨无悔。have few regrets even though it's hard work they have few regrets about setting up their own business. 虽然工作很辛苦,但他们不后悔成立了一家自己的公司。 somebody would do the same (thing) again/somebody would do it again / somebody wʊd duː ðə ˌseɪm θɪŋ əˈgen, somebody wʊd ˌduː ɪt əˈgen, somebody wʊd ˌduː ɪt əˈgen/ spoken use this when you are not at all sorry that you did something, especially something important in your life 【口】某人还是会这么做[尤指自己生命中重要的事] ‘are you sorry you left home so young?’ ‘oh no, i'd do the same thing again.’ “你这么小就离开家,后悔吗?”“噢,不后悔,如果再选择一次我还是会这么做的。” he insulted me, so i hit him. and i'd do it again. 他侮辱了我,我就打了他。我不后悔这么做。 julia doesn't regret having ben, and if she could turn the clock back she'd do the same again. 朱莉娅不会后悔选择了本,如果时光能倒流的话,她还是会这样做的。 i wasn't always happy, but i'd do it again if i had the chance. 我并非总是开心的,但有机会的话我还是会这么做。 i wouldn't change a thing /aɪ ˌwʊdnt tʃeɪndʒ ə ˈθɪŋ/ spoken say this when you do not regret a situation that happened in the past, even if it involved problems or if it upset you at that time 【口】我并不后悔[即使当时有困难或心烦意乱] sure, i was devastated when harry went back to his wife, but even so i wouldn't change a thing. 没错,哈里回到妻子那里去时我伤心欲绝,但即使这样的话,我也并不后悔。6. what you say when you are sorry to have to tell someone some bad news 不得不对某人说出坏消息时表示抱歉的说法 i'm sorry /aɪm ˈsɒriǁ-ˈsɑːri/ ‘could you lend me a couple of pounds, katy?’ ‘sorry, i don't have any money.’ “你能借我几英镑吗,凯蒂?”“抱歉,我没钱。” i'm sorry that i can't help. 很抱歉我帮不上忙。i'm sorry to do something i'm sorry to have to tell you that your grandmother is in hospital. 我很抱歉得告诉你,你祖母住院了。 regret /rɪˈgret/ [transitive verb] used in formal letters and official announcements giving someone some bad news 遗憾,惋惜;抱歉[用于正式信件和官方公布] the airport announced that due to bad weather all flights were cancelled, and they regretted any inconvenience this would cause. 机场广播说由于天气恶劣,所有航班都已取消,给乘客带来不便,他们感到非常遗憾。regret to inform/tell/say etc the management regrets to inform you that your contract will not be renewed next month. 资方很遗憾地通知你,你的合同从下月起不再续签了。 i regret to say that a number of statements made by the department were incorrect. 我得很遗憾地说该部门的一些说法是不正确的。7. with a feeling of sadness because you wish a situation was different 由于希望情况不是这样而心情难过 with regret /wɪð rɪˈgret/ [adverb] he spoke with regret of his decision to leave office. 他说起自己决定放弃公职时很后悔。 people who've left the town and then returned notice the changes most, sometimes with regret. 那些离开城镇然后又回去的人最容易注意到所发生的变化,有时会感到遗憾。with deep/great regret with a lot of regret 深感/非常遗憾 we have accepted her resignation with deep regret. 我们接受了她的辞职,感到非常遗憾。 regretfully /rɪˈgretfəli/ [adverb] if you say or do something regretfully, you say or do it sadly because you do not want to say or do it 遗憾地[说或做某事] ‘we'd better go back,’ she said regretfully, ‘before it rains.’ “我们最好还是赶在下雨前回去吧。”她遗憾地说道。 a news release issued by the singer's publicist said he had ‘regretfully’ severed all ties to the band because of ‘creative differences’. 该歌手的宣传员在一份新闻稿上说,由于“创作理念的差异”,他只得“遗憾地”与乐队断绝一切关系。 regretful [adjective] he sounds more regretful than angry when he talks of his divorce. 他说到自己的离婚时,听起来是后悔多于气愤。




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